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Poems by Greg Stanley

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Below are poems written by United States poet Greg Stanley. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Greg Stanley.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
02/05/2014 Whispers of Light 928 Villanelle
02/04/2014 I Was So Very Happy 1257 Villanelle
01/16/2014 Beauty of a Hummingbird 807 Haiku
01/16/2014 The Decision 702 Free verse
08/02/2012 My Pet Peeve 1477 Rhyme
08/01/2012 Beauty of Nature 856 Haiku
07/31/2012 The Box Under the Bed 555 Rhyme
06/26/2012 The Arab Spring a Window of Humanity 809 Quintain (English)
03/07/2012 Impressionism 1224 Rhyme
02/03/2012 A Thread 679 Rhyme
02/02/2012 Sexy Stones 754 Rhyme
02/01/2012 Arab Spring 887 Quintain (English)
02/01/2012 February Funny Bone 1405 Limerick
01/31/2012 Tough Or Fluff 1042 Limerick
01/31/2012 The Story of the Butterfly and Me 808 Rhyme
01/31/2012 Spin For a Kiss 807 Sijo
01/20/2012 Mountain To River 823 Haiku
01/20/2012 The House On the Hill 1104 Rhyme
01/12/2012 Here I Lie Dreaming of You 887 Villanelle
01/12/2012 True Love 927 Free verse
01/11/2012 Leave It To Me 755 Rhyme
01/10/2012 You Planted a Garden 713 Villanelle
01/06/2012 Xo's To the World 953 Haiku
01/04/2012 My Little Adventure 574 Narrative
01/03/2012 The Lotto Ticket Date 908 Limerick
01/03/2012 Trees 700 Haiku
01/03/2012 I Came Upon a Wall 607 Narrative
01/03/2012 The Sound of the Clock 752 Free verse
01/03/2012 Mother Nature 1289 Limerick
01/01/2012 My Diverging Life 573 Free verse
01/01/2012 Janus Awakens 693 Personification
12/29/2011 The Puddle 586 Free verse
12/28/2011 Planet of the Apes - Destiny 751 Senryu
12/27/2011 Fresh Air 857 Limerick
12/23/2011 I Found a Leaf 949 Free verse
12/22/2011 Love To Rust 636 Acrostic
12/22/2011 Flash of Light 966 Haiku
12/21/2011 Revenge 549 Imagism
12/21/2011 Gift of Verse 766 Haiku
12/21/2011 My New Years Day To-Do List 745 Rhyme
12/20/2011 I See Beyond the Stars 795 Rondeau
12/19/2011 I Built a Fire 539 Verse
12/19/2011 The Kiss 590 Imagism
12/18/2011 Power of Words 499 Verse
12/18/2011 Desert of California 732 Monorhyme
12/18/2011 The Night of Silence 579 Acrostic
12/17/2011 Goodnight 663 Kimo
12/17/2011 Money 2178 Cinquain
12/16/2011 Thanks To Poetry Soup 845 Limerick
12/15/2011 Wizard - One Hot Summer Night 682 Couplet
12/14/2011 The Chair Lift 1814 Imagism
12/14/2011 Watching An Ant 723 Free verse
12/13/2011 Devour Duck - - - T-A-I-L-S 899 Quintain (English)
12/13/2011 This New Planet Kepler 22b 1076 Rondeau
12/12/2011 Under the Tree 520 Rondeau
12/11/2011 Childs Moment 608 Crystalline
12/11/2011 A Falling Star 1174 Haiku
12/11/2011 Np Stop Fighting 953 Diamante
12/10/2011 To Be a Cat 454 Rhyme
12/09/2011 Dead Winter 438 Epic
12/08/2011 Christmas Magic 477 Dodoitsu
12/08/2011 Snow 514 Crystalline
12/08/2011 Be Kind 429 Rhyme
12/08/2011 My Solitude 373 Quintain (English)
12/08/2011 Solitude 481 Quintain (English)
12/08/2011 Epitaph To My Mother 814 Epitaph
12/07/2011 The Four Seasons 2688 Diamante
12/05/2011 Baby To Adult 2196 Diamante
12/01/2011 Holiday Cheer 772 Rhyme
11/30/2011 Flourishment 502 I do not know?
11/30/2011 Caterpillar To Butterfly 1888 Diamante
11/28/2011 Music 491 Crystalline
11/28/2011 A Rainbow 414 Nonet
11/21/2011 Marriage 829 Diamante
11/21/2011 War 896 Diamante
11/20/2011 Earthrise 745 Haiku
11/20/2011 Thunderstones 682 Haiku
11/20/2011 Day To Night 1043 Diamante
11/18/2011 Living Life 465 Acrostic
11/16/2011 A Second Chance 473 Rhyme
11/16/2011 A Rounded Stone 506 Free verse
11/16/2011 The Cat With the Bat 867 Limerick
11/04/2011 Love 526 Lanterne
11/04/2011 Gods Design 512 Rhyme
11/01/2011 I Found a Diamond 531 Concrete
10/25/2011 A New Seed 405 Rhyme
10/24/2011 The Tracks Outside My Window 554 Rhyme
10/21/2011 My Last Wish 526 Rhyme
10/21/2011 The Last Moments of a Martyr 417 Rhyme
10/14/2011 Looking For You 850 Concrete
10/07/2011 Circle of Life - Farewell To Steve 609 Rhyme
10/05/2011 The Two Doors 392 Rhyme
10/03/2011 Cleaning My Refrigerator 2026 Rhyme
09/27/2011 Out Thru the In Door 408 Rhyme
09/23/2011 Happy Holidays From Me To You 645 Rhyme
09/22/2011 My Dad 489 Free verse
09/21/2011 Truelove 545 Free verse
09/21/2011 Winter's Wind 462 Free verse
09/21/2011 The Tiger and the Zebra 2961 Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry