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A Request - Eileen Manassian's Blog

About Eileen Manassian
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I guess you could say I'm a citizen of the world. I've traveled....and I've lived parts of my life in Iran, Lebanon, the US, and Cyprus. I am proud of my Armenian heritage. I was born in Tehran, Iran and soon after that, my family went to the States for my dad to work on his MA degree and many years later, to work on his Ed.D. I have a lot of the Middle East and the West in me, and at times....I feel confused about my identity. I do, however, cling to my Armenian roots and am outspoken about recognition by the world of the Armenian Genocide that took place over 100 years ago.

Since my parents had no common language, the language spoken in our home was English. Yes, I am most fluent in English, and I think, dream, and converse in that language, though I do speak 5 other languages to varying degrees! :)

I am melancholy/sanguine by nature and feel everything very keenly. My highs are SUPER HIGH...and my lows...SUPER LOW! I guess you could say...I'm INTENSE. I'm passionate about poetry to the point of obsession.

The events that have colored my life are the death of my mother due to MS and the war in Lebanon. As a child, it was hard for me to come to grips with the fact that my mother was ill, and to see her go from being a vibrant, well-loved teacher to a wheelchair bound, isolated woman was a very harrowing experience. I do believe, though, that there is a resurrection day and that, by His grace, I will see my Mama fully of wheelchair, able to sing, laugh, and smile again. The war in Lebanon...bombs landing all around, nights spent in bomb shelters.. has also scarred me to some degree.

What I'm most proud of? That would be my daughter...Shereen Natalie Ghali. She is the light of my life. Her name in Farsi means SWEET! :)

Currently, I teach English at Middle East University in Beirut, Lebanon. Poetry Soup has been a haven for me....most of the time! ;) I've developed amazing friendships here that are very genuine and real. My dream is to one day have my name on a volume of poetry! One can always dream....Thank you for making the effort to get acquainted. God bless!


A Request

Blog Posted:11/28/2017 3:16:00 PM

Dear Soupers,

Hope all is well with you all. I'm sorry I haven't been as active lately. I have some health issues and a very heavy teaching schedule. Please be patient with me in replying to your posts.

I want to ask you all a BIG favor. I have three students in my English I Composition class who have recently joined the site. They are also members of my reading club. They love writing, and I would really appreciate it if you look them up and commented on their work. Their names here are the following:

Anonymous Anonymous

Antonia A.

Wilson, Benya

I'd be so happy if you gave them a warm welcome. These girls are my babies, and I so want to encourage them to develop their writing skills and immediate feedback is so important. Do give them advice...but be gentle. They want to grow, so they are open to suggestions...just ease them into it.

You won't see me commenting on their work because I want them to be free to express their innermost feelings without having their "teacher" checking them out.

Thanks ever so much. I'll be traveling to Cyprus for the next four days, so I will respond when able, but please visit them. That will make my happy.

Blessings and love,


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Date: 1/6/2018 2:44:00 PM
How are your students enjoying being here at the soup?
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Date: 12/4/2017 6:33:00 AM
Hope I do get time to visit them, Eileen, all the best for your travel:)
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Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 12/5/2017 9:03:00 AM
Thank you, Jo. I'm glad, but I'm finding it hard to get back into the swing of things. I appreciate the comment.
Date: 12/3/2017 6:31:00 PM
Happy Holy Days dear - so nice to see & hear from you!
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 12/4/2017 12:22:00 AM
Thank you, Debbie. Good to hear from you too. I would appreciate it if you took the time to visit my girls. Blessings.
Date: 11/30/2017 8:09:00 AM
I ll be glad to look at their poems
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 12/4/2017 12:23:00 AM
Thank you, Faraz. Much appreciated. :)
Date: 11/29/2017 4:32:00 PM
Happy to look up their work.
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Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 12/4/2017 12:24:00 AM
Thank you, Richard. It was fun to spend time with my dad and step-mom. I needed a break. I'm often tired and listless. I find it hard to get through the day. My husband's travels don't help my mental state. Anyway...thanks for reading the girls. I appreciate it, dear.
Lamoureux Avatar
Richard Lamoureux
Date: 11/29/2017 4:34:00 PM
Have fun on your trip. So sorry to hear you are dealing with health issues. Hugs Rick
Date: 11/29/2017 8:14:00 AM
Eileen. I am way behind here, but if I get the time later this weekend, for sure I will visit them!
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Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 12/4/2017 12:26:00 AM
Thank you, Andrea. I appreciate it, dear.
Date: 11/29/2017 12:12:00 AM
More than happy too!!!
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 12/4/2017 12:26:00 AM
Thank you, Arthur. You're a dear. Hugs

My Past Blog Posts

Happy Birthday, Richard!
Date Posted: 9/8/2024 3:37:00 AM
How is this Possible?
Date Posted: 8/1/2024 2:16:00 AM
Where Poetry Goes, I Follow
Date Posted: 5/16/2020 10:01:00 AM
Happy Birthday, Richard
Date Posted: 9/8/2019 2:23:00 AM
Greetings and Apologies and Explanations
Date Posted: 10/11/2018 12:09:00 AM
Happy Birthday Paul Callus, My Collaborator
Date Posted: 2/16/2018 3:51:00 AM
A Request
Date Posted: 11/28/2017 3:16:00 PM
Happy Birthday, Richard Lamoureux
Date Posted: 9/8/2017 2:47:00 AM
Voices for Change
Date Posted: 8/23/2017 9:44:00 AM
POTD and Thanks
Date Posted: 8/9/2017 4:24:00 AM
Just a Note
Date Posted: 8/7/2017 9:08:00 AM
Prayers for Broken Wings
Date Posted: 6/7/2017 5:08:00 PM
A Message From Flo
Date Posted: 5/18/2017 12:54:00 AM
Charming Charmaine
Date Posted: 5/1/2017 8:44:00 AM
In The Midst of Life, We are in Death
Date Posted: 4/27/2017 5:00:00 AM
Words set to Music
Date Posted: 3/7/2017 2:14:00 AM
Happy Birthday, Mr Seal
Date Posted: 3/1/2017 1:54:00 PM
Date Posted: 1/26/2017 1:54:00 PM
The Love of a Friend
Date Posted: 1/13/2017 3:25:00 PM
On Brazil...Tattoos...Hacksaw Ridge and Weight Loss!
Date Posted: 11/17/2016 7:44:00 PM
Happy Birthday, Richard...
Date Posted: 9/8/2016 6:55:00 AM
Happy Birthday, Demetrios Trifiatis
Date Posted: 8/15/2016 1:45:00 AM
Double Whammy! (The Power of Words & I'm a Youtuber now!)
Date Posted: 5/20/2016 6:33:00 PM
Happy Birthday Mama Bear
Date Posted: 5/18/2016 5:35:00 AM
In Joy and in Sorrow
Date Posted: 5/2/2016 12:09:00 PM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
9/17/2024 Positively Sure Sonnetblessing,uplifting,
9/11/2024 Show Me Your Justice Dramatic Monologuegod,judgement,
8/9/2024 It's Always the Drummer Quatraincute love,dance,music,pas
7/31/2024 The Rape of Lebanon Rhymeanxiety,war,
7/27/2024 I Miss- for Contest Rhymefeelings,friendship love,
7/25/2024 Live or Die Politics Quatrainjesus,leadership,politica
7/22/2024 Held Hostage Rhymebreak up,dream,recovery f
7/21/2024 He Rules in Splendor Personificationhappiness,how i feel,natu
7/18/2024 Love Stronger than Silence Free versepoetry,silence,
7/17/2024 Celebrity Crush Free versecelebrity,feelings,hero,s
7/13/2024 Heal, Little Heart Free verselove,self,
7/10/2024 Against My Will Rhymelonging,loss,lost love,
7/9/2024 The Making of a Genocide Rhymecorruption,death,
7/8/2024 Packing and Unpacking Pain Rhymeloneliness,marriage,pain,
7/7/2024 Take Me Away Dramatic Monologuepassion,
7/6/2024 My Rescuer Rhymedestiny,hero,relationship
6/15/2024 Poems Past Rhymecommunity,feelings,friend
6/14/2024 The Treasure Box Haibundeath,longing,loss,mother
6/9/2024 God, Tell Me Why Rhymeangst,christian,death,god
6/7/2024 Obsession's Redemption Dramatic Monologuecrush,feelings,passion,se
5/27/2024 I Wish I Were Beautiful Dramatic Monologuebeautiful,beauty,poetess,
5/22/2024 I Wish You Knew Dramatic Monologuehero,inspirational love,t
5/12/2024 Yours Narrativedesire,first love,kiss,
5/4/2024 The Seasons of Our Love Dramatic Monologuelonging,lost love,nostalg
5/3/2024 I Hate this World Quatrainanger,angst,planet,world,
4/29/2024 My Favorite Star Rhymecrush,dedication,tribute,
4/8/2024 Unruly Thoughts at Play RhymeLullaby,nostalgia,romanti
4/3/2024 When Moon is Full Blank verseabsence,lost love,
10/15/2023 Poets Are a Funny Lot Rhymepoetry,poets,
9/23/2023 Romantic Reminiscence Rhymehow i feel,romance,
9/6/2023 Why Leave So Soon? Rhymedeath,student,tribute,
9/5/2023 I Loved You Once Rhymelonging,lost love,romance
7/25/2023 This Too Shall Pass Quatraincourage,mental health,
7/25/2023 My Mental Health Rhymeanxiety,mental health,
1/15/2023 I Miss You Rhymelonging,lost love,
12/4/2022 I Want You Free versedesire,longing,passion,
9/25/2022 The Passing Dramatic Monologuefeelings,passion,
1/24/2022 The Introverted Mood of Night Rhymeheartbroken,lost love,
10/19/2021 Where Will He Sleep Tonight Rhymechild,pain,poverty,
6/4/2021 It Was Easy Free versemother daughter,relations
3/27/2021 Forgotten Dramatic Monologuefeelings,friendship,
6/16/2020 Free Lebanon Today Acrosticconflict,courage,
6/5/2020 Never Silent Free versediscrimination,judgement,
5/14/2020 To the Fallen of Covid 19 Iambic Pentametertribute,
5/7/2020 Fireflies Or Fairies Rhymeimagination,longing,love,
4/27/2020 Lockdown Lockout Rubaiyatloneliness,marriage,solit
4/15/2020 Don't Come Around Quatrainpoetry,poets,pride,writin
4/14/2020 A Sweeter Scent Sedokamental illness,
3/31/2020 The Worst of Deaths Sonnetdark,death,loss,love hurt
3/27/2020 Through Alleys of My Mind Sonnetlonging,lost love,
3/19/2020 Where Poppies Grow Iambic Pentameterdevotion,longing,
3/6/2020 The Fickle Fate of Friendship Rhymeappreciation,forgiveness,
3/6/2020 Heaven's Gift Rhymedaughter,love,
2/3/2020 Poetry Soup Ponderings Rhymecommunity,encouraging,
10/25/2019 Some Things Never Change Rhymedaughter,love,
9/26/2019 A Rush of Emotions Rhymeinspirational love,relati
9/16/2019 Let Them Sing Their Love Songs Rhymelove,song,
7/11/2019 Life Personificationlife,
6/7/2019 In Response To Dylan Thomas Villanellelife,perspective,tribute,
4/17/2019 This Easter Rhymeinspirational,religious,
12/13/2018 This Thing Called Love Iambic Pentameterlove,
11/20/2018 The Day You Gently Let Me Go Rhymelost love,
10/10/2018 Dancing Desire Free versedesire,
9/23/2018 Blame It On the Cat Free versemetaphor,missing you,
8/28/2018 Undressed- a Collaboration Rhymelonging,passion,
8/2/2018 Be Silent Dramatic Monologuepassion,poetry,
7/16/2018 You Keep Me Grounded Narrativefriendship,
7/5/2018 To Albert Bandura: I Wish You Knew Iambic Pentametertribute,
6/28/2018 A Gentle Slam Dramatic Monologuecommunity,poetry,poets,
6/26/2018 Celestial Sphere Blank versepassion,
6/18/2018 They Ask Me Why I Love You Lyrici love you,
6/15/2018 You Are My Poem of the Day Dramatic Monologuepoems,poetry,poets,
6/15/2018 You Wear Away At Me Dramatic Monologueheartbreak,how i feel,
6/6/2018 A Wordless Sky Rhymepoems,poetess,poetry,
6/5/2018 I Miss You Quatraindaughter,i miss you,
6/1/2018 All That Remains Rhymebetrayal,lost love,
5/30/2018 The Markle Sparkle Enclosed Rhymecelebration,princess,wedd
5/29/2018 My Need For Love Dramatic Monologuehow i feel,longing,love,r
5/28/2018 My Lover's Words Rhymesensual,
5/8/2018 My Wonder of Wonders Rhymelove,
5/8/2018 It Is Not So Easy For Me Dramatic Monologuehow i feel,truth,
5/5/2018 The Ghostland Dramatic Monologuecommunity,poets,
5/4/2018 Hersheys Kisses In My Bed Rhymesensual,
5/4/2018 I Wish That I Were Limerickpassion,sexy,
4/28/2018 In Memory of You Iambic Pentameterdeath of a friend,
4/15/2018 The Unseen Conflict Iambic Pentameterconflict,
3/19/2018 I Mark the Years Rhymetribute,
3/14/2018 Shoes On the Lawn Dramatic Monologuedeath,loss,
3/11/2018 Ashley G Couplettribute,
3/11/2018 You Made Your Bed Rhymelost love,
3/3/2018 Should I Return Sonnetpoetry,
1/28/2018 The Veil I Wear Dramatic Monologueanalogy,identity,
1/18/2018 Oldies Are Goldies Free versenostalgia,relationship,re
1/16/2018 My Message To Trump Iambic Pentameterpolitical,truth,
12/15/2017 This Time of Year- For Jean Jack Iambic Pentameterloss,mother,
12/11/2017 Chinks In the Armor: a Collaboration Rhymepassion,
12/10/2017 Persian and Proud Rhymehow i feel,identity,
11/23/2017 Unsayable Coupletmystery,
11/22/2017 Existentialist Examiner Dramatic Monologuehumanity,identity,voice,
11/21/2017 For the Children of Yemen Dramatic Monologuewar,

