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Poems by Mario De Paz

Mario De Paz - LIFETIME Premium Member Mario De Paz - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by Italy poet Mario De Paz. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Mario De Paz.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
05/11/2017 Close To End 971 Haiku
03/02/2017 Time 1697 Verse
06/20/2015 Mathematicians 5213 Haiku
06/06/2015 The Human Adventure 1872 Terza Rima
05/25/2015 Selfishness 2407 Haiku
05/14/2015 Inverse Rorshach Test 1160 Quatrain
05/07/2015 Comparison Between Byron and Me On Francesca 2019 Terza Rima
05/04/2015 Memorable Vacations 1246 Free verse
05/04/2015 Freedom and Justice, My Spirit 2573 Rubaiyat
05/04/2015 I Am a Rafflesia Flower 2413 Free verse
04/30/2015 Thirst and Hunger 1581 Verse
04/30/2015 Freddy 2051 Haiku
04/29/2015 Frogs 1420 Haiku
04/28/2015 Ssi 3474 Acrostic
04/28/2015 Earth's Jewel 1132 Free verse
04/20/2015 Memory of May First 1619 Terza Rima
04/18/2015 Democracy of Culture: I, Icon 1743 Verse
04/18/2015 Big Foot and I 1379 Rhyme
04/16/2015 Sun Dust 1588 Light Verse
04/16/2015 Sky 1515 Light Verse
04/03/2015 Slapstick Informatic On My Computer 1756 Rhyme
03/25/2015 Blossoms and Bubbles 1686 Sonnet
03/20/2015 Green Is a Good Symbol Or Not 1332 Terza Rima
03/20/2015 A Penny For Your Thoughts 1382 Sonnet
03/16/2015 Black and White Emotion 1461 Terza Rima
03/16/2015 Liberte', Egalite', Fraternite' 2794 Rubaiyat
03/16/2015 An Angel In Disguise 1297 ABC
03/14/2015 Butterfly Flutter 1925 Terzanelle
03/14/2015 Dante's Hell Translation Canto Xxxiv Part2 1462 Terza Rima
03/14/2015 Dante's Hell Translation Canto Xxxiv Part1 1744 Terza Rima
03/14/2015 Dante's Hell Translation Canto Xxxiii Part2 1332 Terza Rima
03/14/2015 Dante's Hell Translation Canto Xxxiii Part1 1275 Terza Rima
03/14/2015 Dante's Hell Translation Canto Xxxii Part2 1443 Terza Rima
03/14/2015 Dante's Hell Translation Canto Xxxii Part1 1455 Terza Rima
03/13/2015 Warm and Gentle Wind 1541 Terzanelle
02/14/2015 Hell Translation Canto Xxx Part 2 1644 Terza Rima
02/14/2015 Hell Translation Canto Xxx Part 1 1338 Terza Rima
02/14/2015 Hell Translation Canto Xxxi Part 2 1402 Terza Rima
02/14/2015 Hell Translation Canto Xxxi Part1 1669 Terza Rima
01/22/2015 Canto Xxix Hell Translation 1849 Terza Rima
01/07/2015 Canto Xxviii Hell Translation Part 2 1717 Terza Rima
01/07/2015 Canto Xxviii Hell Translation Part1 2084 Terza Rima
12/15/2014 Canto Xxvii Hell Transalation 1674 Terza Rima
11/22/2014 About the Hell's Translation 1463 Prose
11/21/2014 Canto Xxvi Hell Translation Part2 1806 Terza Rima
11/21/2014 Canto Xxvi Hell Translation Part1 1683 Terza Rima
11/21/2014 Canto Xxv Hell Translation Part2 1561 Terza Rima
11/09/2014 Poetry Is 1587 Haiku
11/04/2014 Canto Xxiv Dante's Hell Translation Part 2 1928 Terza Rima
11/04/2014 Canto Xxiv Dante's Hell Translation Part1 1792 Terza Rima
10/25/2014 Canto Xxiii Hell Translation Part 2 1834 Terza Rima
10/25/2014 Canto Xxiii Hell Translation Part 1 1697 Terza Rima
10/16/2014 Canto Xxii Hell Translation Part 2 2027 Terza Rima
10/16/2014 Canto Xxii Hell Translation Part 1 1528 Terza Rima
10/10/2014 Canto Xxi Hell Translation 1557 Terza Rima
10/04/2014 Canto Xx Hell Translation 1577 Terza Rima
10/03/2014 Everlasting Symphony 1499 Free verse
09/30/2014 The Periwinkle 1810 Terza Rima
09/27/2014 Canto Xix Hell Translation 1689 Terza Rima
