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Poems by Mike Butler

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Below are poems written by United States poet Mike Butler. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Mike Butler.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
10/07/2020 Stay Gold 177 Sonnet
08/12/2016 Love Song 427 Rhyme
03/07/2016 Fragility 452 Free verse
10/12/2015 An Alcoholic's Hymn Andaree 473 Rhyme
04/18/2014 Temptation 648 Free verse
04/18/2014 As Delilah Snips a Piece of Samson's Hair 911 Free verse
11/08/2013 Please Place Patience Upon My Palms 953 Sonnet
08/09/2013 Regret 550 Free verse
07/12/2013 Tl 508 Free verse
05/30/2012 Why I Love Cherry Blossoms 727 Quatern
12/01/2011 The Rain 813 Sonnet
11/10/2011 Tomorrow 750 Free verse
03/02/2011 When He Proposes 965 Sonnet
01/28/2011 The One I'Ve Missed 725 Rhyme
12/10/2010 An Unemployed Button 785 Free verse
10/07/2010 Tempting Pot of Desire 955 Sonnet
09/23/2010 The City That I Love 1150 Free verse
09/17/2010 That Tear 917 Pantoum
09/13/2010 My Universe 1006 Diminished Hexaverse
09/07/2010 A Garden In the Sky 1315 Free verse
06/24/2010 Dawn 1072 Free verse
06/21/2010 If I Sin With Good Intention 979 Quatern
06/18/2010 Tell Me 1103 Italian Sonnet
06/15/2010 Tell Me Your Dreams 1136 Etheree
06/14/2010 Hypomania 1484 Rondeau
06/14/2010 In a Rush To Hide the Truth 2050 Villanelle
05/18/2010 The Last Thing I Remember 956 Free verse
05/17/2010 Runaway Train 1062 Free verse
05/11/2010 The Air I Breathe 806 Sonnet
05/11/2010 Ode To Wine 1032 Concrete
05/07/2010 As I Look At the World 791 Pantoum
05/06/2010 Dear Katrina 1083 Sestina
04/16/2010 Memoirs of Me 943 Ghazal
04/14/2010 Universally 1192 Haiku
04/01/2010 H2o 987 Free verse
03/05/2010 Real Change 830 Free verse
02/22/2010 As If They Had Souls 1369 Haiku
02/19/2010 The Things Between 1020 Haiku
02/18/2010 Judge Not 910 Quatrain
02/16/2010 How Nice of You To Call 841 Prose Poetry
02/12/2010 The Proposal 897 Diminished Hexaverse
02/11/2010 Your Majesty 1107 Haiku
02/10/2010 Why Are Thee As Cold As a Winter's Day? 864 Sonnet
02/10/2010 Oh Dear Moon 2294 Iambic Pentameter
02/03/2010 It's Time! 825 Free verse
02/01/2010 Tread Lightly 1348 Haiku
02/01/2010 Spring Training 1432 Haiku
01/28/2010 Happy Anniversary! 829 Sonnet
01/28/2010 She's Too Far Gone 1653 Rondeau
01/22/2010 You Are My Soul 1111 Free verse
01/15/2010 Under Cat's Paw 1487 Haiku
01/15/2010 No Need For Coffee 1057 Haiku
01/14/2010 Eap-Frustration 878 List
01/14/2010 Eap-Seattle 898 List
01/07/2010 Summer 724 Sonnet
01/04/2010 Head Vs. Heart 2851 Villanelle
01/04/2010 Oh, Where Does the Mind Go When It Is Lost? 847 Sonnet
01/04/2010 Ambiguity 874 Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things