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Poets Are a Funny Lot

Poet's Notes

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A Wordless Sky

Poets are a funny lot they come for what is sizzling hot Compassionate? Most times they're not! they give your rhymes a decent shot curious to see what you have got compare and contrast on the spot criticize the missing dot or hyphen, but they miss the plot! Poets are a greedy group they want to know the latest scoop what's hidden in the PS soup their crypitc words an endless loop they are the lyric writing troop to help the fallen, most won't stoop won't stick around till you recoup Poets are a selfish kind they only want what feeds the mind your friendship's based on what they find within your words that heal or bind to check on you, they're not inclined to care for you, they're not designed "Read me, read me," they remind "Who cares you've fallen far behind in life, just write...or please resign we're here for that which is refined!" Poets just like you and me like to feel that we are free we lack the basic empathy to reach into reality and ask, "What else but poetry is in your life? Please let me see your heart to intimate degree." There's more to life, don't you agree? So show true love's sincerity, and check on every absentee Let's strive to keep community Eieen Manssian PS This poem is a little tongue in cheek. I've been away from here for quite some time, ocassionally posting to try to fit in again. Very few have asked about me. I've been going through very difficult times and have been struggling on many fronts. Very few will understand the meaning of one's silence. However, I know I can't expect care when I haven't extended it to others. I've been absent and haven't visited, so this poem is for all of included as I'm a poet as well. Let's remember: there are people behind the lines. There are stories behind the names as pseudonyms.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 6/13/2024 1:30:00 PM
Some even criticise the missing apostrophe lol be back soon x
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 6/13/2024 2:10:00 PM
Glad to see a sign of life, Mr. Richard D Seal. Someone has to look out for you. ;)
Date: 4/4/2024 2:20:00 PM
Poetry Soup is too big a family to keep count of those coming and going, but probably, we expect close acquaintances to notice our absence or at least miss our poetry. Your poem, dear Eileen, delves into the minds of us poets whilst offering food for thought. ~ Regards & hugs // paul
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Date: 3/27/2024 5:34:00 AM
Dropping by to say hi. It has been a long time since you have been here.
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Date: 3/21/2024 12:40:00 PM
Hi Eileen, how are you feeling these days, I hope you are coping OK? Just popped in to say hello, and sending((( Big Warm Hugs))) your way.... Don't give up! Xxx
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Date: 3/1/2024 10:22:00 AM
I am touched and I am moved my dear friend Eileen..Thanks for getting our attention with this poem to care more for one another in a sweet way..This year is one of the toughest for us too.I lost my favourite uncle,and another is in Itu.My in-law got ill..and my grandma needs help at home..On a positive note..I have been blessed with breathing every morning is a blessing.I really wish you better days sweet Eileen.You are in my daily prayers x
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Date: 2/4/2024 11:42:00 AM
Dear poetess, I truly hope where ever you are that you are safe and well. I am reading this late and am very guilty myself of not staying in touch with so many others on this site who are such great mentors and poets. Life truly does get in the way a lot. I do appreciate your gift and hope when things settle, you can continue writing.
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Date: 1/1/2024 9:56:00 PM
Hi Eileen, with all of the craziness in this world especially in the Middle East (I'm guessing you are still in Lebanon), I've been thinking about you and how difficult things must be for you there. Things that I'm afraid I can't imagine. Please, allow me to ask you, how are you?
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Date: 1/1/2024 5:29:00 PM
I hope you had a lovely New Years Eve. Blessings to you and your family.
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Date: 12/15/2023 8:05:00 AM
A quick note to say hi. Merry Christmas to you and those you love. Hugs Rick.
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Date: 11/26/2023 3:59:00 AM
Ha. Very good. I find myself teaching via my poems way too much. You did it much more delicately than I do. Thank you.
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Date: 11/15/2023 4:00:00 PM
Hello Eileen. I remember you telling me of your struggles. Poets are people. People are fickle. Poets are fickle. Somehow most of us manage to gel, but not all. Wishing you a peaceful and happy week
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Tom Woody
Date: 11/20/2023 1:49:00 PM
Some deal with stress by pouring it into their writing. Maybe it can help?
Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 11/18/2023 2:31:00 AM
I'm tired. Frankly. But it's OK. I'll try to keep on keeping on. Frankly, the stress of it all is compounded by worry of war. Can't go through that again. Thanks for passing by.
Date: 11/9/2023 9:02:00 PM
I am at fault my friend. I have just been in silence to everyone. I hope you are far away from the war going on and not getting the backdraft. You are a beautiful and worth friend. Love and hugs
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 11/18/2023 2:34:00 AM
Thanks, sweet Eve. We have all sorts of evacuation plans in place should things spoil over into Lebanon. Reminds me of our escape to Cyprus during the civil war. The condition of things in this part of the world is so heart wrenching. My heart aches. Longing for peace. Sending you love.
Date: 11/7/2023 2:07:00 PM
Hello Eileen. It’s nice to meet you and say hello. Your poem is very well written and poignant. A very heartfelt, thoughtful write and something to reflect upon especially the last few lines. Sending warmest wishes to you and hope you will post more. Smiles to you :):)
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 11/18/2023 2:39:00 AM
Thank you for your visit. It's an honour for me to have you read my work. I'll be by to visit you soon.
Date: 11/6/2023 6:13:00 AM
Dropping by with a hug and prayer.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 11/18/2023 2:35:00 AM
You're always there for me. Thank you
Date: 10/31/2023 4:01:00 PM
For me this is the exact opposite of how I see poets. Myself I believe I have read and commented on every poem you have posted here. I am one of your biggest fans. It saddens me to hear you are not doing well.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 11/18/2023 2:38:00 AM
And I am one of your biggest fans, Richard. Always was... always will be. Thank you.
Date: 10/19/2023 7:46:00 PM
But you made it entertaining and that counts. I read you for this reason when most put me a sleep. Or let AI pick out their words. I wish we had a bad list so I could avoid them.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 11/18/2023 2:40:00 AM
Hi! Thanks for reading and always being gracious in your comments. I appreciate it.
Date: 10/16/2023 4:44:00 PM
Hi Eileen, No need to apologize for why you haven't been here or commenting. Our life outside of the soup trumps all. I hope you are doing well my friend. I have most definitely missed you on the soup. I can vividly recall your “ Romantic” writes( you do them so, and to come to think of it, you just write well). I am happy to see you posting again:-) Alexis
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 11/18/2023 2:41:00 AM
Hey sweetie.. Been better. I'm trying. Thanks for your visit. I hope all is well with you now. Great big hugs
Date: 10/15/2023 4:47:00 PM
I've always found myself on the outside looking in whether in life or here on PS, I have noticed you were missing as are a few others, I found you to be kind and honest with your replies to my poems, for that I am grateful and wish for you nothing but the best...welcome back
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 10/15/2023 4:53:00 PM
So glad to have you here on my page. I've always enjoyed your romantic sonnets, Frédéric. You have a way to capture feelings well. Thank you for your kind words. God bless
Date: 10/15/2023 4:34:00 PM
You can name a style and even make it rhyme. But it's the muse that makes it fine. I missed a few years , uninspired but I 'm back and I think I have my muse back.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 10/15/2023 4:46:00 PM
I'm glad to know you're back. It isn't always easy to get back into the game, is it. Keep writing. Glad your muse is back on the job.
Date: 10/15/2023 7:59:00 AM
Great pen Eileen, really enjoyed it's read and so true in many ways and with nice rhyme and flow too. So glad you're back with us again, I've not been on much recently just been busy and back of time. I hope life is going better for you now, blessings always,Gordon
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 10/15/2023 4:32:00 PM
Thanks ever so much for reading and commenting. It's much appreciated. I myself am guilty a charged, but still... it's nice to be missed. Life isn't better... unfortunately. I live in Beirut and this part of the world is in turmoil yet again. So sad and worrisome. Blessings
Date: 10/15/2023 6:59:00 AM
Always great to see you posting my friend.. people get busy in life, they go through so much, so we go silent... i've only recently returned myself.. I'm sorry for what you have gone through and sorry your friends have not asked about you.. we all go through our own battles, so I dont understand some bullies who like to spread hate and not be kind... Your poem flows and rhymes really well... I came back on here with some new poets and it seems to have upset a few people...
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 10/15/2023 4:37:00 PM
Thanks, SO. I appreciate the visit. With the world being the way it is right now, it would seem that PS would be a place to come to for love and acceptance and community. We are more than the sum total of our poetic output. My mental state has been such that writing and commenting has been overwhelming... so I kept away. I'll come as I am able. Keep writing. There's room for us all here.
Date: 10/15/2023 5:59:00 AM
GUILTY AS CHARGED, Eileen!!! I have been here a long(?) time and have connected with many poetically yet only with few outside that realm. When poets drift away and then return I am always pleased to see them posting again yet seldom inquire as to their absence. Thank you for this "KITA"...
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 10/15/2023 4:40:00 PM
We all are guilty as charged, John. I need a KITA myself. Thank you for reading and commenting. Much appreciated. Yes, there are a few good friends I have outside this realm that I try to keep in touch with. It's helped.
Date: 10/15/2023 5:30:00 AM
So glad you posted this gem, at the end of the day very few folk know what is going on in our lives yet sadly we still get bullied and belittled by one on his about 8th account. I am glad I was able to reach out to you Eileen, sadly soup never changes but rest assured I am here to stay with my poop:-) hugs jan xx
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 10/15/2023 4:43:00 PM
Jan, you've always been considerate, and yes... you've reached out to me and comforted me. Thank you for that. Kindness means so much to me. Yes, Soup still has its issues. I can ascertain as much, but don't ever stop writing. All genres are welcome...poopy or not. Sending love

Book: Shattered Sighs