09/22/2014 Fire 1784 Free verse
09/22/2014 Canto Xviii Hell Translation 1938 Terza Rima
09/13/2014 No Name Star 1601 Rhyme
09/13/2014 Thought 1445 Free verse
09/13/2014 Canto Xvii Hell Translation 1771 Terza Rima
09/08/2014 Translation of Canto Xvi Hell By Dante 1614 Terza Rima
09/07/2014 Nocturne 1579 Free verse
09/01/2014 Ideal 1506 Free verse
07/09/2014 Blooming 1725 Free verse
06/18/2014 Translation of Dante's Hell Canto Xv 1836 Terza Rima
05/09/2014 Divine Comedy Translation Hell Canto Xiv 1677 Terza Rima
04/29/2014 Divine Comedy Translation Canto Xiii Hell Part 2 1623 Terza Rima
04/29/2014 Divine Comedy Translation Canto Xiii Hell Part 1 1787 Terza Rima
04/12/2014 Divine Comedy Translation Canto Xii 1985 Terza Rima
03/30/2014 Divine Comedy Translation, Hell Canto Xi 1684 Terza Rima
03/20/2014 Dante's Hell Translation Canto X 2161 Terza Rima
03/08/2014 Dante's Divine Comedy Translation Canto Ix 1680 Terza Rima
03/02/2014 Dante's Divina Commedia Translation Canto Viii 1661 Terza Rima
02/25/2014 Dante's Divine Comedy Hell Translation Canto Vii 1839 Terza Rima
02/17/2014 Dante's Divine Comedy Translation Hell Canto Vi 2205 Terza Rima
02/12/2014 Error 1871 Haiku
02/10/2014 Paolo and Francesca V Canto Divine Comedy Translation 2083 Terza Rima
02/10/2014 V Canto Divine Comedy Translation First Part 1861 Terza Rima
02/07/2014 Three Notes 1923 Free verse
02/03/2014 Dante's Hell, Fourth Canto, Second Part 2152 Terza Rima
02/03/2014 Dante's Hell, Fourth Canto Translation First Part, 1710 Terza Rima
01/25/2014 Dante's Divine Comedy Iii Canto Translation 1817 Terza Rima
01/13/2014 Divine Comedy, Second Canto 2626 Terza Rima
12/05/2013 Dante's Divina Commedia Translation 2061 Terza Rima
11/20/2013 Love Is 2059 Free verse
11/20/2013 Save the Children 2409 Haiku
10/26/2013 Dante's Divine Comedy First Canto Translation 2152 Terza Rima
10/16/2013 Fleas 2023 Rhyme
09/19/2013 Warm Thrill, Brief Unforgettable Moment, Mario De Paz 11,19,2013 2103 Prose Poetry
09/02/2013 Constructivism 5404 Prose Poetry
09/02/2013 Backlight 1972 Haiku
07/20/2013 Interceptions 1810 Haiku
07/09/2013 The Philosophical Value of Doubt 2230 Haiku
06/28/2013 Solidarity 2383 Haiku
06/27/2013 Homicide 2520 Haiku
06/17/2013 Revisiting My Poems 1891 Prose


Quote Left There is no learning without discovery. Quote Right
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Bloggers PhotoI am a retired professor of physics who worked in scientific and education research for more than 40 years. At present I am president of a non profit association managing a centre for scientific education I have founded on year 2000 and still operating with children from 3 years up. This centre is devoted to a playful view of science and is open to listening children more than transmitting science contents. 
My poetry was born only after retirement and gave rise to a long poem "Moderna Commedia" which has been awarded with the first prize in the contest "Alla Mensa dei Sogni" held in Taranto in 2011. Moreover, it has been included in the first five finalists of the contest "Alessandro Manzoni". The first four canti of Moderna Commedia received the special prize of the jury of the prize "Il poeta e il narratore" at Monselice.
I live in Genoa (Italy), I am married and Ihave three sons and five grandchildren. My age is 78.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things