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Poems by Jim Wilson

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Below are poems written by United States poet Jim Wilson. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Jim Wilson.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
12/03/2020 Untitled 308 Haiku
11/10/2020 Untitled 493 Haiku
11/09/2020 Untitled 252 Haiku
11/07/2020 Untitled 279 Haiku
11/06/2020 Untitled 205 Haiku
11/05/2020 Untitled 224 Haiku
11/04/2020 Untitled 196 Haiku
11/03/2020 Untitled 231 Haiku
11/02/2020 Untitled 227 Haiku
10/31/2020 Untitled 216 Haiku
10/30/2020 Untitled 273 Haiku
10/29/2020 Untitled Haiku 218 Haiku
11/24/2011 Time On Their Hands 1325 Haiku
11/23/2011 Homage To the Fibonacci 1058 Fibonacci
11/16/2011 Aftermath 637 Tanka
11/14/2011 Night Walk 1039 Haiku
11/13/2011 Nightscape 900 Haiku
11/13/2011 Sunday Perspective 699 Quatrain
11/12/2011 Reminder 595 Quatrain
11/11/2011 Tgif 1193 Sonnet
11/11/2011 Long Journey 585 Tanka
11/10/2011 Safe Harbor 770 Verse
11/09/2011 Nightscape 1041 Haiku
11/09/2011 Sunrise 595 Etheree
08/14/2009 What I Do At Dawn 721 Tetractys
08/12/2009 Beagles 1214 Verse
08/09/2009 Warm Night 866 Tetractys
08/08/2009 Dozing 732 Tetractys
08/08/2009 When They Were Young 889 Tetractys
08/07/2009 Traffic Light 1045 Tetractys
08/06/2009 In the Garden 665 Tetractys
08/05/2009 Summer Night 602 Quatrain
08/04/2009 Puzzled 665 Tetractys
07/21/2009 Signs of Love 636 Tetractys
07/20/2009 Summer Scene 660 Tetractys
07/19/2009 Why I Pray 581 Tetractys
07/18/2009 At the Hospital 1478 Haiku
07/17/2009 Summer Afternoon 677 Tetractys
07/16/2009 Destination 1417 Tetractys
07/15/2009 Ending An Argument 642 Tetractys
07/14/2009 The Tea Snob Speaks 750 Tetractys
07/13/2009 Reverie 836 Tetractys
07/12/2009 First Day Meeting 715 Tetractys
07/11/2009 Night Vision 561 Tetractys
07/10/2009 Closing the Shop At the End of the Day 675 Tetractys
07/09/2009 Morning Friends 602 Tetractys
07/08/2009 Things I Remember About You 622 Tetractys
07/07/2009 Nightscape 723 Quatrain
07/06/2009 Surprised By Flowers 650 Quatrain
07/05/2009 The Policeman In the Cafe 741 Quatrain
07/04/2009 Standing By the Ocean 656 Quatrain
06/30/2009 Summerscape 891 Haiku
06/27/2009 Seeing God Everywhere 1819 Haiku
06/26/2009 Interspecies 857 Haiku
06/25/2009 Between Heaven and Earth 1247 Haiku
06/24/2009 The Nature of Love 1043 Lanterne
06/23/2009 January Above the Arctic Circle 1839 Lanterne
06/21/2009 For Dad 1150 Haiku
05/30/2009 Nothing's Ever Fully Gone 645 Quatrain
05/29/2009 Peaceful Passing 740 Verse
05/28/2009 Morning Moment 768 Haiku
05/28/2009 Many Voices 803 Verse
05/27/2009 White Roses 2575 Verse
05/25/2009 The Wanderer 1456 Verse
05/24/2009 Shelter 957 Verse
05/23/2009 Rainbow 1303 Lanterne
05/22/2009 Songs From the Earth 450 Lanterne
05/21/2009 How Long Has It Been? 1074 Verse
05/20/2009 As I Close the Shop At the End of the Day 564 Tanka
05/11/2009 The Effect of Rain 495 Lanterne
05/02/2009 Exposing a Verbal Strategy 612 Quatrain
05/01/2009 A Single Blossom 1307 Verse
04/30/2009 Seascape 489 Quatrain
04/29/2009 Ordinary Morning 936 Quatrain
04/28/2009 Unintended 804 Verse
04/27/2009 Barriers 491 Lanterne
04/26/2009 Meander 1659 Verse
04/15/2009 Gospel Music Haiku 982 Haiku
04/14/2009 Simplicity 352 Quatrain
04/13/2009 Day and Night 392 Lanterne
04/12/2009 My Relationship To the Printed Word 530 Lanterne
04/11/2009 The View From My Window 945 Lanterne
03/30/2009 After the Concert 749 Verse
03/29/2009 Presence 740 Cinquain
03/28/2009 Tomorrow 1400 Verse
03/27/2009 Apple Blossoms 1119 Verse
03/26/2009 The Old Cat 465 Quatrain
03/25/2009 A Night of Many Dreams 1023 Verse
03/24/2009 The Vastness of Time 544 Sonnet
03/23/2009 Stepping Into the Beyond 395 Quatrain
03/22/2009 Meditation 472 Quatrain
03/21/2009 Saturday In Spring 370 Quatrain
03/20/2009 Limitations 357 Quatrain
03/17/2009 When I Visited a Mountain Temple In Korea 454 Quatrain
03/16/2009 The Tree Branch Falling 630 Tanka
03/15/2009 When I Visited a Seriously Ill Friend At the Hospital 398 Quatrain
03/12/2009 Remembering Winter 373 Quatrain
03/11/2009 Sunday Afternoon 363 Quatrain
03/10/2009 Legislation 453 Tanka
03/09/2009 Moments of Wonder 368 Quatrain

Book: Reflection on the Important Things