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Long Crippling Poems

Long Crippling Poems. Below are the most popular long Crippling by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Crippling poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member The Strange Case of Ft
"The Strange Case of F.T."

They say the dead don’t talk
the stories I have calculated
to deliver a saving grace 
confessional shared amongst 
my equal peers, or so I deem 
you somewhat sometimes seem,
less than me, you...

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Categories: crippling, dark, horror, poets,
Form: Narrative

The Inner Chamber

Please.  Stop holding back on me.

Like a child standing at the neighborhood ice cream truck, arm outstretched, eyes huge, mouth watering.

I stand here longing to slip underneath your decades of cold-rolled steel...

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Categories: crippling, betrayal, courage, devotion, love, love hurts, relationship,
Form: Prose
Premium Member FBI FRAUD
As i reported my stalker and identity thief 2002 to the FBI she began climbing into my window for poetry my grandfathers world war 11 medal information this resulted in her arriving with a gunman...

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Categories: crippling, anxiety, family, hurt, military, poetry, stress, world
Form: Free verse
He just appeared to me, like wispily curling 
Chimney smoke, 
One grim and early morning in the very midst of 
Decembers briefest days, on the highest slope,
Toiling through my daily round; where, slowly 
Driving up...

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Categories: crippling, nature, universe,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Same Ol' Song and Dance
As I look back across more musical times
of rhythmic reflections,
ceremonies and commemorations
of each dawn and dusk eremitic liturgy,
if that is not an oxymoron
of sound and sight,
song and dance,
tragically sad, yet also bilaterally bound with happier...

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Categories: crippling, community, dance, humanity, humor, integrity, love, music,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Hymn To Farewell
Why does my multicultural applauding message,
my polycultural cheerleading,
sound so monocultural chant, rant,
a passionless litany of redundant verse?

Who would have it said of their voice
It remains both too rich
and yet wandering on far too long?

Even resonance

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Categories: crippling, bullying, earth, education, health, humor, integrity, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member A Long Loud Sigh
sometimes you are in its minimal spotted light...sometimes!
other times you just know you've been touched and you freeze,
moved but a stranger it moves in, does its work and leaves.

...maybe it's been a while since...

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Categories: crippling, introspection, drug,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Week 2 - Brian's Poet of Note - 'Herman Hesse'
Brian’s Poet of Note – ‘Herman Hesse’ Week 2

This week I thought I would discuss translating poetry from another language. I just finished retranslating from German this poem ‘Stufen’ from Hesse’s famous novel ‘The Glass...

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Categories: crippling, poetry, poets, writing,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Hope For Respect
My thought for this day,
although still early,
is respect for hope.

Respect for our interdependence
and respect for our challenging differences,
important, yet hopefully not as powerful
as our interdependent love for healthy life.

I noticed a brown cardboard box
in the...

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Categories: crippling, bible, caregiving, culture, health, hope, integrity, usa,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Depression Or Anxiety
(Seems that these days a whole lot of people suffer from anxiety and depression. Now whether that's a reflection on our world and society, whether there's actually greater incidence of it or if we just...

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© Uwe Stroh  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: crippling, absence, angst, depression, mental health,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Gargano Proud Boy 17 years old and armed
Media frenzy nbs cbs abc cnn msnbc gatheted After riots broke out proud boys met with the 17 year old armed with an assault rifle madness the entire city engulfed violence groups arrived by the...

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Categories: crippling, anti bullying, blessing, corruption,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Emotional Disability
Being emotionally disabled can be very embarrassing at times many people just don't understand why you can't stop crying my young children said my mom has the crying disease I  wasn't always disabled nor...

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Categories: crippling, america, i love you, writing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Targeted Fbi confidential human source
Living in hiding for many years after the fbi relocated my family to Ohio after a very long investigation in corrupt officers selling drugs in the city of North chicago I was wearing wires pregnant...

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Categories: crippling, allah, america, anti bullying,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Whips of History - 4
Injustice is just an inconvenience until it is proven...
When the sun hit their helmets it startled the very souls of the natives
a signal upon their eyes that spoke like a siren of ill prophecy to...

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Categories: crippling, history, passion, poetry,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member Face of Modern Slavery
A shameful act in this world we live today
surely an educated mind can clearly see the truth behind a mask
Ignorance is the hardness of heart manifests in such violence 
The horrors and inhumanity of it...

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Categories: crippling, christian, dark, emotions, truth, drug,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Chapter 34 -- Delilah Damian Damian Junior Mallory and Friends
Damian Sr. spent two nights in
Saint Michael's Medical Center 
With his wife and his new 
Beautiful baby boy.
They were welcomed home by
Damian's friends Sébastien 
Shakespeare Malcolm Justin 
And Shannon.  Delilah came
down stairs to Present...

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Categories: crippling, blessing, proposal, sister, women,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Traumatic brain injury headaches
I shan't try and be witty an engage in the norm 
peeking through such pain my eyes see dim 
as crushing temporal lesion push against 
soft tissue endings pounding my optic nerves 
from my forehead...

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Categories: crippling, allah, angel, car, care, dedication, depression, home,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Pieces and Memories of You
A smile that could melt the ice protecting my broken heart, the ice that I placed there long ago when my world fell apart
When I had all but given up on true love existing in...

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Categories: crippling, heartbroken, lost love, sad love,
Form: Rhyme
She stirs first..restless..looking longingly over..senses awakened.
Their feet shuffle slowly under warm covers. The moonlight shines thru the window catching her face. .illuminating it…her tousled hair frames her face.
She looks up, hopefully for his eyes to...

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Categories: crippling, passion,
Form: ABC
Shattered, Scattered, Trashed
Hello again Conscious, my dear friend
hello again dear mirror, my wake up call
hello again myself, it's too early for this but it needs to be said
No one will understand my turmoil, decisions, incentives
my numbing drive...

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Categories: crippling, how i feel, hurt,
Form: Bio
Premium Member Listening For Sustainability
My daughter,
with Fetal Alcohol crippling emotional intelligence damage
and Cerebral Palsy perpetual TerribleTwo
"is too many,
because Earth is all about ego-defiant me"
has taught herself
to attach her lips,
and sometimes her wet licking tongue
when she is feeling particularly needy

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Categories: crippling, appreciation, community, earth, environment, health, integrity, together,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Candidates For Success
For those who agree that love is success
and hate is failure,
some admittedly unsolicited advice
from low-income and retired voter trenches:

1. Do not only run as AntiTrumpian.
Trumpianism means no more or less than
AntiPolycultural HealthyWealth
of and for Restoring...

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Categories: crippling, culture, education, food, health, humor, integrity, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Ongepatshket Torqued Skewed Reflection
Ongepatshket torqued skewed reflection

drawn courtesy lots of byte size chalk.

When e'er I summon fat chance
to empower me self with courage 
and steal a passing glance
in the mirror then instantaneously 
hairline fractures appear
than 'afore long 

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Categories: crippling, 12th grade, adventure, america, celebration, confidence, february,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Who Are We
In the Work That Reconnects,
we have a dialogue exercise
in which Person A asks Person B
"Who are you?"
several times over a few minutes,
as it feels right to reprime this exploratory pump;
then person B does the same...

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Categories: crippling, culture, earth, earth day, health, integrity, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member View From a Sanctuary
He retired to his sanctuary
on the Eastern shore of the Thames River
three years ago,
an often frustrated permaculture organizer
for building cooperative social health
by creatively communicating climate wealth
growing ZeroZone positive multicultural tao-energy.

This proves reclusively frustrating
in large part...

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Categories: crippling, age, america, change, health, integrity, longing, love,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things