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Poems by Beatrice Boyle

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Below are poems written by United States poet Beatrice Boyle. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Beatrice Boyle.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
02/27/2018 More Reflections On Being Ninety 702 Rhyme
02/27/2018 More Reflections On Being Ninety 581 Rhyme
03/06/2014 On My 86th Birthday 1429 Rhyme
01/22/2013 On My Eighty Fifth Birthday 2014 Personification
11/05/2012 Planet Earth 719 Rhyme
07/18/2012 Journey To Heaven 1326 Rhyme
07/16/2012 The Mystery of Life 650 Rhyme
04/25/2012 Carved In Stone 6158 Light Verse
04/21/2012 A Summer Memory 992 Rhyme
04/08/2012 Hosanna To the Chosen One 1228 Rhyme
03/13/2012 Finish This Verse - For Susan Burch's Finish This Verse Contest 877 Light Verse
03/07/2012 Mom's Chicken Soup 1081 Light Verse
01/30/2012 The Good Ole Days 764 Rhyme
01/24/2012 Vanity, Thy Name Is Woman 2494 Light Verse
01/18/2012 Why Do I Love You - a Valentine 1161 Rhyme
01/18/2012 An Ode To the Soup -What I Like Most of Poetry Soup Contest 949 Ode
01/15/2012 Another Year, Another Birthday 1109 Light Verse
12/24/2011 To All My Friends At Christmas 716 Rhyme
12/10/2011 Tell Me That You Love Me 751 Personification
12/02/2011 There's Life In the Old Girl Yet 793 Light Verse
12/02/2011 A Party For Jesus 694 Rhyme
11/30/2011 Outsmarting the Grim Reaper 802 Light Verse
11/26/2011 Shadows On the Wall 788 Rhyme
11/21/2011 Goodbye Old Friend 1366 Verse
11/17/2011 Winter Haiku 940 Haiku
11/15/2011 The Road of Life 733 Rhyme
11/12/2011 The Hourglass 758 Personification
11/10/2011 The First Snowfall 859 Haiku
11/05/2011 Broadway Opening Night 1774 Rhyme
11/01/2011 A Christmas Prayer 698 Rhyme
11/01/2011 Where Is Christ In Christmas 641 Rhyme
10/27/2011 Why Do I Write 810 Blank verse
10/25/2011 An Evening With Emily 678 Ode
10/25/2011 The Affair 563 Rhyme
10/24/2011 Fallen Heroes 860 Rhyme
10/24/2011 I Once Drank a Glass of Champagne Limerick 2875 Limerick
10/23/2011 A Rose Amid the Snow 861 Romanticism
10/21/2011 Music Is My Life 763 Dramatic Monologue
10/21/2011 Gratitude For Nancy Jones Contest 638 Rhyme
10/07/2011 My Destiny 843 Rhyme
10/05/2011 Autum's Farewell 646 Prose Poetry
10/05/2011 Falling In Love In the Fall 775 Couplet
10/05/2011 The Little Boy I Knew 1238 Rhyme
09/28/2011 Living Life 1167 Rhyme
09/28/2011 A Fact of Life - Couplet Challenge 836 Couplet
09/24/2011 My Secret Place 649 Rhyme
09/22/2011 The Patient's Lament 766 Light Verse
09/22/2011 Slick Limerick 903 Limerick
09/22/2011 Crossing Over 1251 Rhyme
09/19/2011 Grandma's Flown the Coop 770 Light Verse
09/16/2011 A Poet For Christ 574 Rhyme
09/16/2011 Nature's Jewelry 1147 Haiku
09/10/2011 We Will Never Forget 740 Tanka
09/08/2011 Homage 527 Monoku
09/06/2011 An Ode To Youth 1345 Ode
09/02/2011 :how Can I Tell Her It's Over 925 Lyric
09/02/2011 October 495 Acrostic
09/01/2011 Snowflakes 780 Haiku
09/01/2011 Cherish the Moments 1046 Rhyme
08/31/2011 War of the Sex'Es 753 Light Verse
08/29/2011 Chelsea Mourning 595 Rhyme
08/25/2011 A Scent of Roses 790 Romanticism
08/21/2011 Here Comes the Rain 729 Light Verse
08/21/2011 Speaking My Mind 470 Light Verse
08/19/2011 I Wonder Why 934 Personification
08/14/2011 My Other Life 757 Light Verse
08/13/2011 At Home In Arlington 793 Rhyme
08/10/2011 Paying Respects 646 Senryu
08/07/2011 A Prayer of Thanks 476 Rhyme
08/07/2011 Autumn Serenade 890 Haiku
08/04/2011 Words of Wisdom By Grandma Bea 702 Rhyme
08/04/2011 An Evening With Emily 580 Rhyme
08/03/2011 Congressional Follies 548 Rhyme
08/03/2011 If I Were a Stone 4518 Narrative
08/02/2011 Midnight Rendezvous 557 Light Verse
07/30/2011 My Inner Voice 717 Rhyme
07/30/2011 Grampa's Revenge 777 Light Verse
07/29/2011 Youth Vs Age 469 Rhyme
07/27/2011 To All My Friends On Poetry Soup 579 Light Verse
07/27/2011 Gremlins In My Keyboard 571 Light Verse
07/25/2011 Way Up In the Air 524 Rhyme
07/25/2011 With Apologies To Omar Khayyam 673 Rhyme
07/22/2011 Dwi 858 Narrative
07/22/2011 The Courtship 977 Narrative
07/22/2011 My Friend Jo 589 Narrative
07/21/2011 The Real Meaning of Love 772 Rhyme
07/21/2011 The Temptress 672 Light Verse
07/19/2011 The Day the Music Stopped 852 Prose Poetry
07/19/2011 Empty Nest 564 Light Verse
07/19/2011 Sweet Bird of Youth 3674 Rhyme
07/18/2011 One God 490 Rhyme
07/18/2011 Computer Symphony 683 Light Verse
07/18/2011 An Ode To My Lord 585 Ode
07/17/2011 Take My Hand Lord 717 Personification
07/15/2011 I Never Said Goodbye 1241 Rhyme
07/14/2011 I Will Never Love Again 1221 Personification
07/13/2011 On Being Eighty 6578 Narrative
07/12/2011 Safe At Home With God 832 Dramatic Monologue
07/12/2011 Fears and Fantasies 506 Prose Poetry
07/09/2011 My Heart Still Remembers 885 Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry