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Poems by Gail Debole

Gail Debole - LIFETIME Premium Member Gail Debole - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Gail Debole. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Gail Debole.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
11/26/2024 Verb-ing 386 Couplet
10/29/2024 From Different Skies 363 Couplet
07/21/2024 Unferth Stew 159 Free verse
04/25/2024 Trick Up Her Sleeve 334 Couplet
12/27/2023 Video Game in My Eyes 622 Rhyme
10/12/2023 Thursday Morning's Thoughts Expanded On Friday 257 Free verse
06/02/2023 Perfect Circles 372 Free verse
12/13/2022 The Lament 522 Couplet
11/17/2022 Idea Nomads 459 Free verse
10/03/2022 Whine Bottle 232 Free verse
09/26/2022 The Wrinkle Mystery 748 Limerick
08/20/2022 Sue's Elephant Prince 693 Limerick
06/20/2022 A Serial Texter 816 Limerick
04/05/2022 Life Is 744 Free verse
03/16/2022 Walt and Emily's Virtual Sky 425 Free verse
12/08/2021 A Comic's Final Joke - During the Covid Pandemic 1291 Couplet
10/27/2021 To the Nth Power 921 Couplet
09/21/2021 A Lady Who Lived In a Song 617 Limerick
09/18/2021 Twitter Talk 401 Rhyme
07/31/2021 A Bag of Chips 795 Limerick
07/27/2021 Saving Abe 574 Limerick
07/19/2021 Baby's First Rap 810 Rhyme
07/12/2021 Dictionary Updates - Year 2050 359 Couplet
04/20/2021 Reality Show Reality 743 Limerick
02/05/2021 The Family Business 765 Rhyme
07/02/2020 It Smacks of Science Fiction 350 Rhyme
05/30/2020 Humans Vs Covid-19 At the Grocery Store 421 Rhyme
03/16/2020 Kelly and the Telly 635 Limerick
03/13/2020 The First Real Case of the Coronavirus 449 Couplet
03/12/2020 Witchy Whrrr 1121 Limerick
03/12/2020 Tech-Savvy Witch 741 Limerick
03/11/2020 Masterpieces of Love 338 List
03/10/2020 A Parent's Jam 763 Rhyme
03/10/2020 The Witch In the Moon 795 Limerick
03/10/2020 Hi-Five Hug 832 Limerick
03/07/2020 Tattoo Buds 1058 Limerick
02/17/2020 Tug of Self-War 400 Rhyme
01/26/2020 The Homebrewed Sourtoe Cocktail 813 Rhyme
01/20/2020 The Flamingos Flamencoed 542 Limerick
09/14/2019 Self-Serve Halloween 431 Couplet
09/10/2019 More Or Less 403 Limerick
01/12/2019 Slivers of Laughter 657 Rhyme
10/23/2017 Hexting Addiction 1298 Limerick
10/12/2017 Sky Hedge 696 Haiku
08/16/2017 The Courtship of Lacey and Jakey 708 Rhyme
07/15/2017 The Welcome Trespasser 520 Free verse
05/29/2017 Portrait of Lacy Limerick 736 Limerick
05/11/2017 Bogo Shopping Coup 912 Rhyme
05/09/2017 Termite Appetizers 645 Limerick
05/09/2017 Frieda Freebie 677 Limerick
04/03/2017 Ben's Best Friend 977 Limerick
10/29/2016 Life's Error Message 798 Free verse
10/29/2016 Egg Yolks, Fried Please 1167 Haiku
10/29/2016 Aquarium Egg Yolk 921 Haiku
06/04/2016 Mother Nature's Favorite Son 1073 Rhyme
04/23/2016 Side Effects 877 Rhyme
03/16/2016 Leprechaun - Version 16 1499 Limerick
02/29/2016 Flimflamming the Scam 1271 Limerick
02/18/2016 Portrait of Filomena 1384 Limerick
01/17/2016 Self-Un-Improvement 1266 Limerick
11/08/2015 Stan the Snail's Haiku 1210 Haiku
11/07/2015 Stan the Snail's To Do List 1697 List
10/07/2015 Stan the Snail's Bucket List - First Item 1811 Limerick
04/10/2015 Outer Child 1237 Free verse
02/24/2015 Gravity 2897 Free verse
01/24/2015 Yummy Soup 1598 Rhyme
10/16/2014 Schedule of An Angel - Available 24x7 2072 List
10/10/2014 Sky's Inkblot Test 1766 Haiku
07/01/2014 The E-Gap 2031 Rhyme
06/21/2014 Rock-Solid Float 1796 Imagism
06/21/2014 Wisdom Jewel 1389 Imagism
06/01/2014 Father's Day Tribute To My Grandfather 2289 Free verse
03/05/2014 A Penny For Your E-Thoughts - Year 2095 2415 Rhyme
02/06/2014 Her Brain Remming 1411 Rhyme
09/12/2013 Shared Ego - Year 2030 2124 Limerick
08/20/2013 Sobbin Robin 2072 Limerick
07/18/2013 Who Am I To Say 1426 Blank verse
07/08/2013 Poetic Stumblings 1358 Rhyme
04/30/2013 Stan the Snail's Point of View 2678 I do not know?
02/04/2013 Portrait of Mr F Shui 1941 Limerick
01/26/2013 Portraits of My Grandmother 1613 Free verse
01/26/2013 Portrait of My Grandfather 1800 Free verse
12/13/2012 Life Oozes 1954 Haiku
12/04/2012 Revolving Resolution 2198 Limerick
11/26/2012 Coupon Carla 2341 Limerick
11/10/2012 Secrete Ingredient 1864 Rhyme
11/06/2012 A Thankful Turkey 3625 Limerick
10/12/2012 Dabs of Halloween 1548 Imagism
09/24/2012 Once Upon a Color 1535 Rhyme
08/25/2012 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the 5-Ws 2618 Rhyme
08/24/2012 Lovely God 1938 Rhyme
08/13/2012 Scratch In the Summer Sky 1972 Haiku
07/23/2012 Hospital Chirps 1614 Free verse
07/23/2012 Promised To Evil 1490 Senryu
07/13/2012 Typing Tourettes 1559 Rhyme
07/13/2012 Internet Street 1509 Rhyme
07/07/2012 Mountain Eye Candy 2010 Haiku
07/05/2012 Skeleton Tree 1837 Haiku
06/24/2012 Whoot Dun It 1919 Limerick
06/18/2012 Portrait of Lily Rainbow 2314 Limerick


