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Poems by Moses Samandar

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Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet Moses Samandar. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Moses Samandar.

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Best Moses Samandar Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
10/13/2018 The Holy Movement 415 Rhyme Royal
10/13/2018 Forget It 336 Carpe Diem
10/13/2018 Wild Pilot Ride 373 Bio
10/13/2018 Smashing the Collaborative System 254 Bio
10/13/2018 Stamping On the Bullies Heads 235 Bio
10/13/2018 Incredible Justice 870 Bio
04/19/2017 Shining Yellow Light 387 Acrostic
04/19/2017 Seaside 327 Choka
04/08/2017 Sometime 488 Canzone
04/05/2017 Counter Strike 654 Acrostic
04/05/2017 Singular In the World 455 Ballad
03/17/2017 Facts Revenue Bliss 438 Choka
02/16/2017 New Dimension 430 Blitz
01/22/2017 Slicing Glass 469 Ballade
01/21/2017 New Frontier 456 Ballade
08/25/2016 Living Heroes 502 Acrostic
07/20/2016 The Police 605 Acrostic
07/02/2016 Aeronaught 520 Acrostic
06/21/2016 Biu Oze 469 Acrostic
06/21/2016 Detecta 372 Acrostic
06/20/2016 Systematique 307 Classicism
04/06/2016 Outcome of Tech 856 Alliteration
12/26/2015 Heavenly Birds 521 Blitz
12/16/2015 Draw the Fire 566 Ballad
12/16/2015 Hizayaki 516 Ballad
11/24/2015 Cold Shoulder Voices 527 Narrative
11/11/2015 Releasing the Mental Health Ghosts 661 Chant Royal
11/02/2015 Expressive Language Disorder 957 Carpe Diem
09/27/2015 The End of Islam 772 Alliteration
09/16/2015 Semi-1970 Hypnosis 637 Choka
09/16/2015 Arab Sword Slice 510 Choka
07/13/2015 Embrace the Lord 440 Acrostic
07/04/2015 Burglarising Ned Flanders 444 Pastoral
06/17/2015 Nightsky 451 Bio
06/01/2015 Age Is Just a Number 1117 Narrative
04/28/2015 Emotional Apathy 786 Ballad
03/25/2015 Element Higheous 400 ABC
01/20/2015 Barry Manilow 1729 Acrostic
01/15/2015 Beating Up Bullies 497 Acrostic
01/14/2015 Earth Power 557 Acrostic
12/27/2014 Peterborough Cry 784 Alliteration
12/16/2014 Halt Bullies 663 Heroic Couplet
12/16/2014 Jesus's Cross 697 Heroic Couplet
12/05/2014 Rhythm Man 691 Ballad
11/04/2014 Holy Storm 833 Ode
10/26/2014 Mad Eye Moody 997 Ballad
10/26/2014 Football Trixster 766 Carpe Diem
09/09/2014 Earth Missile 915 Ode
09/01/2014 Earth Control 571 Narrative
08/23/2014 Bengali Tiger Danger 836 Choka
08/02/2014 Jump-Shoot 691 Bio
07/10/2014 Burnout 14 686 Acrostic
06/25/2014 Confidence Is Key 657 Narrative
06/24/2014 Ambitious Sky 521 Verse
06/18/2014 Death Is a Vision 904 Concrete
06/11/2014 Dangerous Spirits 437 Classicism
06/04/2014 Electronic Shock 506 ABC
06/04/2014 Monetary Expansion 528 Acrostic
05/11/2014 Romantic Cravings 452 Acrostic
04/25/2014 Boom the Political Square Esq 527 Choka
04/25/2014 Handcuff Life 1122 Dramatic Monologue
04/21/2014 Stylist's New Guinea 588 Sonnet
04/19/2014 Andromeda 658 Acrostic
03/10/2014 Mysterious Billionaire 542 Acrostic
02/21/2014 Livin' Through the Sky 824 Concrete
02/21/2014 Killing the Bullies 676 Carpe Diem
01/24/2014 The Final God 663 Acrostic
01/02/2014 Crazy Bi'W'Atch 892 Acrostic
01/02/2014 Roar 585 ABC
01/02/2014 Mama Paris 471 ABC
12/19/2013 Sippin Bacardi 684 Ballad
12/11/2013 Super Isolation 666 Abecedarian
12/11/2013 Itchy Warrior 530 Acrostic
12/11/2013 Rubber Power 431 Acrostic
12/11/2013 Kamaradi 481 ABC
12/11/2013 Afghan Superman 716 Acrostic
12/11/2013 Power In a Flask 667 Ghazal
11/29/2013 Unique Individual 1180 Sonnet
11/29/2013 Buzzing Girlfriend 767 Personification
11/24/2013 I Can'T Egg Inside This Feeling 668 Choka
11/24/2013 After Liberation 520 Imagism
11/24/2013 Glacier Fissure Elementos 971 Alliteration
11/24/2013 I Want To Fly 1184 Concrete
11/17/2013 Jackpot Rollover 658 Carpe Diem
11/17/2013 Gods Axe Warrier 607 Bio
11/10/2013 Gimme the Scoop 1541 Sonnet
11/10/2013 Ben Smith 740 Alliteration
11/08/2013 Goddess of Angels 759 Acrostic
06/11/2013 Sugar In a Tea Bag 816 Carpe Diem
06/07/2013 My Last Wish 526 Acrostic
03/30/2013 The Anti-Exhorts 642 Ballade
03/23/2013 Women Are As Equals 664 Acrostic
03/12/2013 Makeshift Turbo 2537 Ballad
10/27/2012 Apostles 620 Ballad
10/27/2012 Peterborough Stinks 509 Bio
07/13/2011 Egyptian Boulders 568 I do not know?
07/13/2011 Im So Skint 588 I do not know?
07/12/2011 Not the Ideal Son 542 I do not know?
07/11/2011 Stony Heart 546 I do not know?
07/11/2011 Lift Me Crow 593 I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things