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Poems by Paula Swanson

Paula Swanson - LIFETIME Premium Member Paula Swanson - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Paula Swanson. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Paula Swanson.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
11/20/2019 Frail and Fragile Bars 380 Rhyme
08/21/2019 Insomnia 339 Rhyme
12/15/2013 Christmas In the Desert 1949 Rhyme
07/01/2013 Gene Kelly 1955 Rhyme
06/19/2013 Red Sun 1515 Dodoitsu
06/19/2013 As One 1454 Tanka
06/18/2013 Moon Rose 1719 Sonnet
03/03/2013 Surrender 1757 Rhyme
03/03/2013 Thistle Down 1518 Rhyme
11/09/2012 Winter's Blanket 1787 Rhyme
11/03/2012 Memories of Autumn 2456 Pantoum
10/12/2012 Summer's Last Kiss 1647 Rhyme
10/09/2012 Relieved In Ink 1569 Rhyme
10/09/2012 Liquid Pearl 1393 Rhyme
10/06/2012 Whispered Foreplay 1983 Rhyme
09/26/2012 The Depth of Me 1537 Rhyme
09/26/2012 Autumn's Calico Quilt 1637 Rhyme
09/06/2012 Forever There To Read 1538 Rhyme
09/03/2012 Life Is a Dance 2455 Rhyme
09/02/2012 Summer Fun 1812 Rhyme
09/02/2012 Time To Live 1670 Couplet
09/02/2012 Autumn Memories 2330 Acrostic
09/01/2012 Acrostic Love 2167 Acrostic
09/01/2012 Patient Storm 1628 Rhyme
06/18/2012 Nightmare Revisited 1609 Diminished Hexaverse
06/14/2012 It Started With 1700 Sonnet
06/12/2012 A Lifetime Ago Just Yesterday 2019 Rhyme
06/07/2012 Weathered 1420 Free verse
06/01/2012 A Humble Quill 2014 Rhyme
06/01/2012 Fearful Steps 1797 Rictameter
05/11/2012 Persistent Memories 1743 Rhyme
04/30/2012 Teddy's Boo Boo 1912 Rhyme
04/30/2012 Hidden Danger 1602 Rhyme
04/21/2012 With a Sip 1641 Rhyme
04/21/2012 Earth Angel 2057 Rhyme
04/07/2012 Galactic Song 1791 Pantoum
02/09/2012 Spring Sleep 2486 Quintain (English)
01/16/2012 Government 1832 Rhyme
01/12/2012 Mustang 3441 Rhyme
01/10/2012 May Peace Ring New 1748 Quintain (English)
01/09/2012 Wind Swept Mountains 1852 Rhyme
12/19/2011 Silent Night Acrostic 3365 Acrostic
12/12/2011 His Little Boy Inside 1847 Rhyme
12/12/2011 Until I Find My Way Back 2693 Quintain (English)
11/25/2011 They Dry On Their Own 1891 Rhyme
11/05/2011 Waiting Patiently 2317 Haiku
11/04/2011 Happiness 2005 Rhyme
11/02/2011 My Unique Line Is Ps 1611 Verse
11/02/2011 Tree of Love 2808 Italian Sonnet
10/29/2011 A Little Yawn 2633 Rhyme
10/29/2011 One With the Night 1614 Choka
10/29/2011 Amp Me Up 1729 Rhyme
10/29/2011 A Gift of White 1872 Rhyme
10/28/2011 How Do You Feel 1589 Rhyme
10/28/2011 In Anticipation 1622 Verse
10/28/2011 Manifested Palettes 1934 ABC
10/26/2011 Willingly 2042 Quatrain
10/06/2011 Special Occasion Leaves 1885 Rhyme
09/27/2011 Just For Me 1629 Rhyme
09/27/2011 Cast Off Thoughts 1684 Pantoum
09/27/2011 Fall Again 1523 Couplet
09/26/2011 I Was Five Years Old 1736 Rhyme
09/25/2011 Hill Top Prayers 1948 Rhyme
09/24/2011 My Serenity 2044 Rhyme
09/23/2011 Proud Beauty 1855 Verse
09/23/2011 Ode To the Toilet Plunger 2673 Light Verse
09/23/2011 Shadows of the Past 1616 Rhyme
09/19/2011 Welcome Fall 1734 Rhyme
09/18/2011 Penny Serenade 1572 Rhyme
09/18/2011 Seasonal Songs of Trees 1654 Rhyme
09/17/2011 Twilight Eyes 1990 Rhyme
09/16/2011 Natures Contrast 2034 Verse
09/10/2011 Twilight Kiss 2146 Rhyme
09/09/2011 Mournful Cry 1916 Haiku
09/09/2011 Pop 2312 Free verse
09/07/2011 Let Me Be 1487 Dizain
09/01/2011 September Sonnet 2323 Italian Sonnet
08/31/2011 On the Wings of a Kite 1392 Free verse
08/31/2011 Life In a Drop 1548 Free verse
08/31/2011 September Remembered 2139 Acrostic
08/29/2011 My Puddle 1701 Free verse
08/28/2011 And the Door Opens 1488 Pantoum
08/28/2011 Rise Above 1594 Rhyme Royal
08/23/2011 Love Emerged 1942 Pantoum
08/23/2011 Night 1701 Senryu
08/23/2011 Of Watermelons On the Vine and Rock Salt In the Pants 2038 Rhyme
08/23/2011 Dreams Decoded 1472 Rhyme
08/21/2011 Jess and Mike 2370 Narrative
08/20/2011 I Wonder 1580 Rhyme
08/16/2011 Ode To the Rock Wall 1892 Ode
08/12/2011 Life Stories In Wood 1690 Rhyme
08/08/2011 Love On Track 1572 Triolet
08/04/2011 Never Say Never 1794 Free verse
07/31/2011 Sweet Death 3620 Verse
07/31/2011 Eventide Comes 1396 Rhyme
07/31/2011 Murder Sets the Stage 1580 Tail-rhyme
07/31/2011 I Feel the Silent Cry 1826 Rhyme
07/31/2011 Love Is My Heaven 1568 Prose Poetry
07/30/2011 Nature's Gentle Touch 1847 Pantoum
07/24/2011 Hutain Dreaming 2185 Verse


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With rythym from our heartbeat
It's very tempo within our tears
Lyrical nature of chaotic thoughts
At times witnessing our fears

Healing properties a balm
To ravaged hearts and savage souls
Imagery springs to eloquent life
As our emotions, so personal, unfold

Inspiration out of venues as varied
as the many insects on the wing
Flights of fancy or truthful past
To fruition we are compelled to bring

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry