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Solid Poems - Poems about Solid

Solid Poems - Examples of all types of poems about solid to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for solid.
A Solid Boon
When hope sinks and the light in the valley grows dim, look in the direction where you are coming from, and where you are at now and consider where you would have been, if you...Read the rest...
Categories: solid, america, change, children, creation,
Form: Narrative
Of A Pen And A Book
Book by book, I see the hook, How about we have a look, Don't make me choke, I am with a bottle of Coke, I hear a creek, I am not a Greek, The shrubs are on a bleak, Glistened by the sleek, I...Read the rest...
Categories: solid, 12th grade, age, allusion,
Form: Ballad

Solid Foundation
There's a great sensation, Having a solid foundation. You can jump in the deep end, Chances rippling in every direction. Choosing One, Riding the wave in. It's a lesson or a blessing, Landing on a solid foundation, You stand to jump in again....Read the rest...
Categories: solid, appreciation, beautiful, confidence, encouraging,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

christmas in the rain celebrating with imminent spirit held captive by nothing enjoying the rare smile of the world everything is made of candy an outpouring of amity will be so dandy never knew that growth, maturity, and lessons learned would...Read the rest...
Categories: solid, christmas, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Solid
You never worried much; She’s so crafty; Fingertips of gold permeating, rock solid; Crystal witch....Read the rest...
Categories: solid, emotions, feelings, magic,
Form: Ninette

Our bond
Eros-Philia-Ludus, Pragma!!! Valence released, We are like atomic bonds, And I am the Squared Hydrogen, She's the Oxygen. Held up together in the field, She breathes life into me. And liquid as we flow, Solid we remain just equivalent....Read the rest...
Categories: solid, cute love, deep, first
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Solid Gray
Solid gray skies Over daylilies trying to bloom Several different species so colorful Open only a day, live life to the fullest ...Read the rest...
Categories: solid, thanks,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member solid
solid gray clouds saturday morning drear.... red cardinals fight ...Read the rest...
Categories: solid, nature,
Form: Haiku
When things hit the pan , and I was down and out You were there with just a call I seem to be always in a jam, you are there to pick me up My girlfriends...Read the rest...
Categories: solid, friendship,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Solid Gold
gruesome black tattoo survived concentration camp gold solid soul...Read the rest...
Categories: solid, appreciation,
Form: Senryu
‘Are you solid?’ Is like asking ‘are you okay?’ With intention That you’re 100% And there’s nothing wrong. You’re put together, You’re good, fine, perfect. You’re fine fine fine. Nothing is wrong, The world is sunshine and rainbows. When you ask ‘Are you solid?’ And...Read the rest...
Categories: solid, angst, anxiety, deep, depression,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Your Hearten Heart Love Solid Coconut My Fruit
What is a coconut heart made of? O’ the distal taste of love for me Hardening of my left side no longer bleeds The heart of coconut the coconut palm So sticks in my breathe Close to the apex...Read the rest...
Categories: solid, analogy, appreciation, flower,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member New Cars and Cameras
New Cars and cameras New places to go Another man to comfort you When you’re feeling low Remember all the times we spent Sharing everything as one Watching sunsets on the beach Kissing n the fading sun I...Read the rest...
Categories: solid, betrayal, emotions, goodbye, heartbreak,
Form: Rhyme
Skating On Solid Ice
Stretching forward, To test the ice, I pull back, Scared the ice may fracture, Scared I might fall into, The cold dark, dreamless, Abyss below. Turning to walk away, I watch the Sunlight sparkle Across...Read the rest...
Categories: solid, desire, emotions, feelings, innocence,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Butterflys Sage Solid Sassy Advice
Aine, Irish faerie from Glaslough listened to butterfly’s advice. Sage, solid, sassy, and succulent as always, and twice as nice. It set the mood for the St. Patrick’s Day parade....Read the rest...
Categories: solid, butterfly, fairy,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry