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Poems by A.E. Rivenbark

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Below are poems written by United States poet A.E. Rivenbark. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of A.E. Rivenbark.

Read Poems by A.E. Rivenbark

Best A.E. Rivenbark Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
09/04/2016 Solstice 468 Free verse
09/04/2016 Kintsugi 588 Free verse
09/04/2016 To Apollo 773 Rhyme
04/21/2015 The Ballad of the Internet Troll 920 Ballade
04/21/2015 Poppy Parrot 1592 Alliteration
04/17/2015 My Last Poem 454 Rhyme
04/17/2015 Free Lunch 670 Rhyme
02/26/2015 I'Ll Cast My Net No More 1405 Rhyme
02/19/2015 Martha Mae 700 Rhyme
02/19/2015 Lothario 679 Rhyme
02/19/2015 The Frog Prince Muse 709 Rhyme
02/19/2015 Technicolor 540 Free verse
02/19/2015 Just Jane 583 Rhyme
02/19/2015 Canary Red 493 Free verse
01/18/2015 Penny Pincher 752 Rhyme
01/05/2015 Dog Flowers 849 Rhyme
12/13/2014 New Shoe Sonata 558 Rhyme
12/13/2014 Cold Shower 592 Rhyme
12/11/2014 Hyacinth 1075 Epitaph
12/11/2014 Virago 671 Rhyme
12/11/2014 Jousting Robots 640 Free verse
12/11/2014 A Good Man 909 Rhyme
12/11/2014 Sleigh Ride 836 Rhyme
12/10/2014 Double Edged Tongue 592 Rhyme
11/18/2014 To a Dark Heart 830 Rhyme
11/18/2014 Falling From Stars 780 Free verse
11/18/2014 Why Does the Wind Whisper Foreboding 613 Rhyme
11/02/2014 Little Dog Blue 652 Rhyme
10/23/2014 Prelude To Somnolence 780 Rhyme
10/20/2014 The Dragon and the Unicorn 1348 Rhyme
10/18/2014 Lindsey 705 Rhyme
10/16/2014 Voices 577 Acrostic
10/13/2014 Platypussy 924 Rhyme
09/17/2014 Motivation Station 769 Rhyme
09/05/2014 Midnight Lunch 502 Rhyme
09/04/2014 Roar 705 Rhyme
09/03/2014 Vote 480 Rhyme
08/15/2014 Lyrical Crimes 3507 Rhyme
08/14/2014 Mother Night 804 Rhyme
08/13/2014 Vide Cor Tuum 648 Free verse
08/13/2014 To Live Would Be An Adventure 706 Rhyme
08/06/2014 Bull 2908 Rhyme
08/06/2014 Elemental 616 Tanka
08/02/2014 Eau De Fool 752 Haiku
07/31/2014 Supreme Justice 1161 Free verse
07/31/2014 Sirens 921 Free verse
07/31/2014 The Queen In Yellow and Black 949 Free verse
07/31/2014 Fever 977 Rhyme
07/31/2014 Apples To Apples 1104 Free verse
07/27/2014 Glass 957 Lanterne
07/18/2014 Where's My Shoe 596 Rhyme
07/15/2014 Immigrant Song 2344 Rhyme
07/12/2014 Gasoline 599 Rhyme
07/09/2014 Fly On the Wallpaper 512 Free verse
07/09/2014 At the Drive- Thru 637 Rhyme
07/09/2014 Lady Noon 729 Rhyme
07/06/2014 Paint With Fire 844 Acrostic
07/05/2014 Passion Fruit 1465 Haiku
07/05/2014 Smoke Detector 557 Free verse
07/03/2014 Starboard Saints 907 Alliteration
07/02/2014 Honor 536 Tanka
07/02/2014 Mustang 739 Free verse
06/29/2014 Fool 808 Rhyme
06/29/2014 Resistance Is Required 686 Rhyme
06/28/2014 Night 950 Ghazal
06/28/2014 The Other Cheek 540 Free verse
06/28/2014 Giving In 426 Free verse
06/26/2014 Intermission Trip 433 Free verse
06/26/2014 Sand In Your Mouth 561 I do not know?
06/23/2014 Toasts 824 Haiku
06/18/2014 A Few Drinks In 577 Free verse
06/14/2014 Downgrade 601 Free verse
06/12/2014 Coriolanus 794 Rhyme
06/09/2014 Doom 646 Free verse
06/09/2014 Thrice a Widow 1360 Rhyme
06/08/2014 When I'M Eighty-Four 1622 Free verse
06/05/2014 Prey 888 Haiku
06/04/2014 Threadbare 688 I do not know?
06/04/2014 Hypocritical 578 Rhyme
06/01/2014 She Called Me Darling 665 Free verse
06/01/2014 Matt Smith 1226 Clerihew
06/01/2014 Paste 584 I do not know?
06/01/2014 Light of the Sun 618 I do not know?
06/01/2014 Demons 1573 Cinquain
05/26/2014 Expensive Paperweight 1799 Rhyme
05/25/2014 Teething Tigers 2610 Alliteration
05/25/2014 Severed Starlight 634 Alliteration
05/23/2014 Little Moments 824 Free verse
05/23/2014 You Don'T Even Look 553 Free verse
05/23/2014 Famished 592 Sedoka
05/22/2014 Act of Congress 616 Epigram
05/22/2014 Atrium 578 Etheree
05/22/2014 Staged 615 Rondeau
05/19/2014 Constructive 588 Tanka
05/19/2014 Latin Lesson 985 Didactic
05/19/2014 Pavo 536 I do not know?
05/18/2014 Seeing Red 1420 I do not know?
05/18/2014 Murcielago 532 Rhyme
05/18/2014 Ianuarius 1011 Haiku
05/18/2014 Amber Julius 554 Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry