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Poems by Gerald Dillenbeck

Gerald Dillenbeck - LIFETIME Premium Member Gerald Dillenbeck - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Gerald Dillenbeck. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Gerald Dillenbeck.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
06/11/2024 Brilliant Resilience 60 Parallelismus Membrorum
06/09/2024 NonViolent Musicians 44 Parallelismus Membrorum
05/16/2024 WhiteWashed Images 72 Parallelismus Membrorum
05/05/2024 Dancing Integrity While Singing Authentically 121 Parallelismus Membrorum
04/20/2024 Polite Mess 116 Political Verse
04/07/2024 ComPassion's Braver Angels 144 Parallelismus Membrorum
03/20/2024 Orthodoxy v Orthopraxis 162 Parallelismus Membrorum
03/20/2024 Speaking From Felt Experience 137 Parallelismus Membrorum
03/16/2024 Indigenous Wisdom 151 Parallelismus Membrorum
03/15/2024 Messiahs and Bodhisattvas 262 Parallelismus Membrorum
03/14/2024 ReCentering Domestic NonViolence 122 Parallelismus Membrorum
03/06/2024 Paying To Play 223 Political Verse
03/04/2024 Dancing Green Divas 128 Parallelismus Membrorum
03/02/2024 Full Moon Surfing 125 Parallelismus Membrorum
03/01/2024 Let My People Shine 143 Parallelismus Membrorum
02/26/2024 Listening Emphatically 137 Political Verse
02/21/2024 Freedom to Taste and See 131 Parallelismus Membrorum
02/14/2024 Resilient Generosity 118 Parallelismus Membrorum
02/12/2024 GrassRoot UpRising 148 Parallelismus Membrorum
02/10/2024 Religion and Strange Passions 114 Political Verse
02/04/2024 The Senior City Center 188 Parallelismus Membrorum
01/27/2024 Migrating Culture Change 210 Political Verse
01/25/2024 MusEcology of Peace 163 Political Verse
01/22/2024 Muted Muses 83 Parallelismus Membrorum
01/16/2024 My Renegade Sunday School Teacher 175 Political Verse
01/06/2024 Take My Hand 244 Parallelismus Membrorum
01/05/2024 Muse Ecology 117 Parallelismus Membrorum
01/03/2024 Life and Death of Supremacy 226 Political Verse
12/31/2023 Circling Muses 90 Parallelismus Membrorum
12/24/2023 Choosing Love 148 Parallelismus Membrorum
12/22/2023 Dancing NewYear Divas 109 Parallelismus Membrorum
12/18/2023 Peace Prayer 146 Parallelismus Membrorum
12/15/2023 EarthTribe Ministrations 136 Political Verse
12/02/2023 Before Emmanuel Began 190 Political Verse
11/22/2023 More Resilient Dancing Days 249 Political Verse
11/21/2023 Same Old Solo Song and Lonely Dance 236 Political Verse
11/11/2023 Dancing Revolution Songs 167 Parallelismus Membrorum
11/03/2023 Not So Great Expectations 188 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/31/2023 Not Speaking of Not Sex 164 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/29/2023 Integrity's Sublime Communion 155 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/28/2023 Sacred Means 125 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/28/2023 Singing Out of Key 183 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/21/2023 Not Yet Time For Paradise 274 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/19/2023 Play It Again 350 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/17/2023 Looking For Integrity 133 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/15/2023 John 3:16 Reviewed 137 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/13/2023 Supporting Earthpeace 242 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/13/2023 We Came To Pass Peace 158 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/11/2023 Neurosystemic Passions For Peace 310 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/09/2023 Healing Systemic Trauma 340 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/06/2023 Why Is It 198 Parallelismus Membrorum
10/05/2023 After the Sad Mad Event 157 Political Verse
10/01/2023 Powers of Enlightenment 228 Political Verse
09/29/2023 Wisdom School Brilliance 223 Parallelismus Membrorum
09/27/2023 Silent Love Notes 144 Parallelismus Membrorum
09/25/2023 Transformative Gardens 169 Parallelismus Membrorum
09/23/2023 Virtues of Empathy 259 Parallelismus Membrorum
09/19/2023 Serenity Prayer 143 Parallelismus Membrorum
09/18/2023 Getting To Old 124 Parallelismus Membrorum
09/16/2023 Restoring Health 122 Parallelismus Membrorum
09/14/2023 Losses Regained 157 Parallelismus Membrorum
09/11/2023 Tao Game Theory 137 Parallelismus Membrorum
09/09/2023 Middle School MidWay Education 123 Parallelismus Membrorum
09/06/2023 Political Wisdom 107 Parallelismus Membrorum
09/03/2023 Settling Contentious Affairs 152 Parallelismus Membrorum
08/27/2023 Every Relationship Must Change 152 Parallelismus Membrorum
08/25/2023 Growing Resilience 211 Political Verse
08/22/2023 Sketchy Boundary Issues 142 Parallelismus Membrorum
08/07/2023 Stop Pretending 250 Parallelismus Membrorum
08/05/2023 Muse Speaks 376 Parallelismus Membrorum
08/03/2023 Sagittarius 105 Parallelismus Membrorum
07/30/2023 Virtuous Circles 157 Parallelismus Membrorum
07/26/2023 Resilient Peak Experiences 205 Parallelismus Membrorum
07/23/2023 Inspiring Invocations 139 Parallelismus Membrorum
07/13/2023 Universal Might and Unitarian Tight 170 Parallelismus Membrorum
07/11/2023 Grace of Gratitude 131 Parallelismus Membrorum
07/11/2023 Deep Uprising 127 Parallelismus Membrorum
07/09/2023 A Million Invocations 164 Political Verse
07/06/2023 Rightmindfulness Activities 227 Political Verse
07/01/2023 Wealthy Opportunities 349 Parallelismus Membrorum
06/28/2023 Sacred Vestments 389 Political Verse
06/27/2023 Night Muse 327 Free verse
06/25/2023 Integrity Grows Sacred 350 Political Verse
06/21/2023 Empowering Voice 310 Parallelismus Membrorum
06/18/2023 Equality For All 140 Political Verse
06/17/2023 Secrets of Muses 207 Parallelismus Membrorum
06/16/2023 Appreciation 273 Parallelismus Membrorum
06/10/2023 Flying Gayly Free 174 Lyric
06/07/2023 Rapture 129 Political Verse
06/01/2023 Dark Fruit 247 Political Verse
05/27/2023 Fading Figments 432 Political Verse
05/23/2023 Hanging On To Trauma 345 Parallelismus Membrorum
05/22/2023 Masculine V Patriarchal 404 Parallelismus Membrorum
05/21/2023 Sundays Without Should 286 Free verse
05/20/2023 Dancing Pequot River 433 Parallelismus Membrorum
05/19/2023 Cosmic Crack 525 Parallelismus Membrorum
05/18/2023 Appropriately Polite Company 518 Parallelismus Membrorum
05/17/2023 Tao of Sacred Spaces 503 Political Verse
05/14/2023 Grand Mother Eartha's Dream 660 Parallelismus Membrorum
05/12/2023 Mindful Systems 377 Parallelismus Membrorum



