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Short Smite Poems

Short Smite Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Smite by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Smite by length and keyword.

Stand with great might,
for this fight is
to smite our foe....

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Categories: smite, nostalgia, passion, uplifting,
Form: Than-Bauk

Paint me a picture lily white
Showing how struggle fought the night
Through the dark of agony’s smite
Into the arms of Christ, delight....

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Categories: smite, faith, jesus,
Form: Rhyme
The Word
A popular Biblical quote
Researchers now claim no one wrote
It may be a fable
That Cain convinced Abel
The past tense of smite is just "smote!"...

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Categories: smite, bible,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member A Little Wormy
Feeling silly as silly can be Took a silly pill, now need to pee Something ain't right Got dragons to smite A old aged hero but a little wormy

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Categories: smite, silly,
Form: Limerick
Prayer In the Air
Jews bang their head against the Wall
Jihadists choose the ground and sprawl
Like Christians they fear
That God can not hear
Their prayer to smite foes they recall...

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Categories: smite, prayer,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member The Fall of Macbeth
March forth Macduff, your sword to smite. The head of a king for your requite! Ten years he has reigned with innocence feigned. Greed and slaughter his ultimate blight!

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Categories: smite, history
Form: Limerick
I do not love you,
For your eyes are spiteful, too.
I do not love you,
Your eyes are revolving lasers of ugliness and destitution.
Though why the desire to smite me,
O, brave ones,
Why the desire to smite me?...

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Categories: smite, life, desire, love,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Pyjamas Get Twisted
In spite of a warning voice that comes in the night Our pyjamas get twisted, strangle us in spite But as hard as we try Punching people nearby We wake up in the morning, say sorry for the smite

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Categories: smite, sorry,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Moments Bring
night fight
might smite
quite right

Neal’s deal 
feel zeal

stand Strand
fan hand

give five 
dive thrive

hoarse horse
force course  

wife life
rife  strife

Spence tense
sense dense  


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© Eve Roper  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: smite, imagery,
Form: Footle
Premium Member Your Pyjamas Get Twisted
In spite of a warning voice that comes in the night Your pyjamas get twisted and strangle you in spite But as hard as you try Punching people nearby You wake up in the morning, apologize for the smite

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Categories: smite, sad,
Form: Limerick
Casting Darkness Aside
May words be courageous,
  with thoughts on fire

This pen as my shield,
  to smite the ire

The darker the cave,
  bigger demons to hide

With truth as my torch
  —casting darkness aside

(Dreamsleep: June, 2019)...

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Categories: smite, truth,
Form: Rhyme
The End
who is this woman who stands to claim you
twisted face and ratty hair
eyes glinting with greed
hand in your pocket
deceit in her words
I will smite her
like the bible
I'm sure God will lend me a lightning bolt
to put and end to this

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Categories: smite,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member That Makes Sense To Me
If you're tipsy in the ring
Don't try to fight the fighter

If you're near some gasoline
Don't try to light the lighter

If you're teeth are never clean
Don't try to bite the biter

If you're really not that mean
Don't try to smite the smiter...

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Categories: smite, wisdom,
Form: Rhyme
Causeway of Hope
Neptune grant me leave
To build a causeway
Across your waters
A barrier reef
To connect two souls

Thor's hammer strong
Will smite these rocks
No mountain chain
Will I endure

Until I
Hold you close
And can kiss

The tears
From your


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Categories: smite, hope, love
Form: Diminished Hexaverse
Silhouettes and Palm Trees
Black and white
Images were smite
Blank but bright
When struck by light

Vast seas,
Fast cease,
The cast sees,
But won't seize

Of marionettes,
Ties attached,
Lies dettached

Palm trees,
Solemn breeze
Heavily breathes,
Lightly leaves......

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Categories: smite, memory,
Form: I do not know?
Temple of Life
You are my obsidian dream and I will quarry your love In the Temples of Oblivion, reveal your secrets to me! Let us strike a mortal bargain to smite the dull frame of night.
Michael Dom Sijo in a temple created 12/12/13 - resurrected 08/05/14...

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Categories: smite, dream, love, marriage,
Form: Sijo
Premium Member Might VS Right
Might VS Right By: Miracle Man 6/8/2024 A story around town was about a man’s might, Some said, yellow as mustard, and wouldn’t fight. He saw fighting as absurd, he didn’t use a swearword, But turned the other cheek after receiving a smite. Matthew 5:39 K J V

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© Tom Wright  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: smite, bible, feelings,
Form: Limerick
He Is God
He is God
To you
To me
To every living being
To all, He is God
To the end of days
Forever, He is God
With all power and might
To give life
To smite
With all authority, He is God
With all wisdom
And knowledge complete
Willing to teach
All who would seek
He is God....

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Categories: smite, devotion, faith, inspirational, introspection, love, uplifting,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Haunting Hoots
 Silent in flight
 Deadly in the night
 Haunting hoots give prey fright

 With prey out of sight
 Owls hear just right
 Silent in flight

 Talons of might
 at the ready to smite
 Deadly in the night

 Moon is bright
 Prey learn their plight
 Haunting hoots give prey fright



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© Joseph May  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: smite, nature,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Smite Polite
Wildlife cannot remain contained;
Life in a glass dome is so secure;
Strife lines the broken trail to success,
jackknife just to watch basic shatter;

Sunlight isn't gifted glitter like splinters;
Rewrite is a creative's closest consort;
Recite what they say in a new way,
smite polite I want to make art....

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Categories: smite, art, feelings, poetry, write,
Form: Lento
Premium Member Plight
I cry out boldly in the night In the darkness there so bright Standing stripped of moral might Looking back with perfect sight Slender rays of stars swift flight Pierce my weeping soul with smite Alone inside unbridled fright I roam within this parlous plight
written 2021.10.25...

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Categories: smite, emotions, fear, perspective,
Form: Monorhyme
Lest We Forget
Lest we erase the database of war that brought "grace" 
Lest we smite wars slight, the one that gave us our "right" 
Bow your heads in prayer and wear a poppy with pride    
Bow your heads in prayer and thank them for their stride. 
Lest we forget we have a debt to those we never met...

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Categories: smite, world war ii,
Form: Rhyme
On Viewing New Buildings In Washington, D. C.
Man’s lofty hopes once soared in stone.
His architecture sought God’s sky,
In spires uprisen, sprung from earth.

Today, man’s mood is crudely shown
In concrete cubes that smite the eye,
Brute paleoliths of stone-age worth
That future archeologists, amazed, will scan,
And ponder… did ape-like artisans evolve from man?...

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© Steve Eng  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: smite, art, loss, nostalgia,
Form: Verse
Felon Fury Fostered - Day 17
like taunted tiger
seeped'n saucy anger
felon fury fostered
fiery feelings triggered
callous claws smirk
dripping lanky lurch

saucy silhouette scribbled
with whooshing wiggle
naive cubs cobbled

as rustling rage
smite tainted trace
intruder felon phrase

same, salient emotions
strap squishy combustions.

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Categories: smite, allegory,
Form: Sonnet
Blistering Lips of the Betrayer
I dine with the blind,
See this divine,
Oh dear mankind,
Drink chalice wine.

You all go blind,
Say everything is fine,
Let the fine dine,
Reaching out for lies.

The supper of flies,
Soon be crucifies,
Man becomes sinner,
Mouth of blisters.

Death to the light,
Self smite, death write,
Flesh like bites,
Fade out of the lights....

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Categories: smite, betrayal, dark,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things