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Humorous Poems | Examples of Humorous Poetry

Humorous Poems. Read and share great examples of poetry about humor. This list of humorous poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Share and read amusing, funny, entertaining poetry. Laughter, humor, and amusement in poetics have always been a source of pleasure in life. Read short, long, best, and famous examples of humorous poetry. This list of works about humorous is an excellent resource for examples on how to write humorous poems.
Premium Member Beach babe - a little bawdy
Aunt Ethel loves sunbathing nude Her wizened breasts clearly are viewed Ethel’s aged ninety-nine She says, “My boobs are fine But plastic boobies look so crude”...Read the rest...
Categories: body, humorous,
Form: Limerick

neither cleanliness nor godliness do I abide
neither cleanliness nor godliness do I abide rather yours truly doth thrive on keeping the ethos, mythos, and pathos of Pigpen alive subjected to eternal abomination, brutalization, condemnation, damnation, emasculation, humiliation, ostracization, who one day envisions himself as a decrepit solitudinarian an aging long haired...Read the rest...
Categories: humorous, 7th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Climate Range
Global warming’s at its full speed - Bikini line seems to recede, The trendy touch speaks Volumes of bare cheeks - The climate gets hotter indeed!...Read the rest...
Categories: humorous,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Wordy
Often too much flash and not enough substance I mean, I like dessert as much as the next guy...but please be mindful, of ones own poetic waste/waist-line Of course, each to his/her lyric own; therefore, I speak not to those already Committed~ but...Read the rest...
Categories: humorous, imagery, inspirational, poems,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Head Boy
Live head-lice thrive on Peter's crown Head's itchy it's making him frown But young Peter's no fool Dunks his head in the pool He's hoping all the critters drown! ...Read the rest...
Categories: humorous, water,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member two crows in a field
two crows in a field attempted murder I’m sure for where is the third...Read the rest...
Categories: humorous, irony, nature,
Form: Senryu
Pool Noodle
There once was a young boy named Stever, Came down with a sudden head fever; Grandma said,”stay in bed!” Instead to pool he fled, ‘Cause Stever just didn’t believe her. ...Read the rest...
Categories: humorous,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Dream Catcher
I have a sweet grandson named Steve, Inquisitive chap and naive, Pool or pond, his wish - To scout out the fish, Dunked into Land of Make Believe. ...Read the rest...
Categories: humorous,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member oh for a second departure
Once simian stock from brambles Orange buffoon whose ooze rambles Orangutan clone On narcissist’s throne Owns ape-man’s old brain in shambles...Read the rest...
Categories: farewell, humorous, perspective, political,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Fartina
Could there be anything sweeter, than our little dog named Fartina, I wanted to see less of wretched in-laws, they no longer come over because, the gaseous funky green cloud, emitting from Fartina makes me so proud. I dare say we...Read the rest...
Categories: humorous, 5th grade, 6th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Smile on my Face
Smile on my Face When I woke up this morning, I realised that I had died. This came as such a shock, In fact, I almost cried. My body was limp and lifeless, But thankfully no aches or pain. It wasn’t what...Read the rest...
Categories: beautiful, death, heaven, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A cock and bull tale - Risque Rhyme
New farmer whose first name is Guy Confesses he's using AI His cows are sans bulls But for lassies he pulls He uses his todger - AYE AYE!...Read the rest...
Categories: farm, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Nowhere People
Friendly user, you're so kind When you stop to look around I am standing right behind Like your shadow on the ground We can't see us, we are nowhere Its the largest realm on earth None of us dreamt...Read the rest...
Categories: humorous, people, philosophy, society,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Me
A bit of me Is the epitome A part of me The true of me That’s truly me The epic of me A tome of me So deep in me The tomb of me Imparting me That part of me Epitomising me The essence of me Essentially… Me...Read the rest...
Categories: humorous, celebration, dedication, fun, funny,
Form: Light Verse
No more Mexican at night
Had a dream about doctors, and broken bones, and needles, All the while listening to Bob Dylan and the Beatles. Though they never shared the stage ...Read the rest...
Categories: humorous,
Form: Rhyme

Specific Types of Humorous Poems

Read wonderful humorous poetry on the following sub-topics: adults, birthday, christmas, death, friends, friendship, graduation, kids, life, love, middle school, rhyme, school, silly, teachers and more.

Definition | What is Humorous in Poetry?

Book: Shattered Sighs