Quote Left I'm not saying spirituality is all about sex and sensuality, but I also am saying spiritual experience and mental health organic systems are about everything excluding sex and sensory intelligence. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left I wonder if this is an Elder RightBrain epidemic, this confusion of NRA origins as National Rifle Association or National Republican Army; a distinction of labels perhaps sharing the same U.S. RedMeat population of hungry pirates. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left "No federal agency should ever...declare war on any sector of our economy" says EPA chief Scott Pruitt. I wonder how comfortable the Secretary of Health and Human Services could be with any Protection Agency declaring war on all sectors of our human health ecology. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Mother Earth to AntiFeminist AmericaFirst Patriots: Is that a gun in your flagwaving rightwing stand-up for allegiance to plutocracy pocket, or are you equal injustice happy to rape me first? Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Patriarchy is the LeftBrain reason for matriarchal RightBrain treasons. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Ecologic is the syncretic nutritional decomposition of sacred enculturing religion. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left For me, the absence, or emptiness, of a Creator only points all the more toward the sacred unity of organically regenerative EarthTribe Creation. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Bilateral thinking and discernment takes place in-between LeftBrain's Yes! and RightBrain's notnot No. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left When criminal justice is not also decriminalizing mercy then it cannot also be social or economic or healthy justice. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Old age is when this day will not have time to become only middle aged. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Multicultural dialects speak through diverse rhetorical climates, reflecting ecopolitically shared gestalts. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Plasma: Cold fusion river flames of fertile nurturing flow. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Sophia: virgin Earth wisdom, as in PhiloSophia, philosophy, especially of Earth's ecological wisdom, both politically Left and economic Rights of Earth and all of Sophia's evolving children. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Not an atheist, certainly not an anti-theist, but also not a theist. Rather, in-between, a bicamerally synergetic teleologist, where Earth could not be unkind, had She not first been notnot regeneratively kind with ProCreative Sun's bilateral medicine-fusing light. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Silent watchers, lurkers, ruminating parents, students, scientists are often leaders at listening selectively, looking for resonance, yet not ignoring dissonant noise wherein might lie a poignant replicable deep-learning moment. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Trust, rather than terror, usually beginning with some combination of the two, is an empathic political choice to evolve toward healthier mutual regard, rooted in open and honest full-disclosure of ego- and eco-centric agendas. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Responsibility: 1. Capacity to appropriately react. 2. Authority to respond therapeutically, positively, cooperatively. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left If yang translates as powerful deep learning, then yin might transform into wide-flows of polyculturally polypathic loving. They work best in mutually defining balance. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Permaculture Design: EcoTherapy for and with Earth, for and with Others, as for and with PolyPathic PolyCulturing Self-Outcomes. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left We all live more or less uncomfortably between the double boundaries of what we are for and what we are against, between what we want freedom from and what we crave freedom toward. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Hell is mutual baptism by ego-centric fire. Heaven is coarising baptism thru EarthCentric flowing clear streams of cloudy smoke-ring networked diastatic color eco-mutual identity, or something thereabouts. Not a prophecy, just a harmonic resonance, for lack of better polycultured ecosystemic words. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Now is time, all else is space, a place for time's unfolding. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left What is the difference between an atheist and a theist? A bicameral ecotheist. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Poetry bridges nature's self-consciousness, discovering sacred Time's regenerate Pilgrimage. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left The two greatest threats to freedom are wealth of fame and depth of infamy. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left If we don't use our bodies, we lose them. If we don't use our mind, then it is already gone. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Bodies and minds and time are like other investment opportunities, if you don't use them, you lose them. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left A truly free market might act more like a free-love transaction, more of a mutually cooperative slut and not so much an overpriced whore, only accessible to the highest bidder. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Freedom from half-baked inwardness evolves freedom toward half-fried out hypothesis. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck

Quote Left Laundering clothes is like redeeming life. When you think you've got this project just about finished, it's probably time to start over, or succumb to your own stinky mess. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Gerald Dillenbeck



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Most significant mentors (other than Mom, of course): Buckminster Fuller and Laotse, but not necessarily in that order.

Permacultural designer, with special interest in the regenerative development of economic relationships within natural settings, like a human life, for example, or a family, or a community, nation, species. 

Retired from grant and contract writing and non-profit strategic consulting, more or less.

Sort of a Taoist Permacultural Universalist, if we need a label. Which reminds me of the time I was applying for entry to an interfaith hermitage. They wanted to know my primary faith tradition and I wrote "polypath," not realizing this word has already been taken to indicate genius within more than one paradigm. So, perhaps this was a great deal too much hubris and ignorance for them to tolerate, but all I intended to say was that I identify most resonantly with the relationships between our diverse wisdom traditions, although I claim no genius mastery status within any one of them.

I live in my hermitage with four adopted children, now teenagers, with special needs, ranging from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome across cerebral palsy, blindness, and a wicked case of ADD.

If I were ever to grow up I would like to do stand-up comedy routines during Sunday liturgies. 

My blogsite, with lots more poetry and some humor essays, is Please say hi if you visit.



Book: Reflection on the Important Things