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Poems by Samual Ronthorpe

Samual Ronthorpe - LIFETIME Premium Member Samual Ronthorpe - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail Go to Poets Blog Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Samual Ronthorpe. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Samual Ronthorpe.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
06/05/2015 Spring Haiku 1072 Haiku
06/05/2015 That's Life 965 Quatrain
05/28/2015 Home 975 Etheree
05/28/2015 Satan 1129 Quatrain
05/27/2015 Inner Beast 1353 Quatrain
05/27/2015 Carpe Diem 1021 Acrostic
07/26/2012 Why Poets Write 1837 Rubaiyat
07/26/2012 Lessons In Love 1589 Etheree
02/29/2012 12 Painful Steps 1518 Etheree
02/20/2012 The Mind of a Madman 1718 Rubaiyat
02/18/2012 Raw Emotion 3869 Sestina
02/10/2012 Good Night - Good Morning 2416 Footle
02/09/2012 My Valentine Gift 1543 Tanka
05/14/2011 Depression - Acrostic 4464 Acrostic
05/12/2011 Miss Foxy and Hound 1945 Haiku
05/11/2011 The Wolf, Coyote, Fox and Hound 2881 Haiku
05/09/2011 A Curious Mind 2434 Rubaiyat
04/27/2011 Beware the Bomber 1632 Epulaeryu
04/26/2011 Flight - Less - 2451 Free verse
04/25/2011 Touch Me - Dusk 1816 Etheree
04/21/2011 Gods' Secret Spot 1825 Rubaiyat
04/19/2011 The Creation 1477 Free verse
04/19/2011 Bipolar 3407 Dramatic Verse


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I was born in November, 1964. I am a Scorpio. I am a disabled veteran, U.S Army, 1st Inf. Div., "Big Red One".

Being a Scorpio; I am passionate, opinionated, hard-headed, quick tempered and I have anger issues.

"Samual Ronthorpe" is my pen name. My 'real' name has never been published on the Internet and it never will. I have been writing for over 30 years and I do have a few writings in print, under my 'real' name, which I choose not to reveal.

I write as a form of therapy. I really don't care if anyone reads my work or not, in fact, I only recently began to self publish. My writing is a way for me to keep my mind busy. I have discovered that if I think too long on serious issues, bad things happen. It is not uncommon for me to spend months writing a play or novel and then just destroying it, without anyone ever reading it. I have done that more times than I can remember. Like I said, I write for therapy and am still really not comfortable with people reading my work, but I am dealing with it.

When it comes to God and religion, I am an agnostic; however, I completely respect those who believe in such things. I don't desire to change your opinion, in this area, as long as you don't try to change mine.

I have done a lot of traveling. I have traveled to Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Amsterdam, Spain, Portugal, S. Korea, Japan and a handful of other countries. I have taken 3 cruises. I took one to Alaska, one in the Virgin Islands/Bahamas and one to the Greek Islands. I plan to go to the U.K, sometime in 2013.

That's about it.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry