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Poems by Brian Johnston

Brian Johnston - LIFETIME Premium Member Brian Johnston - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Brian Johnston. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Brian Johnston.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
05/09/2023 Was Saul a Deeply Flawed Intellectual Snob 446 Rhyme
05/01/2023 A Flirtation With Love - Parts 1, 2, and 3 Finis 490 Rhyme
04/06/2023 Always a Star 464 Rhyme
04/03/2023 Let Me Pen You With Forever Rhyme 473 Rhyme
03/27/2023 A Poetic Exception 473 Rhyme
02/07/2023 My Last Las Vegas Ces 590 Rhyme
01/27/2023 How Pale the Poem - An Echo Poem 546 Rhyme
01/25/2023 'give the Dog a Bone' 311 Rhyme
01/13/2023 God Bless Each Day's Magnetic Field On Earth - With New Footnotes 416 Rhyme
01/02/2023 This Poem's Heart 333 Rhyme
12/24/2022 Leaves of Frost - On Glass 494 Rhyme
12/17/2022 Should We Cower In Life's Castles 416 Rhyme
11/29/2022 Wisdom Seems An Oxymoron 465 Rhyme
11/26/2022 Tiny Flaws 403 Rhyme
11/19/2022 I'M a Christian, You'Re a Christian 389 Rhyme
11/18/2022 Pow - Right On the Kisser 461 Rhyme
11/18/2022 I'M a Fool For You Darling 389 Rhyme
11/09/2022 Do You Love Yourself In God's Will - New Revisions 420 Rhyme
09/24/2022 Bingsley: Carol's Cat 330 Rhyme
09/23/2022 My Last Poem 302 Rhyme
09/18/2022 White Noise 380 Haiku
09/18/2022 'diamond' Health News 370 Haiku
06/16/2022 Is Youth Wasted On the Young 520 Rhyme
05/14/2022 Warning: Barely Closeted Monsters Lurk Here 540 Rhyme
05/07/2022 I'Ve Been So Lucky In Life 1,2 651 Rhyme
04/21/2022 The Best Gifts of This Life - 1,2 656 Rhyme
04/07/2022 Are My Last Legs In Sight - Question Mark 535 Rhyme
04/03/2022 Life In a Tent - Out of a Suitcase 365 Rhyme
03/27/2022 One Eye Or Both 345 Rhyme
03/24/2022 Where We Feel Loved 247 Rhyme
02/21/2022 Seasons of Time 358 Rhyme
02/16/2022 The Kiss Principle 401 Rhyme
01/26/2022 God's Poetry Vs Christ's Grace 241 Rhyme
01/21/2022 The Physics of Poetry, Geology of Truth 369 Rhyme
12/30/2021 There's So Much Left To Learn 460 Rhyme
11/21/2021 Not Yet Who I Would Be 230 Rhyme
09/26/2021 Might God Exist If Truth's a Friend 202 Rhyme
09/19/2021 You Don'T Know Jack 234 Rhyme
09/16/2021 Christ's Message Distilled For Dummies 347 Rhyme
09/12/2021 Motor Home News and Blues 251 Rhyme
07/20/2021 Hidden Links 243 Rhyme
07/14/2021 Let's All Revere the Right To Vote 282 Rhyme
07/04/2021 The Gift of 'Not' Knowing - Now With Comments 339 Rhyme
06/26/2021 As Eyes Greet Each Fresh Dawn 584 Rhyme
05/11/2021 Being a Better Man - Revised 316 Rhyme
04/27/2021 Hitechku 311 Haiku
04/26/2021 If the Day Dawns, At Last - Yuliya 257 Rhyme
04/26/2021 If the Day Dawns, At Last - Men's Group 344 Rhyme
04/06/2021 'continental Drift' - the Metaphor 940 Rhyme
03/18/2021 Agreements Are Shams 355 Rhyme
03/13/2021 Surrender Your Fear 471 Rhyme
03/11/2021 Time Swirled Messages 335 Rhyme
03/08/2021 In December - On Life's Calendar 368 Rhyme
03/07/2021 Does This Make Sense 661 Rhyme
02/23/2021 Reversals of Fortune - 6 Sharings 710 Rhyme
02/20/2021 My Soul Is a Hole I Can'T Fill, Much Less Dig 344 Rhyme
02/16/2021 Is Joss Whedon 'I Am' - Christ Reincarnate 402 Rhyme
02/13/2021 The Pursuit of Tomorrow 327 Rhyme
02/02/2021 Win 'The Trip' Murray 432 Rhyme
01/31/2021 My New Normal 352 Rhyme
01/28/2021 'no One's Betrayed Me Like You' 460 Rhyme
01/26/2021 Is Friendship Just a Delusional Fiction 476 Rhyme
01/17/2021 The Last, Best Sips From Life's Glass 343 Rhyme
01/09/2021 The Secret of Wealth 556 Rhyme
01/07/2021 Renaissance Man 430 Rhyme
01/03/2021 Rhyme of An Ancient Mariner 416 Rhyme
12/29/2020 Friendships - the Real and the Possible 338 Rhyme
12/28/2020 Transitional Poetry 328 Rhyme
12/23/2020 Heaven For Dummies, Yes, You - Hell Debunked 557 Rhyme
12/19/2020 I'M Patient With Kimmy 434 Rhyme
12/18/2020 Sea Change 334 Haiku
12/18/2020 Artifact 363 Haiku
12/12/2020 All That Befriends Is a Gift 337 Rhyme
12/11/2020 Alien Kingdom 374 Rhyme
12/08/2020 Even If God's Absent 338 Rhyme
12/08/2020 Crown Your Faith With Doubt 376 Rhyme
12/05/2020 The Lever of Faith 342 Rhyme
11/20/2020 Enough Already 449 Rhyme
11/01/2020 The Mystery of Empty Space 504 Rhyme
10/30/2020 Galactic Strings Or Void of Space 469 Rhyme
10/26/2020 Halcyon Days 261 Rhyme
10/15/2020 She - For Whom the Snake Coils Revised 395 Rhyme
10/12/2020 Foot In Hand 335 Rhyme
09/30/2020 One Poem, That's It 533 Rhyme
09/30/2020 Am I Vexed, No 389 Rhyme
09/25/2020 Be My Family - Abigail's Dream 359 Rhyme
09/21/2020 Warning: Tree Rings To Jump Through 298 Rhyme
09/20/2020 Merov's Ghost and Other Shots Across My Bow 476 Rhyme
09/16/2020 I'M So Lucky 263 Rhyme
09/14/2020 Finding Shelter During End Times 308 Rhyme
09/04/2020 The Red Turtle's Gift - Redrawn 447 Rhyme
08/30/2020 Competing For Satan's Love 272 Rhyme
08/15/2020 A Callused View of Human Calluses 677 Rhyme
08/12/2020 What Love Might Say 411 Rhyme
08/10/2020 On the Loss of a Friend Who Still Lives 323 Rhyme
08/06/2020 Each Day of Our Lives 419 Rhyme
07/26/2020 The Flood, Christ's Death 360 Rhyme
07/21/2020 A 'Chicken' One Can Milk 314 Rhyme
07/18/2020 My Last Breath 327 Rhyme
07/16/2020 Verda Lee Allen 281 Rhyme


Quote Left Physics and Math are as real as it gets, Philosophy is just entertainment! Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Brian Johnston

Quote Left Like a tangible ether, your heart is what floats art! Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Brian Johnston


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I started writing poetry my Senior year in High School and the Muse still strikes on occasion. I also wrote some short stories in college but poetry is my ongoing interest. I enjoy tennis, swimming and backpacking and have become a YMCA member in recent years. My short term memory has taken a hit but I'm physically stronger than I have ever been! It's nice to be able to see improvement in at least one area of my life.
    I was in the US Peace Corps twice. The first time was from 1964 to 1966 in Tanzania, East Africa where I supervised the installation of small bridges and culverts on feeder roads in an attempt to encourage local farmers to produce more. I also did some survey work and was lucky enough to spend nearly a month surveying future roads for tourists on the floor of Ngorongoro Crater, an extinct volcano whose rim exceeds 10,000 ft in places and is over ten miles in diameter. The crater floor is a natural game park nearly 2,000 ft. below the rim. The poem 'Venice' was written on my trip home from East Africa.
    A 2nd Peace Corps stint was in Malaysia where I taught a two year Physics syllabus to very gifted students in Kuantan, on the east coast of Malaysia from 1970 to 1972. I don't think I ever worked so hard in my life as I did teaching those kids. It was a very rewarding experience.
    I wrote a number of poems while I was at the University of Oklahoma and wound up getting a Master's in Physics before I left for Malaysia in 1970. The poems 'Venice' and 'California Montage' both won 'Honorable Mentions' in state poetry contests while I was at OU.
    My Masters in Physics specialized in Superconductivity. I was again very fortunate in working on devices used by USGS to do a study of how the earth's magnetic field has changed through time. This study revealed that the earth's magnetic field has reversed itself many times through history and now the magnetic field found in the rock enclosing fossils can actually be used to help determine a fossils age. I also the wrote the computer program that USGS used to analyze their core sample data.
    When money dried up for for scientific research under Nixon, my next job was working as one of the first video game designers using microprocessor logic. My first game, a copy of a game done completely in hardware called 'Bi-Plane' was perhaps the first commercially sold video game using  a microcomputer chip, the Intel 8080, as it's heart and an Altair Home Computer Kit that a friend and I built as a development station. I wound up spending nearly 12 years designing games for companies like Extensys, Ramtek, Atari and Warner Brothers.
    My last programming job was designing a micro-computer driven KSU for TIE Communications which was my most successful programming job. The final phone system sold over a million units and its program contained over 40,000 computer instructions. This assembly language program took me almost 4 years to write before the final version was completed.
    The remainder of my career has been in both farming and in real estate management. My father worked largely in farming related businesses and when he became ill I got heavily involved with our farms in South Dakota and Oklahoma, which gave birth to the poems 'A Walk Near Blunt, ' 'Driving Alone Through the Sand Hills of Nebraska, ' and 'Like a Farmer.'
    I am retired now and live in SF Bay Area which I have called home since moving here in 1973.

Book: Shattered Sighs