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Poems by Karen Jones

Karen Jones - LIFETIME Premium Member Karen Jones - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Karen Jones. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Karen Jones.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
02/04/2025 Purple Pondering 118 Rhyme
02/03/2025 Midnight Write 68 Free verse
02/03/2025 Not Your Valentine 63 Rhyme
01/29/2025 About Write On Contest 105 Rhyme
01/28/2025 Fuchsia Muse 99 Rhyme
01/27/2025 Sunday 72 Acrostic
01/27/2025 Saturday 34 Acrostic
01/27/2025 Friday 39 Acrostic
01/27/2025 Thursday 38 Acrostic
01/27/2025 Wednesdays 34 Acrostic
01/27/2025 Tuesdays 47 Acrostic
01/27/2025 Monday 31 Acrostic
01/26/2025 Unfocused 53 Couplet
01/26/2025 God Bless You 47 Rhyme
01/26/2025 Verbal Abuse 32 Rhyme
01/26/2025 Belly Dance 41 Rhyme
01/25/2025 God Walks Warmly Alongside Death 42 Senryu
01/25/2025 AN INSTANT 55 Free verse
01/25/2025 Moving On Onyx Sea 27 Rhyme
01/24/2025 LIGHT 28 Rhyme
01/24/2025 Rose Colored Glasses 32 Free verse
01/24/2025 Musical Muse 33 Rhyme
01/24/2025 First Sunday 37 Haiku
01/24/2025 Why 21 Rhyme
01/24/2025 Strip Tease 40 Rhyme
01/24/2025 Liquid Love Song 21 Free verse
01/19/2025 You 108 Sonnet
01/19/2025 When You Get Old 91 Rhyme
01/19/2025 Inconsolable 83 Rhyme
01/19/2025 Dumpster Fire 119 Limerick
01/19/2025 Jhat our Weenie Dog 95 Quintain (English)
01/18/2025 Embodying The Light 137 Rhyme
01/16/2025 Let’s Dance 112 Couplet
01/16/2025 The Best Me 111 Free verse
01/16/2025 ABC Beauty 162 ABC
01/16/2025 Frostbite 135 Haiku
01/16/2025 Hip Hop 114 Ottava rima
01/16/2025 Ivory Flakes 142 Rhyme
01/15/2025 As California Burns 143 Rhyme
01/15/2025 Meditation 98 Free verse
01/15/2025 God’s Grace 89 Couplet
01/15/2025 Be Encouraged 88 Rhyme
01/14/2025 Footsteps 91 Rhyme
01/14/2025 Query for Deary 89 Free verse
01/14/2025 Cranberry Crush 85 Rhyme
01/14/2025 Wolf Moon Swoon 89 Rhyme
01/14/2025 Daisy Dance 73 Rhyme
01/08/2025 Lupus Wolf 181 Rhyme
01/07/2025 Fire for Uninspired 145 Couplet
01/07/2025 Brain Farts 135 Rhyme
01/07/2025 Sleep 90 Rhyme
01/06/2025 Everything 109 Free verse
01/06/2025 Chemistry 102 Rhyme
01/06/2025 Naughty Hubby 100 Limerick
01/06/2025 Cacoethes 118 Couplet
01/06/2025 New Beginning 103 Acrostic
01/05/2025 Our Natural State 206 Rhyme
01/04/2025 Fighting Sleep 168 Rhyme
01/04/2025 Pollinate 106 Haiku
01/04/2025 Red Rover 126 Rhyme
01/03/2025 Squirting Sonnets 189 Rhyme
01/03/2025 How 2 Bake A Poem 303 Rhyme
01/03/2025 Moon Harp 165 Couplet
12/29/2024 Inspire 165 Acrostic
12/29/2024 Rudolph’s Broken Leg 150 Rhyme
12/29/2024 New Year’s Old Wishes 270 Rhyme
12/29/2024 One Goal 123 Free verse
12/23/2024 Magic Moments 328 Senryu
12/23/2024 Writer’s Block Party 295 Rhyme
12/10/2024 Christmas Baby 206 Rhyme
12/09/2024 Mutiny by Food In Me 148 Rhyme
12/09/2024 Blue Rain Dancing 158 Haiku
12/08/2024 Dec 11 birthday Senryu 142 Senryu
12/04/2024 Snow in the South 284 Rhyme
12/02/2024 Crescendo My Heart 155 Rhyme
12/02/2024 If I Were 143 Rhyme
12/02/2024 Couplets Contest Announcement 163 Couplet
12/02/2024 A Boomers Late Bloomer 126 Bio
12/02/2024 Need Cheese for Whine 147 Couplet
12/02/2024 Death Dance 178 Haiku
11/29/2024 Midwife’s Muse 276 Rhyme
11/29/2024 Date on a Sleigh 208 Rhyme
11/29/2024 How My First Poem Was Born 243 Tanka
11/29/2024 Poetic Peacocks 127 Tanka
11/29/2024 Field of Forgiveness 151 Rhyme
11/29/2024 Streets of Solitude not for contest 171 Free verse
11/22/2024 Lunar Laughs 179 Rhyme
11/21/2024 Don’t Drown 106 Rhyme
11/19/2024 FREE 281 Lyric
11/16/2024 Dandelion Lines 253 Rhyme
11/16/2024 Contest Announcement Poem 245 Rhyme
11/16/2024 Magenta Agenda 145 Rhyme
11/16/2024 Mike Tyson 308 Limerick
11/16/2024 Blue feathers 176 Haiku
11/16/2024 Sun Dance 239 Haiku
11/15/2024 Desert 155 Couplet
11/15/2024 Butterfly Tears 178 Rhyme
11/15/2024 Paper Mountain 173 Free verse
11/15/2024 Lover’s Block 182 Rhyme
11/15/2024 Heart of Art 189 Rhyme

Short Stories

Literacy Short Story for kids for kids, inspirational, moral,
A KITTEN THAT PRAYS inspirational,
NANA PAPA PONY & ME (C)by Kandle Jones for kids, inspirational, moral,


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Kandle Karen Jones was born in Charlotte, North Carolina to Mary Lightsey and the late Linwood Jones. Early years she enjoyed arts private lessons like toe dancing, tap, and various vocal and instrumental instruction. But it was writing she did on her own and as available in primary school. By Junior High she was writing short novels teachers and students read. By high school Jones wrote original songs for her pop band. While in journalism and band in school it was her creative writing she enjoyed most. Jones wrote an essay and won a WSOC TV scholarship to a summer program where her original commercial idea won first place. Jones graduated from Gardner-Webb University earning a B.S. Degree in Criminal Justice and an A.A.S. Degree in Paralegal Technology from Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things