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Poems by Voahanitriniaina Rabary-Andriamanday

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Below are poems written by Madagascar Republic poet Voahanitriniaina Rabary-Andriamanday. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Voahanitriniaina Rabary-Andriamanday.

Read Poems by Voahanitriniaina Rabary-Andriamanday

Best Voahanitriniaina Rabary-Andriamanday Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
12/08/2013 School Day Questionku 3 1754 Questionku
12/08/2013 School Day Questionku 2 824 Questionku
12/08/2013 School Day Questionku 1144 Questionku
10/12/2013 The Bird 1976 Free verse
10/12/2013 The Civil War Questionku 1150 Questionku
10/12/2013 Civil War 971 I do not know?
10/07/2013 The Chant Royal Questionku 818 Questionku
10/07/2013 The Hummer Slammer Beat 723 Free verse
10/07/2013 The Colour Black 1345 Free verse
10/03/2013 The Window Pains Questionku 1081 Questionku
10/03/2013 Election Questionku 669 Questionku
10/03/2013 The Mystery of Life 1648 Free verse
10/01/2013 The Projectyourself Questionku 679 Questionku
10/01/2013 The Andy Razaf Questionku 774 Questionku
10/01/2013 The 21 Guns Questionku 758 Questionku
05/10/2013 The Dancing Lemur Questionku 1558 Questionku
04/27/2013 The Typewriter 1087 Questionku
03/08/2013 3dom Questionku 1044 Shape
02/22/2013 The Dylan Death Song Questionku 1257 Shape
02/22/2013 Sunglasses Questionku 2150 Shape
02/22/2013 Bob Dylan Answerku 1300 Shape
02/16/2013 Seasons With the Apple-Pear: My One Dollar-Questionku 1208 Shape
11/13/2012 A False Questionku 1715 Shape
11/13/2012 My First Questionku 853 Triolet
11/11/2012 The Rose, a Questionku 1483 Shape
11/11/2012 Web Writer Blues 930 Didactic
10/24/2012 Still Alive 1459 Rhyme
10/02/2012 His Holiness the Dalai Lama 1060 Clerihew
09/30/2012 Vienna Bombardier 1124 Light Verse
09/30/2012 Come4tunes and Comfort Me - My Frenemy's Best Birthday Wishes 2244 Sonnet
09/27/2012 Stampedes 'Round the Kids 1583 Shape
09/27/2012 Back In Time: a Space Knight Blues 1148 Ballad
09/27/2012 His Cousin's Wedding 1376 Burlesque
09/26/2012 A Bomb Back To Vienna 972 Cowboy Poetry
09/24/2012 Rova Blues, My Queen's Palace 1412 Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry