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Sound Poems | Examples of Sound Poetry

Sound Poems - Examples of all types of sound poetry to share and read. This list of sound poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples of sound poetry. This list of works about sound is an excellent resource for examples on how to write sound poems.
A Tinnitus Ear
I hear a sound, drum in my ear. Of crystal droplets, from streaming tears. A distant murmur, or a hissing sound. A weeping mourner, a heavy pound. A sudden splash, or a humming ring, when metals clash, or glasses clink. But the sound of words, when they...Read the rest...
Categories: sound, feelings, health, identity, joy,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Yearning Lips
Hearts designed to beat together torn asunder, grope and stumble Seminal streaks of lightning flash ...Read the rest...
Categories: sound, heart, kiss, light, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Et tu, Hunter - aka Back to Bambi
To keep his mind off his father's woes Hunter became a Trumper Soon...Read the rest...
Categories: sound, animal, fantasy, father son,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member The Human Voice Is Merely A Sound That Fades Into The Air
What good do we do? in this world we are in especially with our tongues giving our sounds an airing We humans have a voice given to us to air a sound to which we should use well or else it'll be...Read the rest...
Categories: humanity, sound, voice,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Raindrops 2
Oh what a hot day it has been, now turning into a hot night. Where the sweat runs off my body, where the air can be cut with a knife. Then I hear a lovely sound, raindrops hitting the...Read the rest...
Categories: sound, body, day, joy, night,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member In Silence
In the sound of silence Is the power of Silence. Only there is no sound, only silence. Calm your mind into silence. Strip away your ego with silence. Flowing emotions emanate from silence. Your soul transcends in Love, beckoned by...Read the rest...
Categories: sound, change, dance, faith, imagination,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Before I Begin
Hesitant. My fingers, scrape upon a string, that sings of you. Before, I begin, I can hear, the beautiful scrape, of hes-i-ta-tion- I can hear the si-lence- it re-minds me of you. Hesitant. My finger, scrapes upon a string, that sings to me, only of...Read the rest...
Categories: sound, desire, guitar, love, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Sound Bites - June 25, 2024
Blessed Quietude Audibly we rise and fall But Silence ... is the language of God (Dreamsleep: June, 2024) Lost In Place The past is never where you left it Tomorrow — delegitimizes today (Dreamsleep: June, 2024) Groupies Liking ... sometimes better than loving (Keith Richards: June, 2024) First Step Standing...Read the rest...
Categories: sound, writing,
Form: Rhyme
In My Neighbourhood
Sighs of susurration sunder the silence ~ The neem tree swaying in the wind An old lady yapping like a non-stop chatterbox The roar of the road hero's motorcycle revving past And a radio playing romantic songs nearby An...Read the rest...
Categories: sound,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Best of Zeppelin
Again and again, and again to the same riff, I’m a-listenin’ to the best of Led Zeppelin… ‘Stairway to Heaven’ ...Read the rest...
Categories: heaven, music, sound, uplifting,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Minister of the Street
He ministers to his congregation the lame, the numb and the broken On random street corners they gather To watch...Read the rest...
Categories: devotion, poverty, sound, voice,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Almost
I move closer to decipher the sound. It is the wind blowing across the lips of the morning moistened by melting frost. It speaks in whispers. My footsteps seem loud and echo along the walls of the laneway before breaking out into the bright...Read the rest...
Categories: morning, silence, song, sound,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Jingle, Jangle, Jingle - Revision of 'My True Framework,' Feb 18, 2024
Do you have skeletons in your closet I have a few in mine … ...Read the rest...
Categories: body, sound,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Cheery Chirps
Chirps of wrens are cheery. You can hear them as they croon their tune. They compose a chorus transcending the evening moon. Singing rhythmic modulation, joining with angels and golden harps, they harmonize in glad celebration....Read the rest...
Categories: sound, animal, bird, celebration, environment,
Form: Etheree
Premium Member Time
Quote By Poet "I do not know where the time goes." The grandfather clock sits on the wall, every hour it will call. A loud sound for everyone to hear, please have no fear. I do not know where the...Read the rest...
Categories: joy, life, remember, sound,
Form: Carpe Diem

Specific Types of Sound Poems

Read wonderful sound poetry on the following sub-topics: animal, funny, imagery, onomatopoeia, rain, and more.

Definition | What is Sound in Poetry?

Book: Shattered Sighs