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Poems by Bill Baker

Bill Baker - LIFETIME Premium Member Bill Baker - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Bill Baker. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Bill Baker.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
06/01/2024 Scary to Larry 855 Limerick
05/30/2024 Size Seventeen Shoes 234 Limerick
05/28/2024 Beginning Again 212 Limerick
05/01/2024 humility 511 Monoku
04/11/2024 freedom 574 Monoku
04/05/2024 Teddy Bears 308 Limerick
04/03/2024 The Seeds of the Soul 415 Rhyme
03/30/2024 Our Hearts Will Lead Us Home 246 Rhyme
03/30/2024 Exploring the Heart 164 Sonnet
03/29/2024 A Place of Sanity Sought 365 Sonnet
03/28/2024 Words From My Soul 403 Rhyme
03/28/2024 Feel My Love 491 Rhyme
03/27/2024 Our Griefs 173 Free verse
03/27/2024 Fairness in Distribution 114 Sonnet
03/27/2024 Doubt Within 355 Sonnet
03/25/2024 Five Cents Worth 282 Limerick
03/24/2024 Living Life as One 254 Sonnet
03/24/2024 Observing Kindness 199 Sonnet
03/17/2024 This Too Will Pass 215 Rhyme
03/17/2024 The Manifestation of God's Will 295 Free verse
03/16/2024 Going Underground 170 Sonnet
03/16/2024 Nature's Design 156 Haiku
03/15/2024 Saved By Family 167 Rhyme
03/15/2024 Delicate Flowers 123 Haiku
03/14/2024 Hobo Tales 150 Rhyme
03/14/2024 Authentically Free 118 Monoku
03/13/2024 Bye Bye Fat Me 267 Sonnet
03/13/2024 Synchronized Swimming 205 Haiku
03/12/2024 Tragic Magic II 141 Monoku
03/12/2024 Hostage 146 Limerick
03/11/2024 Hog in the Fog 222 Limerick
03/11/2024 Federally Directed Education 153 Free verse
03/10/2024 Changing Our Status Quo 487 Sonnet
03/10/2024 In His Presence 132 Sonnet
03/03/2024 I Feel Loved 618 Couplet
03/03/2024 Humor 303 Couplet
03/02/2024 Threating Skies 155 Haiku
03/02/2024 We Are Blessed With 108 Couplet
03/01/2024 Nature's Rhythm 186 Haiku
03/01/2024 Pollinating 148 Haiku
02/29/2024 The Bear 200 Limerick
02/29/2024 Thoughts About Risk 266 Sonnet
02/28/2024 The Problem with Leather 434 Limerick
02/28/2024 Just Dreaming 317 Sonnet
02/27/2024 The Sound of Silence 205 Monoku
02/27/2024 Bear Care 211 Haiku
02/26/2024 Shifting Plates, Evolving Man 152 Monorhyme
02/26/2024 Peace of Mind 188 Senryu
02/25/2024 Unclear Thoughts 291 Senryu
02/25/2024 The Past 205 Monorhyme
02/24/2024 Skipping Rope 201 Limerick
02/24/2024 In Light and Darkness 179 Rhyme
02/23/2024 Men of the Sea 342 Sonnet
02/23/2024 Our Destiny 147 Monoku
02/22/2024 Fear 221 Sonnet
02/22/2024 Never Give Up 291 Sonnet
02/21/2024 Life 134 Monoku
02/21/2024 Our Hope is in Change 147 Rhyme
02/20/2024 Purposeful Gifts 154 Free verse
02/20/2024 Desert Blindness 147 Senryu
02/19/2024 From Here to There and Back 312 Sonnet
02/08/2024 What Will Be Our Legacy 290 Sonnet
02/08/2024 Clown Shoes 261 Limerick
02/08/2024 Snowed In 230 Kimo
02/07/2024 String of Thoughts 129 Rhyme
02/07/2024 Daredevil 191 Acrostic
02/07/2024 My Light Dream 113 Sonnet
02/06/2024 Commenting on Poetry 210 Rhyme
02/06/2024 When Commenting 135 Monoku
02/06/2024 When Wisdom Speaks 106 Rhyme
02/05/2024 What We Call Stars 174 Monoku
02/05/2024 SARA 214 Sonnet
02/04/2024 Aspects of Beauty 202 Rhyme
02/04/2024 Cloud Watching 225 Sonnet
02/03/2024 Creation, Infinity and Truth 175 Free verse
02/03/2024 Star of the Night 112 Rhyme
02/02/2024 The Nature of Virtue 191 Sonnet
02/02/2024 Let Truth Unfold 182 Rhyme
02/01/2024 Random Thoughts 4 168 Free verse
02/01/2024 Barney and Bill 275 Limerick
01/31/2024 Witchcraft 253 Limerick
01/31/2024 I'm Magic 184 Limerick
01/30/2024 Random Thoughts 3 149 Free verse
01/30/2024 Random Thoughts 2 106 Free verse
01/29/2024 Camouflaged 197 Free verse
01/29/2024 The Great Escape 177 Monorhyme
01/28/2024 The Ways of Love 167 Pleiades
01/28/2024 Lights in the Sky 157 Pleiades
01/27/2024 On a Stormy Day 235 Sonnet
01/27/2024 God is with Us 188 Sonnet
01/26/2024 Eternal Existence 125 Free verse
01/26/2024 babies 249 Haiku
01/25/2024 Angels 201 Free verse
01/25/2024 Passings Thoughts 186 Free verse
01/24/2024 A Miracle 155 Free verse
01/24/2024 This Kind of Love 209 Sonnet
01/23/2024 Gumball Rally 401 Limerick
01/23/2024 Writing with the Master 222 Free verse
01/22/2024 treasure 153 Pleiades
01/22/2024 Change 145 Rhyme


Quote Left Love all that is, for Love is all there is. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left Set yourself free ... use your creativity! Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left Let you soul’s destiny flow through you, let it show others perfectly who you are. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left It's not what happens to us in life that brings success; it's how we accept and adapt to life events. Bill Baker May 5, 2022 Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left It is not what one does that defines them, rather it is how you do what you do and why you do what you do. Bill Baker April 16, 2022 Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left The most important question anyone can ask of another is, "What do you think?" The reason is because, "as a man thinketh so is he." Bill Baker April 16, 2022 Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left Life itself is one of the only things in life that we are unable to see the beginning or the end of. Bill Baker April 12, 2022 Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left The purest melody you'll ever hear, is the synchronistic beating of two hearts as one. Bill Baker April 12, 2022 Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left If you are looking for truth and understanding, look within for the presence of your soul. Listen careful, for Truth will speak to your soul as you quietly listen and reveal itself to you. As you come to understand the Truth, you will realize it isn't within you; it is you. Bill Baker April 12, 2022 Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left To unfold the mystery that lies within wisdom and truth, look midway between logic or reason and insight or intuition. Bill Baker April 12, 2022 Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left Simplicity becomes a necessity when trying to solve life’s complexity. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left We can only be who we are, and in Him we are all that is. We all know this at different levels. At the soul level we know this as Truth; at the soul level we all know this is true. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left If you're having trouble understanding something, many times it's because your mind is closed or your vision is limited. Open your mind to infinate possiblities, take off the blinders, seek the Truth. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left When one continually sees what is wrong with people, things or events; it is inherent that their focus is on the appearence rather than the true essence of that person, thing or event. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left They say knowledge is power. I humbly reply, without the knowledge of how to use power, it is powerless. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left Life is a gift, to live is a choice. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left There is a big difference between a reason to do or not do something and an excuse to do or not do something. A reason is a choice based on knowledge or intuition, and an excuse is a surrender to the fear of the unknown. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left What a shame it is, that the fear of instability, prohibits the planting of the seeds of stability through the experiencing of change. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left One should look not at just the action, but also at the intent; if the objective of the inquiry is to know truly what it meant. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker

Quote Left Love is energy. Once it flows to you, It's easier to flow through you. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Bill Baker


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