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Poems by Douglas Pederson

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Below are poems written by United States poet Douglas Pederson. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Douglas Pederson.

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Best Douglas Pederson Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
03/04/2020 A Never Ending 298 Free verse
02/05/2020 Weeping Willows 244 Rhyme
02/05/2020 More Than Just Love 155 Free verse
02/02/2020 Credit For the Heart 241 Free verse
02/02/2020 A Heavy Load Cannot Roll 296 Free verse
01/30/2020 Same As It Ever Was 211 Rhyme
01/30/2020 Healthy Life Style 242 Rhyme
01/30/2020 Paw of Love 204 Rhyme
01/30/2020 My Heart Smiles With You 342 Free verse
01/06/2020 Whispers In the Winds 207 Rhyme
11/28/2019 Love Is More 203 Free verse
11/28/2019 Sights and Sounds of Wildlife 334 Free verse
11/28/2019 If I Can I Will Gain 293 Free verse
11/28/2019 Hope Is Everything 285 Free verse
11/27/2019 Natures Ill Moments 299 Free verse
11/27/2019 Soundscape of the Night 793 Free verse
11/25/2019 Harmonica Man Heals the Blues 237 Rhyme
11/25/2019 Christmas At Grandmas 574 Rhyme
11/25/2019 Night Moves 450 Free verse
11/21/2019 Dream On 244 Rhyme
11/12/2019 Santa's Ride With the Reindeers 373 Rhyme
11/12/2019 My Lap Top 307 Rhyme
11/12/2019 Seasons 242 Free verse
11/10/2019 Awakenings 263 Free verse
11/09/2019 My Butterfly 227 Free verse
10/31/2019 Under the Rainbow 233 Free verse
10/28/2019 Winds Beyond the Gate 221 Free verse
10/21/2019 Exceeding Hope 298 Free verse
10/19/2019 Wrong Bread For Fred 504 Rhyme
10/19/2019 Weaving of Life 168 Free verse
10/19/2019 One Stone Is a Fortress 215 Free verse
10/19/2019 Unknown Wilderness 610 Free verse
10/19/2019 Bonding With Nature 365 Free verse
10/18/2019 Dope Slaps 245 Rhyme
10/18/2019 No Giddy Up 269 Rhyme
10/18/2019 A Brighter Outlook By Stepping Out Part Two 293 Free verse
10/13/2019 The Cat Who Stole Xmas 395 Free verse
10/13/2019 When Love Breaks the Sky 283 Rhyme
10/01/2019 One Hand 251 Free verse
10/01/2019 Memories of Bubbles 218 Rhyme
09/30/2019 Ask No More 397 Rhyme
09/12/2019 My Life Ahead 321 Free verse
09/12/2019 A Small Door To Pass Thru 280 Free verse
09/12/2019 Do You Hear What I Hear 331 Free verse
09/12/2019 I'Ve Fallen 333 Free verse
07/14/2019 The Dome 331 Rhyme
07/14/2019 No Bridge In Life 254 Free verse
07/14/2019 There Is a Santa 237 Free verse
07/12/2019 My Time On Shore 299 Free verse
05/20/2019 Before You Call 248 Rhyme
05/20/2019 Bear On the Road 436 Rhyme
05/17/2019 Without Me 208 Free verse
05/17/2019 Gratitude 329 Rhyme
05/17/2019 Don'T Go For the Gusto 362 Rhyme
05/17/2019 A Blend of Song and Joy 238 Free verse
05/15/2019 Love In a Locket 244 Rhyme
05/15/2019 Church On Saturday 261 Rhyme
05/15/2019 What Is Love 311 Rhyme
05/15/2019 Night Fall 246 Rhyme
05/15/2019 Friendship Sings 273 Rhyme
05/15/2019 Hopes of Tree Chirpers 220 Rhyme
05/14/2019 Checking Out Chics 369 Free verse
05/14/2019 Elapsed Gime 434 Rhyme
05/14/2019 Clouds Overthrow 250 Free verse
05/14/2019 Death Killed Me 259 Rhyme
05/14/2019 Blend of Silence 290 Free verse
05/14/2019 A Wheel To Deal With 245 Free verse
05/14/2019 What Time Has Done 213 Rhyme
05/14/2019 Uniting Candle 197 Free verse
05/14/2019 Songs of My Day 278 Rhyme
05/14/2019 Silence Cripples the Lead 228 Rhyme
05/13/2019 When Eyes Met 335 Rhyme
05/13/2019 Remedy of Me Woes 395 Rhyme
05/13/2019 Grandma Who 244 Rhyme
05/13/2019 Voice of All 279 Rhyme
05/13/2019 The Sea Won'T Float Me 276 Rhyme
05/13/2019 Seasons Fall 261 Rhyme
05/13/2019 Not Time For Me 289 Rhyme
05/13/2019 One Voice 202 Rhyme
05/13/2019 In Faith There Is Light 207 Rhyme
05/13/2019 Heavy Heart, Heavy Load 378 Rhyme
05/12/2019 Songs of a Real America 313 Free verse
05/12/2019 Bells of a New America 294 Free verse
05/12/2019 What Is a Smile For 361 Rhyme
05/12/2019 Up For a Vote 409 Rhyme
05/12/2019 There's Truth Behind Those Saying 375 Free verse
05/12/2019 Summer Event 351 Rhyme
05/12/2019 Nights Without Darkness 232 Rhyme
05/12/2019 Dream Book 366 Rhyme
05/11/2019 Nature At the Movies 330 Rhyme
05/11/2019 A Moment For Me 222 Rhyme
05/10/2019 Riding With the Winds 250 Rhyme
05/10/2019 Love Is a Dance 458 Rhyme
05/10/2019 What Not To Say 417 Free verse
05/10/2019 Starry Night 326 Rhyme
05/10/2019 Ears of the Fall 259 Rhyme
05/10/2019 Ervin's Garden On the Hill 335 Rhyme
05/10/2019 Our Nation On the Grate 322 Free verse
05/10/2019 Before Winters Bark 278 Rhyme
05/10/2019 Natures Wonder 319 Free verse


Quote Left Don't let time go by without adjustments. Make changes in your health now before life changes you later Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Douglas Pederson

Book: Shattered Sighs