Animal Poems - Examples of all types of animal poetry to share and read. This list of animal poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read
short, long, best, and famous examples of animal poetry. This list of works about animal is an excellent resource for examples on how to write animal poems.
Shattered dreams of New CanaanShattered dreams of New Canaan
no longer land of the free home of the brave,
original rightful occupants hoodwinked, petrified,
where diseases xeroxed
ambushed, crushed, extinguished,
squashed, trashed, wampashed,
the entire kit and kaboodle zapped
violent unwelcome intruders
celebrated acquisition or outright
annexation of...
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allegory, america, analogy, animal,
Form: Free verse
Gentle WandererIn tranquil depths, the sea turtle glides,
Ancient traveler where the ocean hides.
With a shell like armor, so strong and wise,
She dances through currents, beneath the wide skies.
A journey of...
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Form: Free verse
Large Furry Visitor-or What Ate the Suetbird feeder pole snapped in two
suet cakes gone-border collies barking
large furry forager departed- sated
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Form: Other
Form: Haiku
OrderLove not the cruel world-
where the birds take to the sky,
leaving snakes to crawl....
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analogy, animal, betrayal, devotion,
Form: Haiku
The Magic of the Farming DaysOn a quiet morning light
comes the deep oshanas breaking round
like a boundless oasis that is so bright
and the echoes of the cattle happily resound.
Manna of the north are planted
and the mielies around the homestead...
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animal, environment, farm,
Form: Pastoral
Death of a fleaI hate it when a flea
takes a liking to me
and keeps darting in front of my eyes.
I try swatting it away,
but she thinks it's play,
and so keeps it up - until she dies....
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12th grade, animal, dark,
Form: Tercet
Keeping up with the Joneses, who are weirdBecause I'd been good for a very long while,
my parents decided to buy me a crocodile.
Then all the kids on the block
thought I really did rock.
Till two weeks later,
another kid’s parents decided to buy him...
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animal, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse
A Delicacy to Delight the Most Discriminating Pig
Porky Pig once stopped by my butcher shoppe
Pig was not looking for any old slop
He searched high...
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animal, food, funny, giggle,
Form: Limerick
I found my muse
And added a pinch of euphony
A lilting dash of beauty
And wafting cup of imagery
I stirred in two tablespoons of fauna
and sprinkled a half cup of Flora
I boiled a gallon of...
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animal, art, beautiful, dream,
Form: Free verse
My Crazy PetsMy Crazy Pets
You might think I am daft
as I write this draft.
But it doesn’t’ have to make sense!
Prince presented me with a mouse.
His litter box stinks up the house.
He sleeps the day away,
and rarely likes...
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Form: Rhyme
Dignity Of An Elder DogMaster, my eyes now have cataracts,
my bones ache and stiffen when I rise,
I cannot chase squirrels like I used to,
nor fetch a tennis ball the way I did
as a pup,
but I love living with my...
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animal, 6th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Personification
The symbol in the SkyWrite a story for me about the symbol in the sky and how the moon orbits the earth in twenty seven point three days, when the universe was wide awake. Write a story for me...
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age, america, animal, courage,
Form: Narrative
Waking Up in a Concrete BuildingSat in rows dressed for summer, we convene to talk about winter and death. There are four screens in the room.
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absence, angst, animal, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Happy Groundhog's DayI wish you health
I wish you light
and happy Groundhogs Day
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animal, silly,
Form: Rhyme
Specific Types of Animal Poems
Read wonderful animal poetry on the following sub-topics:
acrostic, cruelty, death, farm, funny, haiku, kids, metaphor, nature, passing away, rights, rhyme, shape,
and more.
Definition | What is Animal in Poetry?
Poems Related to Animal
natural, bodily, wild, brute, beastly, bestial, corporeal, earthly, earthy, feral, fleshy, muscular, physical, sensual, untamed, mammalian, brutish, zoological, pet, beast, creature, stray, being, brute, mutt, bum, vertebrate, invertebrate, varmint, critter, living thing, wild thing,