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Poems by Virginia Mitchell

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Below are poems written by United States poet Virginia Mitchell. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Virginia Mitchell.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
02/05/2016 Time 1399 List
11/22/2013 A Sad Thanksgiving Senryu 1083 Senryu
11/05/2012 In the Valley of the Mountains 639 Free verse
10/24/2012 Am I Frightened 844 Rhyme
10/16/2012 At the Point of Departure 646 Free verse
06/13/2012 When Love Dissolves 661 Free verse
04/03/2012 You Do Not Always Get What You Want 763 Rhyme
04/01/2012 Valley of Decision 453 Free verse
02/20/2012 The Transformation 1040 Acrostic
01/15/2012 Broken Love 742 Free verse
11/12/2011 Puzzle 1279 Cinquain
11/05/2011 There Once Was a Woman From Japan 1533 Limerick
11/04/2011 The Ultimate Honor 729 Free verse
10/30/2011 The White Pumpkin 1226 Rhyme
10/24/2011 October 612 Acrostic
09/05/2011 I'M Orange 820 Dizain
08/31/2011 Return To Genesis 621 Couplet
08/12/2011 Visions At Hand 1099 Rhyme
02/25/2011 Earth Changes Season Haiku 1436 Haiku
02/23/2011 Haiku: What My Eyes See 1273 Haiku
01/13/2011 Extinct Dinosaurs 1842 Haiku
12/27/2010 Today 668 Rhyme
11/23/2010 The Captain's Cry 1151 Pantoum
11/23/2010 Halloween Limerick Contest 1626 Limerick
11/23/2010 Death Shall Nay Be Here 729 Pantoum
09/29/2010 Week Daze: Not a Poem, But Word Play : ) 1211 I do not know?
09/09/2010 Halloween 1326 Haiku
08/27/2010 Fruit of Seduction 877 Alliteration
08/26/2010 A Kitty-Cat Poem 1634 Couplet
08/26/2010 Prayers For Lori 783 Acrostic
08/25/2010 Beauty Remembered 670 Tanka
08/24/2010 There Once Was a Lawyer 1421 Limerick
08/19/2010 Deserted 653 Free verse
08/11/2010 I Go Where My Feet Take Me 1409 Rhyme
08/08/2010 Save-A-Lot Tennessee 1199 Rhyme
08/08/2010 The Birds and the Bees 1358 Acrostic
08/08/2010 Thank You 758 Monorhyme
08/06/2010 Nature Haiku 1083 Haiku
08/06/2010 Beauty In the Eyes of the Beholder 965 Tanka
08/05/2010 There Once Was a Lady... 1357 Limerick
07/28/2010 Spilled Milk 889 Light Verse
07/24/2010 Christmas In July 1021 Lyric
07/23/2010 Higher 679 Personification
07/23/2010 Stoned 1138 List
07/19/2010 My Music List 672 List
07/17/2010 Dogma Delivery 830 ABC
07/12/2010 Live, Laugh, Love 1152 Acrostic
07/11/2010 Ted Fed the Crocs 1032 Limerick
07/11/2010 Stan's Not Taking Anymore Dares 1453 Limerick
07/10/2010 Needing You 845 Free verse
07/10/2010 Seduced, Or Not? 651 Light Verse
07/08/2010 Dying Embers 734 Verse
07/08/2010 The Storm 602 Personification
07/08/2010 To Embrace Life 562 I do not know?
07/07/2010 Fault Line 617 Light Verse
07/06/2010 Praying Mantis Haikus, Contest 2052 Haiku
07/05/2010 Of Dreams 546 Free verse
07/05/2010 Luna, My Love 867 Personification
07/05/2010 One More Day, Lord 998 Sonnet
06/30/2010 Oh! Dear Gawd! 1262 Senryu
06/29/2010 November 22, 1963 901 Free verse
06/28/2010 Imperative 606 Free verse
06/28/2010 Love; a Subject of Conversation 436 Light Verse
06/28/2010 A Tale of My Life 708 Rhyme
06/27/2010 Harsh Lesson 561 Free verse
06/26/2010 Book (Acrostic) 680 Acrostic
06/26/2010 Approaching Storm 708 Light Verse
06/26/2010 Sally Got a Plan 737 Rhyme
06/26/2010 The Moon 766 Diamante
06/26/2010 The Answer 537 Free verse
06/26/2010 I Wonder No More 609 Free verse
06/26/2010 A Tale of My Life 661 Rhyme
06/25/2010 Free Trip; Footle (2) 401 Light Verse
06/24/2010 Free Trip; Footle 896 Light Verse
06/22/2010 Secret Sin 1074 Limerick
06/21/2010 In the Garden of Eden 852 Rhyme
06/03/2010 From Dream To Dream 575 Free verse
03/09/2010 Silly Lilly 970 Limerick
03/06/2010 Easter 568 Acrostic
03/02/2010 New Twist On Peter Piper 829 Alliteration
02/25/2010 A Mermaid Tale 1107 Limerick
02/20/2010 Ghost Tides Contest 751 Haiku
02/20/2010 My Favorite Things 505 Free verse
02/19/2010 When Darkness Grows 524 Free verse
02/19/2010 Time; Is It a Friend of Mine? 387 Light Verse
02/19/2010 Raul Moreno's Contest; Awaiting Dawn 412 Haiku
02/18/2010 Inspired By Raul Moreno's Picture/Contest 702 Haiku
02/06/2010 Love Wins 1144 Rhyme
02/06/2010 My Job 759 Blank verse
02/04/2010 The Sentinel 584 Prose Poetry
02/02/2010 Of Butterflies 607 Free verse
02/01/2010 My Strength 605 Rictameter
01/29/2010 Friendless 768 ABC
01/28/2010 Home 465 Acrostic
01/27/2010 Interval 644 Rictameter
01/27/2010 Temperament 623 Rictameter
01/27/2010 Wash Day 753 Rictameter
01/26/2010 Outside the Box 522 Rondeau
01/25/2010 Reminiscent Heart 501 Sonnet
01/25/2010 Waiting For Spring 738 Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry