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Long Senses Poems

Long Senses Poems. Below are the most popular long Senses by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Senses poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Grand Mother Eartha's Dream
My husband and I always enjoy visiting
GrandMother Eartha
on Mother's Day

She often shares
last night's dreams,
which too often follow rather disturbing peak experience themes

you know,
or maybe not because,
how would I know?

Dreams about Her Straight White AlphaMale trauma

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Categories: senses, culture, earth day, health, mothers day, political,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Premium Member An Bee Cailleach
“Éagmais croí a dhíscaoileadh ar gach eagla.
Faoi dhíon taobh istigh de na blianta seo.
Fanacht i bhfianaise, a dhíscaoileadh ar gach eagla.
Ós rud é go ndearnadh tú a chaitheamh.
Briseadh an tost seo”

"An Bee Cailleach"

She lives to...

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Categories: senses, fantasy, imagery, joy, life, love, magic, symbolism,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pursuit of Infinite Knowledge and Understanding
(In a Lush Garden Somewhere Out There)

The student stands where shifting sands of thought
Once firm with reason 
now elusive truths are sought.
Its splendor wanes 
a threadbare fading strand,
A quest for wisdom 
in this digital land.


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Categories: senses, journey, passion, philosophy, psychological, truth, wisdom,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member - Au Revoir - Goodbye -
- 2016 -


A freezing cold evening

Where the stars shining bright

With frost blade flanks

From mouth and nose steam

In the clear silence

White untrodden snows

Nature's frozen pulse

Sleep like a little baby

One gracious moon

After the night the...

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Categories: senses, remember,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Restoration Towns
I was skeptically listening 
to a retiring social researcher,
and problem-solving imaginer,
from the American Enterprise Institute;

An Institute
I usually find more destitute
of bicameral consciousness than not,
and thereby with less healthy resonant imagination
than more pathological dissonance.

But, I found...

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Categories: senses, community, culture, earth, health, integrity, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member In the Wild

Early morning, we go for a drive,
An awesome feeling as we arrive,
At our camp gate which, opens 
At 6 o’clock, 
Now we are in the African bush
Which, will unlock,
Moments that we have missed...

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Categories: senses, adventure, africa,
Form: Rhyme
Sonnets Xvii-Xxiv

by Michael R. Burch

The meter I had sought to find, perplexed,
was ripped from books of "verse" that read like prose.
I found it in sheet music, in long rows
of hologramic CDs, in sad wrecks
of long-forgotten...

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Categories: senses, books, poems, poetry, poets, voice, write, writing,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Victories For Love
The problem of military reactions
to territorial control issues
is not merely that violence breeds further strategic development
of violence,
although this is no small,
nor amoral, 

This primal problem of militarism by historic default
is that it is an intrinsically...

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Categories: senses, health, history, integrity, love, mental illness, military,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Ecotherapist Conventions
Truth is a feather 
pushed off to the other side.

Truths are a body of feathers
within which our bodies reside.

OK, students of life’s healthiest purposes and meanings,
it’s time to regather, if you would be so kind.




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Categories: senses, beauty, culture, earth, health, humor, nature, truth,
Form: Prose Poetry
Fortunes Re Told
FORTUNES READ the sign displayed
The store had not been here yesterday
shades of candles, books and bell
Drapes were hung from side to side
The windows all were dark
Where was this place a day ago?

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Categories: senses, surreal,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Custody of 2020 Eyes
Monks and nuns,
ascetics and miscellaneous humble proletariat folks,
were taught custody of the eyes,
to show respect for those older
and/or wiser
and/or more supremely royal,
and/or in other positions of merited or inherited authority,
to avoid appearing too curious
too available

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Categories: senses, games, gender, health, poverty, psychological, racism, slavery,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member In the Wild Re Post
( Re Post)

Early one morning, we begin our drive,
An awesome feeling as we arrive,
At our camp gate which, opens 
At six o’clock, 
Now we are in the African bush
Which, will unlock,
Moments that...

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Categories: senses, animal,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Psychotripic Theory of Everything
Compassion co-arises nondually 

Today I want to talk about possibilities
for integral polycultural dynamics,
which are systemic relationships,
between LeftBrain deductive ego-mind,
RightBrain inductive eco-body,
and a boundary between these bicameral landscapes,
which we call unconsciousness.

The feasibility
and health value
of recognizing this...

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Categories: senses, community, political, psychological, science, spiritual, western,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ecotherapeutic Justice
When passion plants a multicultural seed,
then justice flourishes a polypathic trusting flower.

Permaculture and polyculture, 
grow holistic cause-effect karmic significance 
for our physical, and mental, political and spiritual health.

Permacultural, as I intend it this morning,
refers to...

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Categories: senses, blessing, culture, earth, nature, philosophy, political, religion,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Brain Injury
Pain settles in quite instantly your senses 
are totally unprepared for this graveness
the notion to sleep sets in like an energetic 
twilight phase the injury abruptly strangles 
thought my ears are always ringing with this...

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Categories: senses, america, anxiety, beautiful, lonely, mental illness, peace,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Translation With Commentary of a Wild West Classic: Summer Wine By T Wignesan
Translation with commentary of an archetypal Wild West Classic : " Summer Wine "

(I'd wage my bottom diamond dime future generations will re-discover and treasure this true American classic like only a few others of...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: senses, america, angel, betrayal, england, myth, romance, song,
Form: Ballad
Bitter Wind - Page 2
The laws are not in the management of the soul, but the greatest science fruits are punished with the sounds of the rails that follow the trains of the cows living without breaking the suffering...

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Categories: senses, literature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sunday Morning Joggers
Goodness, I nearly lost my balance on the spiral seashells and broken sea stone chipping matrix.
My quaint obsession with marine life and that skyline paradox blossoming so tantalisingly,  might be a source of some...

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Categories: senses, age, art, birth, devotion, feelings, heart, irony,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Poems: I Didn'T Say Poem

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: senses, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Marat and Charlotte
(A somnambulistic drama in four acts)


Jean-Paul Marat; 
Charles Barbarou;
Charlotte Corday;
1st Philosopher;
2nd Philosopher;
The Commentator’s Voice.

Act 1. A tavern. Two philosopher sit at the table; 
Marat sits at the other, some distance away.

1st Philosopher 

…or even worse:...

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Categories: senses, death, life, love,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Echoes of the Angel's Fallen
Invocation to the Muse

From the gleaming skin of life’s underbelly, 
sin unreconciled, formed from Nephilim seed,
fleet footed jokers mask pawns into flight;
To the epistle of the Most High.
For in the beginning, the true and only...

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Categories: senses, allegory, angel, christian,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Divine Comedy, Second Canto
The day was going off, and the brown air
To the terrestrial animals gave rest
For their labors; and only me was there

Just ready to withstand the war at best
Both of the journey and of the torment,

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Categories: senses, fantasy, proposal,
Form: Terza Rima
Premium Member A Walk On the Beach
I went again today ... to that place, the allurement overwhelming ... the one
we called "ours" so tritely, "mine" before you, "mine" again now, (tho' others
have doubtless staked claimed - ages before and since). I...

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Categories: senses, heartbreak, lost love, ocean, passion, solitude, soulmate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dante's Divine Comedy Iii Canto Translation
“Through me you enter the city of woe
Trough me you enter the eternal pain
Through me you go to people lost below.

Justice inspired my highest factor reign;
I was created by act of divine,
Supreme wisdom and the...

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Categories: senses, fantasy,
Form: Terza Rima
The Stela Epic, Part 1 of 8
The Stela Epic by DR. Mohammed F A Alrazak

The grains of sand, the drops of rain, makes the stage for souls to play 
The prints of feet on rocks were wonders and arts as the...

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Categories: senses, culture, freedom,
Form: ABC

Book: Reflection on the Important Things