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Long Valuable Poems

Long Valuable Poems. Below are the most popular long Valuable by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Valuable poems by poem length and keyword.

Letters For People Part 4
Dear people, 
    (Am i?) Mad it’s a conformist state?
A status that perpetuates people to pair, to compare, to prepare, 
to perfect, before performance, …?
    -sure hard to try...

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© Matt Godek  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: valuable, america, angst, business, confusion, feelings, poverty,
Form: Epic

Premium Member Pequot River Land Trust
or twice, 
maybe thrice,
surely not
not fractal

A clan of crazy ecofeminists
conspired within an 88 unit residential castle
in their historically converted 
sometimes hysterically clueless condo
colonial-red predative brick 
badly bald aging building

With a sometimes soggy south walled school,

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Categories: valuable, blue, culture, environment, green, health, humor, math,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Grand Priorities
What fills your goals, son?

I told you!
Need to get my car rolling [life rolling, love rolling]
if not today...

If I may interrupt
to process mindful resilience
for a bit...

Let me ask again:
Noticing you are concerned about long-winded
and -winding

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Categories: valuable, black african american, earth, health, nature, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Hellfire On Earth
Dear Donald John
and GoodFaith Followers,
ProActive Prayers for Rapturous Redemption
from Eternal Hellish
Left EgoVoices anger and fear
Right SpiritFeelings ecodarkly terrified
from and of dying death.

Your LeftBrain does not lack
for paranoid Win/Lose conviction
We must live in a dog eat...

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Categories: valuable, appreciation, bullying, caregiving, games, health, humanity, humor,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Let Us Speak Clearly
Let me speak clearly with you
dear religious and atheist Trumpians,

A fool in executive office
is a leader
only in foolish directions.

A rich thief
is the worst thief
as survival motives
are absent,
so self-thrival motives
remain piratically rampant.

An intellectual prostitute
to feel-good AmericaFirst...

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Categories: valuable, caregiving, culture, education, health, integrity, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Chapter 107 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Family Festive Fountain Market Jamboree
Date:  January  2046

8:45 am  in the Damian Domaine 
Some are sleeping some are peeping
What are we eating? Said Molly to
Dolly. "What ever we can?" She replied 
While still sleepy eyed checking
Supplies. So...

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Categories: valuable, child, chocolate, confidence, family, father son,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Sins of Supreme Suppression
Not to play any blame game,
in this our new co-evolutionary capacity
for LeftBrained Language Enculturation
long become YangDominant associated
with 'civilization',
co-arising anthro-centrism,
including Earth's newer history
of revolution by Empirical Elitism.

Processes of empirical empire supremacy,
kill or be killed,
became not really...

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Categories: valuable, earth, health, language, math, religion, science, sin,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member An Ordinary Girl - Translation From Tagore
Sharing my translation of a famous poem (Sadharan Meye) written by Rabindranath Tagore, who won Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. It's one of his story-like poems, written in Bengali, which is one of the...

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Categories: valuable, life, loss,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Sunday Morning Joggers
Goodness, I nearly lost my balance on the spiral seashells and broken sea stone chipping matrix.
My quaint obsession with marine life and that skyline paradox blossoming so tantalisingly,  might be a source of some...

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Categories: valuable, age, art, birth, devotion, feelings, heart, irony,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Working With Theories
I'm working on this Systems Theory

All existing formal religious traditions
and informal spiritual experience 
of Great Sacred EcoLogical Transitions
[e.g. Holocene to 
Green AnthroScene;
HolySpirit to
Whole Holonic Natural Communion Systems]

through our divine monotheistic
and/or polytheistic
and/or atheistic naturalistic branches
shared as...

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Categories: valuable, anxiety, appreciation, culture, health, integrity, peace, religion,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Wherever You Are, I Will Be There
Spoken: Life happens when change changes us
Well, that change, unfortunately, made us fuss

Time is a valuable notion 
It determines our emotion 
Being taken advantaged of, time and time again, hurts
In return, you hand me shirts...

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Categories: valuable, confidence, encouraging, endurance, faith, feelings, longing, passion,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Finally Saved Part 2 - Translation From Rabindranath Tagore
This is the Second Part of the Translation from Rabindranath Tagore, Nobel-Laureate Philosopher Poet from India. 

Father only smiled; thought, "women
are emotionally heated balloons! 
Life is a difficult  salvation, they don't have that knowledge", 

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Categories: valuable, father daughter, love, marriage, women,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member CREATIVTY- PERCEPTION-tenet 1x4






This short  eBook encompasses my experiences of the creative in both art and poetry in particular.The content of each of the four...

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Categories: valuable, education, poetry,
Form: Didactic
A Free-Verse Epic
Thus it begins—
A free-verse epic
Into the mind of
A writer and an idiot—
A romantic and, 
Often a pessimist
Conjoined in arbitrary glory
Are the thoughts and words 
Of one overly-worked mind—
Charismatic and, of course,
On the pushover, pitiful
And usually...

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Categories: valuable, beautiful, confidence, conflict, courage, deep, freedom, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Eyes the Painting Photograph In the Sky- -
"I am a painter and my eyes are the paint brushes I had if I look up with my open eye I see the Horizon I see the clouds to be continued
Oh shutter as I...

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Categories: valuable, allusion, analogy, appreciation,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Understanding Suicide Understanding Me
Understanding Suicide Understanding Me

Awhile back I had a dear friend contact me to ask if I heard about the young mans suicide at a nearby towns school. I had not. After asking one time on...

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Categories: valuable, character, childhood, courage, death, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Desert Rose
I was driving to Utah, because I had gotten a promotion;
And chose the scenic route, so as to put things in motion.

I had been traveling from Los Angeles, to Salt Lake City;
And the scenery along...

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Categories: valuable, beauty, faith, fantasy, inspiration, lost, purple, rose,
Form: Couplet
Mild With Glee
I'm in the back burner once again
Once again
Wild and free in the fields of fleedom 
Mild with glee, ahhhh awaiting his Kingdom 
Yes baby, you make me happy as a clown getting all of the...

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Categories: valuable, deep, desire,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Kingdom of My Embrace
"Years” and “Distance”, phantoms of the dark that do their evil
in the quietude of the everyday, coming and going without so
much as a footprint or a whisper, and taking the most valuable
possessions of the heart,...

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Categories: valuable, absence, appreciation, children, family, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Heart

Deep fissures formed
in the cracks of 
the nowhere place
where time leeched
bleeding claret 
through the green 
veined blues

protean bit by bit
the flesh disappears
prematurely 6ft under
mulch for rebirth
the subcontinent
conscientious conscience 
inward reaching

the divine central tableau...

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Categories: valuable, muse,
Form: Free verse
Inception: Crying a River - Collab With Mikey Part 0
You’re like a backpack, jam-packed with memories of High School’s fun times and hard times…I know I had weaknesses back then; in addition, I had strengths that I still lack
You carry everyone’s weight including my...

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Categories: valuable, betrayal, blessing, dark, depression, desire, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Essay: Darwin's Theory - Science Or Fairy Tale
Not to let the air out of anyone's tire but it's really not fair to compare religious 
writings to modern science. Scientific theories for one thing are models of 
reality (for example)   ...

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Categories: valuable, appreciation, universe,
Form: Blank verse
Reaching Out To You
I feel like my life is a clean slate
When I’m reaching out to you
I feel you lingering in my thoughts...
You stitched up my insecure frame of mind 
And stitched up the little pieces of memory...

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Categories: valuable, confusion, courage, fear, freedom, giving, journey, love,
Form: Rhyme
I’m here, in this terror.
 Blood, blood puddles everywhere
like after a demonic storm of rain, but instead it’s human red liquid .
leaking and escaping.  
More of it appears
at each second .
Tick, splat. Tock splat 

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© Rose Lil  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: valuable, absence, betrayal, death, horror,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Connected To Last Entry

   ...while true feminists say that they are feminists because they care for the well-being of women, the modern feminist group, True/Active Feminism does exactly the opposite. They use the form of "dis-pair"...

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Categories: valuable, art,
Form: Other

Book: Reflection on the Important Things