My Photos



Fav Poems

The Wedding Ring Quatrainangst,marriage,night,
Feelings Epigramimagination,introspection
In Your Poems Free versededication,words,
The Mirror Is a Liar Rhymededication,metaphor,
The Perfect Womens Club Free versewomen,change,
Super Soupers Prosefantasy,writing,girl,me,p
If I Were Asked Epigramgirlfriend,love,wife,
Powerless Villanellelove,me,dream,dream,magic
Snowflakes Epigramangel,grief,love,
Love Returned Senryulove,
The Dream I Live Epigramdevotion,dream,love,
Cliches Debunked Quatrainhappiness,humorous,old,bi
Space Rhymedream,space,
Locked In a Jar Terzanellelove,heart,dark,dark,hear
Forever Demands Nonetlove,universe,
Ghost Guitar Coupletlove,
What Is This Space Quatrainblue,inspirational,
The Real You Senryudevotion,
Paint Your Dreams On a Canvas Free verseart,beautiful,inspiration
A Placid Lake Epigramintrospection,philosophy,
A Thousand Dark Secrets Dramatic Verseanger,angst,bereavement,p
Fireflies Haibunlove,nature,me,light,ligh
Beyond Infinity Free verseintrospection,universe,
Lifegivers Response Free versebible,celebration,drink,j
Walk a Mile Free versephilosophy,
Friend Free versefriendship,perspective,
Red Is the Colour of Passion Free verselove,lust,passion,
Articulation of Tears Free versehope,life,sad,
Warrior Princess Terzanellefantasy,
Haiku Versus Rhythm and Rhyme Haikuon writing and words
Every Now and Then Lyriclove,miss you,
The Ghost of You, a Love Letter Free versebeautiful,loneliness,love
Mirage Free verselife,lost,love,
A Dream Weaved Free versebeautiful,celebration,for
Torchlight Free versebeautiful,love,romance,
I Touch Your Existence Light Verselove,
Lament Rhymedestiny,sad,
How I Miss You Free versepassion,romantic,
In Search Free versebeautiful,bible,god,
She Whispered Light Verseinspirational,life,women,
Away Free verselife,
Icarus Rejoice Free verseart,beauty,love,
The Mighty Hand Blank versegrief,life,mystery,
Little Star Light Verselove,memory,
Bengal Personificationnature,
Clerihew Soup Clerihewtribute,
My Insolent Heart Free verseaddiction
Hurricane Eileen - the Storm I do not know?dedication,
The Aha Moment Haikudeath,
Fire Rises Rhymepassion,passion,
Initiative Free versefriendship,life,longing,l
Half of a Heart Concretehealth,heart,
My Ultra Babe - Balladbeauty,desire,devotion,lo
Warm Solar Love Free verselove,moon,romance,romanti
Life Prose Poetrylife,love,philosophy,
The Huntress Free versebeautiful,desire,love,
Shabbat Shalom Free versebeautiful,devotion,love,r
Love Can Smile Balladlove,
Cinder Girl Rhyme 
My Mind a Ship In Darkness Free verseadventure,,Lullaby,
Hands of Light Pantoumfaith,god,heartbroken,hop
A Mountain's Challenge Free verseintrospection,life,
My Friend Free verseabsence,angst,blue,
To Be With You - Balladdesire,
Cross My Heart Acrosticlove,
A Quivering Heart Rhymelove,life,
That's Good Enough For Me Rhymefamily,marriage,proposal,
Rebel Girl Balladbeautiful,beauty,best fri