Quote Left Gravity is the Universe's tape. Quote Right
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Bloggers Photo

Hello Everyone -

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read my poetry.  The comments and support have been one of the most uplifting experiences of my life.

Poem for the First Grade

The first time I wrote a poem was for a first-grade assignment. I remember sitting cross-legged on the floor in the living room while writing the poem.  Each student had to write a poem, and then engrave the words on a piece of tin that was wrapped around a piece of cardboard. We could also decorate our poem with pictures.  I still have the original work to this day.  I wrote the poem, stored it, and forgot about it for the next eight or nine years.

High School Poems

And then one day (probably when I was in ninth grade), for no apparent reason, I remember sitting down on the floor of my bedroom, back up against my bed, and writing three poems.  It was in the afternoon, after school.  I only showed them to my best friend at the time.  Of course, she became my biggest fan...liking everything I wrote (whether it was good or not).

After that, I continued to write on my own.  There were no poetry writing assignments in high school.  However, there was a high school literary magazine.  I started submitting poetry to that and some of my poems were published under my maiden name.

College Poems

I continued writing while attending college under a pseudonym - Marashi. Had a couple of poems published in a literary magazine. Took a couple of English courses related to poetry, but I have never learned as much as I have here at Poetry Soup.

Crevice of Illusion - Three Volumes

In 1973, two of my poems were published in Volume III of Crevice of Illusion under my pseudonym - Mararshi. This was a three-volume anthology that included poetry by United States college students. Publisher: Jay Elliot

Married Life

After my husband and I married, I wrote sporadically - and that's when I started writing limericks.  The first two limericks I wrote were for a contest sponsored by a Mall in Michigan.  Winning poems and other not-so-winning poems were posted at the Mall (in the same way that artwork is posted) for people to read. 

Life as a Parent

I continued to sporadically write after becoming a parent.  There were always so many other activities and responsibilities that took precedence that finding time to write usually was not at the forefront.  My mind was focused on accomplishing a certain number of tasks one day to the next.  I did take notes and store ideas as much as I could.

Life after the Discovery of Poetry Soup

Poetry Soup has been the most inspirational poetic avenue in my life...or rather the poets who frequent this site are...o.k. a combination of the site and the people are the most inspirational to me.  After I accidentally found this site, I realized what I had been missing for many years - contact with people who see the world in poetic terms and feedback from those people.  It is so inspiring to receive feedback from people all over the world and know that you have made some impact on their day.  It is also enlightening and educational to read other poets' work.  It's amazing to see how other people's minds view the different aspects of our lives and the world.


In 2017, I began to have some of my poetry illustrated and published on as coloring books. I also have published some e-books, as well. The most recent of those is "Untrue Crime Poetry." Mostly based on true crime situations, the poems in this e-book are fictional.

P.S. It's Poetry

It is a privilege to have one of my poems included in PoetrySoup's first anthology, available on The poem is "Grendel's Supper."

P.S. It's Still Poetry

I am excited to say that three of my other poems are included in PoetrySoup's second anthology, available on The poems are "The Welcome Trespasser," "Email to Subby Conscience," and "Reply Email from Subby Conscience."

What's Next?
I view myself as a poetic entertainer and sometimes tweet my poems to my Twitter followers. Most of the time, the poems tweeted are holiday-related.

My main goal is to continue to be part of Poetry Soup and grow as a poet in ways that I am not even aware of yet.  May you flourish, as well.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry