G'day, my name is Rick, but I prefer Budgie, as Rick was not my birth name. I have been a Rigger most of my life. (Not oil rigger) The kind that works with cranes and steel, erecting factories and skyscrapers. I was raised on a dairy farm as a child until I turned twelve. As a musician and artist, I thought I'd try my hand at poetry, and actually found this site by accident. As a novice, I am here to learn and enjoy reading so many wonderful poets that I am learning from. I am currently on disability for bipolar and find writing very therapeutic. I am an Aussie bloke through and through. Well, that's enough for now, I am generally a man of few words so why change character now! Don't hesitate to criticize my work or just simply ask questions, as I am here to make friends also. May poetic inspiration flow through you all. Awen /|\