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Poems by Cynthia Ferguson

Cynthia Ferguson - LIFETIME Premium Member Cynthia Ferguson - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Cynthia Ferguson. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Cynthia Ferguson.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
05/21/2022 The Fear 533 Rhyme
05/11/2022 Farewell 507 Free verse
05/11/2022 Feeling Lucky 477 Rhyme
11/14/2021 Anyone 219 Rhyme
02/20/2018 Lost In the Ends 697 Lyric
06/15/2016 The Bitch 1399 Lyric
04/17/2016 Stoned 1173 Rhyme
08/13/2015 In My Prayers 1251 Rhyme
08/02/2015 Somewhere 926 Rhyme
08/02/2015 The Rose I Won'T Forget 899 Rhyme
04/03/2015 Caged Bird 1283 Rhyme
03/22/2015 Reality of a Journey 1522 Rhyme
03/02/2015 Can'T Win 1506 Rhyme
02/22/2015 Shattered 1250 Lyric
02/19/2015 High On the Butterfly 1234 Lyric
02/16/2015 The Door 1342 Rhyme
02/07/2015 Waiting In the Rain 1982 Rhyme
02/07/2015 Long Lonely Walk 1543 Rhyme
02/05/2015 Killing the Messenger 1712 Didactic
01/17/2015 Goodbye Time To Fly 1930 Lyric
01/13/2015 Coming To Life 1393 Rhyme
01/10/2015 Your Everywhere 1672 Rhyme
12/25/2014 The Desicion 1262 Rhyme
12/22/2014 When Nothing Feels Right 1842 Rhyme
12/22/2014 Knock Knock 1447 Lyric
12/20/2014 Longing 1521 Cinquain
12/19/2014 Gone 1906 Cinquain
12/16/2014 Empty 2195 Cinquain
12/08/2014 Love 2254 Cinquain
12/01/2014 My Arrow 1367 Rhyme
11/25/2014 Darkness 2063 Cinquain
11/24/2014 The Child With a Name 1456 Didactic
11/14/2014 Autumn Leaves 1322 Rhyme
10/29/2014 This Night I Sail 1592 Rhyme
10/09/2014 Fire and Ice 1394 Rhyme
10/09/2014 My Mothers Eyes 2020 Rhyme
10/08/2014 My Tattoo 1523 Lyric
09/28/2014 The Anne Marie Gale 1959 Ballad
09/27/2014 Bed of the Rose 1636 Haiku
09/27/2014 To Know 1214 Rhyme
09/24/2014 Frozen 1609 Rhyme
09/23/2014 New Morning 1519 Rhyme
09/22/2014 Never To Forget 1327 Rhyme
09/21/2014 The Echo 1402 Imagism
09/21/2014 Not To Worry 1640 Haiku
09/20/2014 Natural Walk 1482 Haiku
09/20/2014 In a Bottle 2057 Haiku
09/17/2014 Goodnight: 1454 Rhyme
09/17/2014 The Nightmare 1260 Rhyme
06/27/2014 Feelings of a Man 1780 Romanticism
05/31/2014 My Last Words 2851 Rhyme
05/22/2014 Just Like You 1705 Rhyme
05/08/2014 Becoming of Me 1862 Rhyme
05/07/2014 Through the Mirror 2459 Lyric
05/07/2014 My Granddad 2623 Rhyme
05/05/2014 Blackbird 1668 Lyric


Quote Left Life is like a puzzle that was put together and looked beautiful. One day a piece changed it's shape and the puzzle came apart and to be put back together some pieces may have to change a little so all the pieces fit back together making a more beautiful puzzle that the first. Quote Right
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From New England, Boston area :)  


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry