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Poems by Debra L Brown

Debra  L Brown - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Debra L Brown. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Debra L Brown.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
04/10/2022 A Moment In Time 1526 Haiku
04/07/2022 A Treasure Chest 1352 Free verse
04/04/2022 The Poetry Masters 1279 Acrostic
04/02/2022 The Red-Bellied Woodpecker 1187 Free verse
03/31/2022 Exotic Queen 772 Haiku
03/28/2022 Mother Nature's Scolding 1461 Rhyme
03/26/2022 A Bouquet of Flowers 1037 Free verse
03/22/2022 Bulloak Jewel Butterfly 1002 Ninette
03/20/2022 Best Friends 1057 Haiku
03/17/2022 Evicted 1122 Rhyme
03/12/2022 God's Spring Garden 1741 Free verse
03/09/2022 The Holy Bible 469 Verse
03/05/2022 My Butterfly Love 511 Ninette
03/03/2022 Royal Sunflower 904 Haiku
03/02/2022 Spring Thaw 884 Haiku
03/01/2022 Mr Mcwitty 929 Limerick
02/27/2022 Martian On the Moon 677 Limerick
02/24/2022 Life On the Farm 1839 Personification
02/20/2022 Ruby-Throated Hummingbird 925 Ninette
02/17/2022 Spring 1189 Ninette
02/13/2022 Your Valentine 619 Rhyme
02/10/2022 Valentine Day Romance 714 Rhyme
02/08/2022 A Love Letter From the Irs 872 Couplet
02/06/2022 Advice From a Wise Bird 712 Couplet
02/03/2022 Rush Limbaugh 692 Epitaph
02/02/2022 Squirrel's Wedding Day 1189 Haiku
01/30/2022 Peep Show 780 Haiku
01/27/2022 Repent and Believe 2263 Free verse
01/20/2022 God, the Great Creator 1290 Rhyme
01/17/2022 Weather Forecast 701 Haiku
01/15/2022 A Mending of a Heart 646 Rhyme
01/13/2022 My Sweet 749 Haiku
01/11/2022 Miss Pitty Patter 725 Light Verse
01/09/2022 A Ghost of Gettysburg 1426 Quatrain
01/01/2022 Jesus, Come Today 631 Rhyme
12/29/2021 An Inspiration 1207 Haiku
12/28/2021 A New Year Foretold 1779 Rhyme
12/26/2021 A New Year 1121 Haiku
12/20/2021 Jack Frost 889 Quintain (English)
12/15/2021 A Black Lab Named Ken 1026 Rhyme
12/07/2021 Mary and Joseph 762 Acrostic
11/27/2021 A Christmas Wish 1623 Rhyme
11/26/2021 Winter Canvas 881 Rhyme
11/19/2021 Is There Light Lord - Will Man Survive 1124 Rhyme
11/16/2021 Plymouth Colony - Thanksgiving 1190 Narrative
11/05/2021 Mayflower Voyage 1909 Narrative
11/02/2021 The Antique Mirror 973 Narrative
10/26/2021 Dark Shadow 1573 Narrative
10/18/2021 A Tiny Messenger 1543 Narrative
10/14/2021 The Owl and Raccoon 6216 Limerick
10/11/2021 The Harvest Dance 1982 Personification


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I'm married and live in West Virginia.

I enjoy history, genealogy, sewing, and gardening. 

I started writing poetry in the early 2000's.

I became interested in poetry back in high school.when I read a poem called "How Do I Love Thee?" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. This poem made a big impression on me and is my favorite poem. 

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry