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Poems by Simon Hamill

Simon Hamill - LIFETIME Premium Member Simon Hamill - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet Simon Hamill. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Simon Hamill.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
11/08/2023 In the beginning 228 Rhyme
10/27/2023 We Can Restore 236 Free verse
09/04/2023 One For the Lads 281 Verse
08/06/2023 Something To Get Your Teeth Into 517 Limerick
08/06/2023 Fan of Jan 361 Limerick
07/30/2023 I Dream of Thee 385 Rhyme
07/27/2023 One More Day 240 Rhyme
07/16/2023 No Longer There 298 Rhyme
05/15/2023 Me Old Mate 754 Rhyme
04/24/2023 Time Gone Bye 558 Rhyme
03/26/2023 Get It Right 639 Rhyme
01/08/2023 Marriage Proposal 412 Rhyme
12/23/2022 Merry Christmas 457 Rhyme
06/28/2022 Is It Because 659 Rhyme
06/25/2022 Ard Workin Lad 533 Rhyme
06/24/2022 One Day, Will Be To Late 551 Rhyme
05/06/2022 A Novel Idea 641 Rhyme
04/09/2022 Write For Life 418 Quatrain
03/31/2022 Weather You Want It Or Not 428 Couplet
03/29/2022 Stolen Loves Life Sentence 566 Rhyme
03/10/2022 The Weatherman Says 1085 Rhyme
02/17/2022 Hurry Up 504 Limerick
02/17/2022 Mick On the Sick 420 Limerick
02/08/2022 A Conversation With Mickey 420 Rhyme
02/04/2022 One Step Back Two Steps Forward 469 Rhyme
12/02/2021 Fate of Man 348 Rhyme
11/20/2021 My Old Van 836 Rhyme
11/13/2021 Someone Will Have Toupee For This 413 Verse
10/23/2021 A Quiet Break, Continued, 381 Quatrain
10/20/2021 A Quiet Break 491 Quatrain
10/19/2021 Shades 745 Rhyme
10/02/2021 Why 769 Rhyme
09/30/2021 Last Goodbye 487 Couplet
09/28/2021 Please Let Me Out 388 Free verse
09/26/2021 Festival of Samhain 485 Couplet
09/23/2021 Crime Dunt Pay 649 Rhyme
09/19/2021 Flower 347 Acrostic
09/17/2021 A Gardeners Revenge 500 Rhyme
09/16/2021 Smelly Feet 342 Rhyme
09/12/2021 All True Honest 540 Rhyme
09/12/2021 Wonderful Site 265 Rhyme
09/06/2021 My Biopsy 419 Rhyme
09/04/2021 United Through Adversity 374 Rhyme
08/27/2021 Feels Like Yesterday 244 Rhyme
08/21/2021 On the Farm 337 Light Verse
08/14/2021 Technology Really 573 Rhyme
07/16/2021 Please Forgive Me 362 Rhyme
07/09/2021 An Extra Pocket 471 Rhyme
07/08/2021 Beautiful People 479 Rhyme
07/07/2021 Magic In Our Lives 357 Rhyme
07/05/2021 On the Line 356 Rhyme
07/03/2021 Scary Little Things 381 Couplet
07/03/2021 Still My Heart 478 Rhyme
06/28/2021 Every Day 441 Rhyme
06/28/2021 The Gift That I Give You 359 Rhyme
06/22/2021 It's All In a Name 442 Rhyme
06/11/2021 Solitude 327 Rhyme
06/05/2021 Island Dream 338 Rhyme
05/30/2021 I Need To Know 391 Rhyme
05/26/2021 Passion Survives 398 Acrostic
05/21/2021 Miss You Wife 788 Rhyme
05/14/2021 Night of Your Life 360 Rhyme
05/12/2021 If I 460 Rhyme
05/10/2021 Challenges 297 Rhyme
05/08/2021 Ballet On My Lawn 340 Free verse
05/01/2021 I Try To Resist 918 Diamante
04/21/2021 Beautiful Lady 462 Rhyme
04/21/2021 The Vision of Me 323 Rhyme
04/03/2021 That's a Big One 760 Rhyme
03/26/2021 Never Give In 413 Rhyme
03/17/2021 What We Do For Love 626 Quatrain
02/26/2021 Our New Adventure 518 Rhyme
02/21/2021 My Alchemy Phase One 496 Rhyme
02/20/2021 Modern Day Heroes 730 Free verse
02/05/2021 No More Cigs 407 Rhyme
02/02/2021 An Orphans Cry 380 Rhyme
01/26/2021 Waste At Christmas 415 Rhyme
01/23/2021 I'Ve Done It 442 Rhyme
01/23/2021 The Devil 429 Rhyme
01/09/2021 What Was That 531 Rhyme
01/08/2021 A Better Future 528 Rhyme
12/31/2020 If I Was Younger 532 Rhyme
12/31/2020 Twenty Twenty One 334 Rhyme
12/31/2020 Busy,Busy,Busy 466 Quatrain
12/31/2020 Our Best Friends 442 Rhyme
12/21/2020 One More Sleep 437 Rhyme
12/12/2020 Why We Do It 519 Rhyme
12/08/2020 My New Feathered Friend 414 Rhyme
12/07/2020 Gonna B Hot 1247 Alliteration
12/05/2020 Who Has the Right 614 Free verse
12/05/2020 Snooker Mad 1043 Rhyme
11/23/2020 Assessments Rhyme 519 Acrostic
11/21/2020 Love Hurts 650 Acrostic
11/21/2020 Disasters Bring Life 975 Haiku
11/19/2020 Your Dirty Mind 597 Limerick
11/15/2020 No More Bullies 300 Rhyme
11/14/2020 Little Bit of Yorkshire 767 Rhyme
11/12/2020 Love and Pain 408 Quatrain
11/11/2020 Yes,Yes, Okay, Sorry 485 Rhyme
11/10/2020 The Smile 288 Rhyme


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