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Poems by Matthew Harris

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Below are poems written by United States poet Matthew Harris. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Matthew Harris.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
07/26/2024 neither cleanliness nor godliness do I abide 17 Rhyme
07/23/2024 I a youthsome wholesome jokesome handsome 19 Free verse
07/22/2024 After President Joe Robinette Biden Junior withdrew from the presidential race 53 Free verse
07/21/2024 Bank rolled by billionaires 30 Free verse
07/19/2024 Move on over ole Joe 50 Free verse
07/16/2024 Umpteenth heat wave since onset of summer sizzles Delaware Valley today July 16th, 2024 43 Free verse
07/14/2024 Let us bear witness to arm and blindfold 39 Free verse
07/11/2024 Though no political pundit, nevertheless 50 Free verse
07/09/2024 I abhor the forfeiture of hard fought and won liberty 39 Free verse
07/07/2024 Damn them computer hackers 68 Free verse
07/06/2024 Birthday of beloved buxom babe I betrothed 39 Free verse
07/04/2024 Joseph Robinette Biden Junior 66 Free verse
07/03/2024 Shame full travesty regarding fourth of July celebration 121 Free verse
06/27/2024 Pariah heap - savagely subjecting myself to humiliation 40 Free verse
06/25/2024 Michael Joseph Jackson 44 Free verse
06/23/2024 I hanker and pine for wood burning stove weather 59 Free verse
06/22/2024 Happy shiny tummy courtesy I REM ember in place of stipend 51 Free verse
06/21/2024 Ruse of the evil grimace also known as Blondie 73 Free verse
06/20/2024 The Daily Star Thursday issue 109 Free verse
06/19/2024 June nineteenth one hundred and fifty nine years ago 61 Free verse
06/17/2024 Deva Ossig, the landlady and property owner turned rogue 76 Rhyme
06/16/2024 What happened to my sex drive? 138 Free verse
06/13/2024 Though a Democrat, I play the devil's advocate 112 Rhyme
06/10/2024 Trumpeting and mythologizing deranged deplorable basket case as demigod 115 Free verse
06/09/2024 I Samson wannabe feel aghast at latest turn of events regarding Gaza 127 Free verse
06/08/2024 A civil war ferociously raged 70 Free verse
06/07/2024 I live in a world of brutal ice and cold 85 Free verse
06/06/2024 Daemons within gray matter of this male run amuck 69 Free verse
06/04/2024 Spore your appreciation, edification, information 129 Rhyme
06/02/2024 Omnipresent lurch toward authoritarianism 74 Free verse
05/31/2024 Still stunned with disbelief 79 Free verse
05/30/2024 Doubting thomas doth hanker to live in or share 49 Free verse
05/26/2024 The old fart alter cocker shuffle 96 Free verse
05/25/2024 Memorial Day 2024 origin of holiday 106 Rhyme
05/23/2024 Once again the missus did volunteer yours truly as master of ceremonies 87 Rhyme
05/23/2024 A harrowing drive on the Schuylkill Expressway 88 Free verse
05/21/2024 Silence reigns supreme in my reich 74 Free verse
05/20/2024 Impoverished courtesy scam artists Harvey Specter 81 Free verse
05/19/2024 Since English language my mother tongue, no surprise 152 Free verse
05/16/2024 Passive aggressive insubordination against establishmentarian paradigm 177 Free verse
05/14/2024 Oh Mondseer: the muck cob brie muenster saga 122 Free verse
05/13/2024 Soul of skeptic writhes with agonizing torture like a burning man in Dante's Inferno 124 Free verse
05/12/2024 Awaiting a growth spurt that never happened 92 Free verse
05/11/2024 Sebaceous glands connected to follicles secrete an oily substance called sebum 113 Free verse
05/08/2024 The monumental bane of OCD obsessive compulsive disorder 93 Rhyme
05/07/2024 Mein kampf synonymous as a blooper 102 Free verse
05/05/2024 Brief Mane n Tail shampoo tall tell tale 116 Rhyme
05/05/2024 Lovely enchantress of cyberspace 106 Free verse
05/04/2024 Me very late mum, a funereal day 54 Rhyme
05/02/2024 Eminent domain, manifest destiny, usurpation 160 Free verse
04/30/2024 Where art thou unknown spellcaster 134 Free verse
04/28/2024 Baseless incriminations heaped upon head of missus 149 Free verse
04/27/2024 On being emotionally bankrupt 125 Free verse
04/24/2024 Fraught as an extremely socially anxious younger person 149 Rhyme
04/23/2024 Idyllic reverie during break of day 97 Free verse
04/22/2024 I wanna trade in my stubby spindleshanks 190 Free verse
04/21/2024 Growing my hair down below my knees 110 Free verse
04/21/2024 Earth Day April 22nd 2024 99 Rhyme
04/19/2024 A fanta see overrides reality 120 Free verse
04/19/2024 I made a good impression today April 19th, 2023 126 Rhyme
04/16/2024 Captain kuni-lemel graduate strikes again updated 201 Rhyme
04/14/2024 Sans sixth psychic sense 98 Rhyme
04/14/2024 Unsettling premonition kickstarts fiendish abomination 138 Free verse
04/12/2024 Book cause I spend an inordinate amount of time reading 192 Rhyme
04/12/2024 Try mumbo jumbo chicken gumbo soup saith dumbo 93 Rhyme
04/11/2024 Detailing delicate defecation debacle 88 Rhyme
04/10/2024 Still wrestling with impasse to contentment 233 Rhyme
04/09/2024 April 9th, 2024 would be ninety fifth birthday poem for dearly departed papa 221 Rhyme
04/07/2024 Invisibly tortured courtesy existential nihilism 232 Rhyme
04/04/2024 Re: viewing the emotionally prosperous papa razz zee life I did not live 165 Rhyme
04/03/2024 Temporal incarnation of Aphrodite 116 Rhyme
04/02/2024 More n nine months on 124 Free verse
03/31/2024 April fools day ordinarily all manner of tomfoolery abounds 120 Rhyme
03/30/2024 Easter as interpreted by one 184 Rhyme
03/29/2024 Convalescence of Richard McGeehan 135 Free verse
03/26/2024 How to attach a shower curtain 204 Rhyme
03/25/2024 I dread the United States presidential 2024 outcome 203 Free verse
03/24/2024 Bonanza of shamrocks will soon blanket Green Acres 117 Rhyme
03/21/2024 SAFELINK TracFone synonymous 182 Free verse
03/20/2024 Just because an impetus arose 152 Free verse
03/18/2024 Lapsed contra dancer rediscovers his happy place 111 Free verse
03/17/2024 Matthew O Harris Ease A FAKE Irishman 108 Free verse
03/11/2024 Harold the Hugh Hefner wannabe carrot top 183 Rhyme
03/10/2024 Up up the fly away wig doth go revisited and revised March 10th, 2024 254 Rhyme
03/09/2024 Daylight savings time more'n minute effect on me 180 Rhyme
03/07/2024 Strong suspicion a 2024 presidential win 279 Rhyme
03/06/2024 I lacked emotions where others concerned 121 Free verse
03/06/2024 Bittersweet pyrrhic victory 75 Free verse
03/04/2024 Vice President Elect Alexandria Ocasio Cortez 2024 117 Free verse
03/03/2024 Acid reflux very early morning March 3rd, 2024 128 Free verse
03/01/2024 Insomnia welcomed courtesy high test coffee 101 Rhyme
02/29/2024 February 29th, 2024 102 Rhyme
02/28/2024 Galley slave to obsessive compulsive disordered behavior announces 123 Rhyme
02/26/2024 Food glorious food 128 Rhyme
02/25/2024 Blech impossible mission to savor mug of ginger tea 115 Rhyme
02/22/2024 Sassy sobriquets schooled sissy spindleshanks 98 Free verse
02/21/2024 Upon approaching advent of an early spring 2024 212 Rhyme
02/20/2024 Traditional Solitaire potential combinations 114 Free verse
02/19/2024 I also feel blase today February 19th 2024 103 Free verse
02/18/2024 Albedo effect in full force after appreciable snowfall 143 Free verse

Short Stories

Present wedded bliss ain't no touchstone... funny, inspirational, love, romantic, scary,
Blunt edges of lower dentures... funny, inspirational, scary, young adult,
Take a message to Michael funny, inspirational, love, romantic, travel,
Magical mysterious muse fantasy, inspirational, love, mystery, romantic,
This accidental arsonist sparked following matchless anecdote for kids, funny, inspirational, thriller, young adult,
A Bridge over troubled housing donnybrook blight funny, inspirational, scary, thriller, travel,
The unconscionable spectre of Harvey Specter... crime, ghost, horror, moral, scary,
I never escaped from maws bing pi eyed piper pauper fantasy, moral, mystery,
A dangerous and mandatory evacuation man the poop deck fantasy, funny, thriller, travel, young adult,
I haint retracting casting myself, nor worming against being raffish ratfish for kids, for teens, funny, inspirational, romantic,
This accidental arsonist sparked following matchless anecdote funny, horror, scary,
Infinitesimal human jetsam flotsam self across webbed wide whirled viz cyber sea fantasy, inspirational, mystery, thriller, travel,
Voluntarily abducted by gruesome alien buoy hush ghouls fantasy, funny, ghost, inspirational, science fiction,
Donald Trump must be permanently barred and furloughed from Whitehouse crime, horror, moral, scary, war,
The Ujjayi breaths funny, inspirational, mystery, thriller, travel,
Would the real Matthew scott harris please stand up funny, inspirational, mystery, thriller, young adult,
A Dangerous And Mandatory Evacuation - funny, inspirational, thriller, war, young adult,
My Life In The Year 2040 inspirational, love, romantic, travel, young adult,
The Burial Of Matthew Scott Harris inspirational, moral, mystery, travel, young adult,
Bachelorhood To Cast Thy Die Fore fantasy, inspirational, love, romantic, young adult,
rape of innocent squaw king noble savage crime, horror, inspirational, middle school, war,
Toto and the land of Ozzy and Harriet inspirational, mystery, scary, science fiction, young adult,
Hellenic mythology...iz all greek to me! middle school, moral, mystery, romantic, young adult,
Somewhere In Time inspirational, middle school, romantic, war, young adult,
Fear Of Rabbits! funny, inspirational, middle school, thriller, young adult,
PRECOGNITION OF MY CANIS BEING funny, inspirational, love, romantic, young adult,
September 21st, 2011 ghost, love, science fiction, travel, young adult,
My Dub Bull Muck Cob Brie inspirational, macabre, mystery, thriller, young adult,
A Posse Trophy - By Hy Phen Made Declarative funny, inspirational, mystery, romantic, young adult,
When The Doomsday Clock Struck Twelve fantasy, inspirational, mystery, science fiction, young adult,
the personal as political funny, inspirational, moral, mystery, young adult,
One Rolling Flint Stone From The Bed Rock Of Ages fantasy, mystery, science fiction, travel, young adult,
Buggars for kids, funny, middle school, romantic, thriller,
Storied Panache ment Indelibly Etched Upon Every Page Entry for teens, horror, inspirational, scary, young adult,
Out In Limbo for teens, inspirational, middle school, thriller, young adult,
escape from the maws of being a pauper fantasy, for teens, mystery, romantic, thriller,
This Goose Stepping Pigeon Toed Wimp Nearly Got Cooked funny, inspirational, middle school, thriller, young adult,
Out on a limb fantasy, inspirational, middle school, mystery, thriller,
fractal friction from frumpy father for teens, funny, moral, thriller, young adult,
Pow Whore Toothy Art Filled New Deal Tomb Ache America Gear 8. fantasy, funny, love, moral, romantic,
A Moment Of Insufferable Anguish circa late 1980's early 1990s crime, macabre, mystery, spy, thriller,
My Psychological Nemesis – Schizoid Personality Disorder horror, mystery, scary, spy, thriller,
My Offal Bout With Shigella not meant 2 waste your time with this dreck horror, scary, thriller, travel, young adult,
Four Score And Seven Years Ago circa millions of years ago fantasy, inspirational, middle school, romantic, travel,
I Opened Thine Sigh Key, And Actual Front Door… crime, funny, horror, inspirational, moral,
Christopher Porter And Me circa mid 60s for kids, funny, inspirational, thriller, young adult,
Out on a limb reed ducks fantasy, horror, inspirational, scary, young adult,
A Nightmare In Collegeville, Pennsylvania circa mid 1980's ghost, macabre, scary, thriller, young adult,
All Joe king aside fantasy, funny, inspirational, moral, romantic,
Nome hatter the election thirteen plus months in the past fantasy, funny, horror, moral, scary,
The mercilessness oven indiscriminate fate inspirational, moral, mystery, young adult,
My Offal Bout With Shigella Ranked As The Worst Pain in the Arse horror, moral, scary, travel, young adult,
THIS ACCIDENTAL ARSONIST funny, love, moral, thriller, young adult,
DAD COMES TO THE RESCUE funny, moral, scary, thriller, travel,
Buried Sunk n Treasure fantasy, inspirational, mystery, romantic, thriller,
When The Doomsday Clock Struck Twelve fantasy, macabre, mystery, science fiction, thriller,
PRECAMBRIAN PREDECESSORS fantasy, inspirational, mystery, thriller, young adult,
DAD COMES TO THE RESCUE funny, inspirational, moral, scary, travel,
Afloat on a whole grain cheerio! This vignette iz a raison d'etat no bran er! fantasy, for kids, funny, spy, young adult,

Book: Shattered Sighs