Bewitched By Beauty Free versedream,romance,romantic,
The Teacher Free verseteacher,,literature,
Unspoken Words Quatrainwords,
Five Stars Quatraindedication,poems,
Kiss the Wind Light Versebeauty,cry,desire,love,
Paint With Fire Acrosticappreciation,beauty,desir
Rosebuds Free verseromance,rose,
Marhaba Light Verseheaven,history,mystery,
Hidden Key Free versecreation,dance,dream,univ
Lately I'Ve Been Feeling Like: Free verserelationship,
That Exquisite Moment Narrativelove,romance,
Fool the World Light Versephilosophy,poetry,
On Sunday Morning Free versebody,desire,love,soulmate
The Question Mark Light Verselife,success,
King Sun and Goddess Sea Coupletsea,summer,
Ugly Acrosticbeautiful,image,
Unlimited Narrativelove,
Figment Free versebeautiful,
The Big Bang Free versebeautiful,creation,love,s
Another Man's Clothes Free verseintrospection,
Charmileen Acrosticpoetry,poets,
Beauty Abides Blank versebeautiful,desire,dream,em
Lost In the World of Lonely Lyriclost love,
Flower Song Free versebeauty,love,romance,
Casse - Broken Light Verseconfusion,cute love,heart
Stardust Drench Me Versehope,imagination,
The Book of Her Body Balladlove,
Opened Book Free versebooks,emotions,metaphor,
True Hearts Beating Terzanellededication,love,beautiful
Betty Boop From Beirut Quatraindedication,love,
The Cutter Free verseconfusion,depression,suic
Rainbow Symphony Free versecolor,

Fav Poets

Richard Lamoureux Canada Flag Canada Read
Ilene Bauer United States Flag United States Read
Demetrios Trifiatis Greece Flag Greece Read
Donna Jones United States Flag United States Read
Harry Horsman Australia Flag Australia Read
Heather Ober Canada Flag Canada Read
Richard D Seal United States Flag United States Read
Painted Hunter United States Flag United States Read
Andrea Dietrich United States Flag United States Read
Poet Tacito United States Flag United States Read
Kash Poet India Flag India Read
Ken Carroll United States Flag United States Read
Jack Ellison Canada Flag Canada Read
Arthur Vaso Canada Flag Canada Read
Liam Mcdaid Ireland Flag Ireland Read
Charmaine Chircop Malta Flag Malta Read
Tim Ryerson United States Flag United States Read
Paul Callus Malta Flag Malta Read
Mel Merrill United States Flag United States Read
Justin Bordner United States Flag United States Read
Tim Smith United States Flag United States Read
Maurice Yvonne Canada Flag Canada Read
David Meade United States Flag United States Read
Kik Lil Ireland Flag Ireland Read
Emile Pinet Canada Flag Canada Read
Kp Nunez Philippines Flag Philippines Read
Laura Breidenthal United States Flag United States Read
Lin Lane United States Flag United States Read
Frederic Parker United States Flag United States Read
Casarah Nance United States Flag United States Read
Suzanne Delaney United States Flag United States Read
Jan Allison Isle Of Man Flag Isle Of Man Read
Eileen Manassian _Not Listed Flag _Not Listed Read

Book: Shattered Sighs