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Poems by Bryan Norton

Bryan Norton - LIFETIME Premium Member Bryan Norton - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Bryan Norton. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Bryan Norton.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
01/06/2025 Forgive Me 81 Rhyme
01/02/2025 Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah 82 Rhyme
01/01/2025 Greetings for the New Year 245 Rhyme
11/02/2024 Gift of Recovery 151 Rhyme
10/26/2024 Joy and Happiness 418 Prose
10/23/2024 Colors of Love 391 Rhyme
10/11/2024 Covid and General Health Tips 106 Rhyme
10/11/2024 Captain Nate Part 1 131 Rhyme
10/11/2024 Captain Nate Part 2 122 Rhyme
10/08/2024 To Whom Does This Come 276 Rhyme
10/06/2024 Dead Skunk Season 208 Rhyme
10/05/2024 Norman, Don't Be Bates 246 Rhyme
09/28/2024 Mother and Daughter Reunion 192 Rhyme
07/12/2024 Metamorphosis 179 Rhyme
07/08/2024 A Rough and Ready Write 275 Rhyme
07/08/2024 There Was a Young Tiger 197 Limerick
07/03/2024 Oh Beautiful, My Country Thee 194 Rhyme
06/29/2024 Raindrops 2 264 Free verse
06/24/2024 Tropical Island Surprise 210 Rhyme
06/22/2024 Minus Identity, Who Am I? 507 Rhyme
06/18/2024 The Irony of Free Verse 169 Free verse
06/17/2024 Raindrops 169 Rhyme
06/15/2024 The Dance of Dances 252 Rhyme
06/13/2024 A Mouse Like Me 213 Verse
06/12/2024 Emilia J Cares, Bears 179 Rhyme
06/07/2024 If I 164 Rhyme
06/06/2024 A Beautiful Day for Emilia J 274 Rhyme
05/31/2024 Emilia J 383 Rhyme
05/30/2024 He Has Only Just Begun 211 Free verse
05/26/2024 The Day They Found Trooluv 254 Rhyme
05/24/2024 Images of Broken Lights 122 Lyric
05/21/2024 Diddy DeVil 242 Lyric
02/24/2024 Sunshine Boy 164 Rhyme
02/23/2024 World Poem 152 Free verse
02/17/2024 McGarrett Meets Totoro 222 Rhyme
02/14/2024 O Lord My God! 159 Rhyme
02/12/2024 A Poor, Wayfaring Man of Grief, Part 5 203 Rhyme
02/10/2024 A Poor, Wayfaring Man of Grief, Part 4 171 Rhyme
12/17/2023 A Poor, Wayfaring Man of Grief, Part Three 400 Rhyme
12/17/2023 17 Followers 171 Rhyme
12/15/2023 Christmas Meat 344 Lyric
12/11/2023 A Poor, Wayfaring Man of Grief, Part Two 355 Rhyme
12/09/2023 Happy Divorce Day 257 Rhyme
12/05/2023 A Poor, Wayfaring Man of Grief 412 Rhyme
11/17/2023 Butterfly Dancing 309 Rhyme
11/16/2023 Meaning is a Mystery 161 Rhyme
11/16/2023 Stoicism, Way of Life 215 Rhyme
11/14/2023 Someone In a Fog is Hurting 382 Rhyme
10/15/2023 Toxic Masculinity 348 Rhyme
10/11/2023 The Universal Point 390 Rhyme
10/05/2023 Storms 169 Rhyme
10/02/2023 Apple Picking 312 Rhyme
10/02/2023 Cheated By 136 Rhyme
10/02/2023 Immanent Yet Transcendent 165 Rhyme
09/29/2023 The Great Corn-Holio 161 Rhyme
09/14/2023 The Joy of Your Life 165 Rhyme
09/10/2023 Manila Vanilla 192 Rhyme
09/04/2023 Symbiotic 158 Rhyme
09/03/2023 Pour Your Heart Out 349 Rhyme
09/01/2023 Star-Crossed Lovers 249 Rhyme
08/31/2023 Poetry 166 Rhyme
08/31/2023 Split Pea Soup 201 Rhyme
08/27/2023 Suki 197 Rhyme
08/26/2023 The Fugitive 276 Rhyme
08/26/2023 The Poetry of One So Dear 309 Rhyme
07/27/2023 For This Our Love 274 Rhyme
07/26/2023 Though My Lips 167 Rhyme
07/01/2023 Whistleblower 436 Rhyme
06/21/2023 Kiki Lindstrom Had a Dog 413 Rhyme
06/20/2023 Kiki Lindstrom 339 Rhyme
06/19/2023 The Siren Song 263 Rhyme
06/04/2023 Loving You Lady 320 Rhyme
06/03/2023 Whispers In the Wind 353 Rhyme
01/05/2023 My Muse 291 Rhyme
01/02/2023 In Arkham Asylum 510 Rhyme
01/01/2023 My New Year Resolutions 396 Rhyme
12/21/2022 Dearly My Lady 850 Rhyme
12/15/2022 The Willing Soul 449 Rhyme
12/15/2022 A Mother's Love 419 Rhyme
08/19/2022 Frequently 395 Rhyme
08/11/2022 From Deep Within My Heart 673 Rhyme
08/09/2022 As I Dream 581 Rhyme
07/10/2022 Christmas In July 359 Rhyme
07/02/2022 So Long, Farewell, Goodbye 617 Rhyme
06/12/2022 The Loneliest Prayer 449 Rhyme
06/07/2022 In London Town Pt Five 498 Epic
06/07/2022 In London Town Pt Four 405 Epic
06/07/2022 In London Town Pt Three 588 Epic
06/07/2022 In London Town Pt Two 577 Epic
06/07/2022 In London Town Pt One 502 Epic
06/02/2022 Flight 493 Rhyme
05/22/2022 Joy and Happiness 573 Rhyme
05/22/2022 The Tree 567 Rhyme
05/18/2022 Bubble of Illusion 493 Rhyme
05/18/2022 Jello 627 Rhyme
05/17/2022 Internal Inhibition 676 Rhyme
03/20/2022 The Bulldogs and the Mudhogs 507 Rhyme
02/12/2022 The Precipice of the Unknown 425 Rhyme
02/06/2022 O Lord My God 642 Lyric
02/04/2022 Piglets and Pigs 333 Rhyme

Short Stories

THE PURPOSE OF LIFE inspirational, moral,
STARLONG fantasy, inspirational,


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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry