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Long Quality Poems

Long Quality Poems. Below are the most popular long Quality by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Quality poems by poem length and keyword.

An Adverse World Uncurled
“I am NOT like my father!!!
You say that again, I’m going to kill you!”

I shrivel up in shame
For, I am not to blame
For the shenanigans you put me through so many times
Sometimes, I wish I...

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Categories: quality, addiction, anger, angst,
Form: Free verse

Below the Horizon - Shallow Shame
Agony be to society's demise
Labels are for fools, not for the wise
Play the familiar tune of in-unison serenity 
Fatality won't come any time soon, thankfully...

Homeless people were on the news not to long ago...I weep...

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Categories: quality, cute, deep, depression, desire,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hellfire On Earth
Dear Donald John
and GoodFaith Followers,
ProActive Prayers for Rapturous Redemption
from Eternal Hellish
Left EgoVoices anger and fear
Right SpiritFeelings ecodarkly terrified
from and of dying death.

Your LeftBrain does not lack
for paranoid Win/Lose conviction
We must live in a dog eat...

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Categories: quality, appreciation, bullying, caregiving, games, health, humanity, humor,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Two Wrongs Worth a Right
Today, our first “All About Me” History class begins
when we comprehend every day and night
co-arises with “All About We”
bicamerally encultured
and regenetically reiterated
in and through,
by and for,
before and after,
each moment of Earth Tribe’s timeless surfing times.


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Categories: quality, culture, earth, humor, integrity, philosophy, political, universe,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member What I Didn'T Know
People, Places, and Things I Didn't Know I Trusted

I rather suddenly, and belatedly,
realized I trust the highest and best use for language,
for every community and communication of faith,
for every school and pedagogical political enculturation,
for every...

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Categories: quality, culture, health, love, political, power, psychological, trust,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Sweetspots
Could you tell me, please,
how to become polypathically smarter,
economically deep learned and wisely adept 
co-arising ecologically systemic theories
to grow more co-empathic trust 
of and for cooperatively organizing positive 
nutritional slow-growth,
optimally sustainable Continuous Quality Health Improvement?


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Categories: quality, beauty, earth, growth, happiness, humanity, humor, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Chapter 111 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Worries Orchestrations Population Disintegration
Molly sat on the backyard porch 
Watching the kids play when Dolly 
Emerged from the doorway and 
Sat with her. "Hey sis how's it going 
Girl! Dolly seemed jovial. Molly 
Replied, "I guess it's going...

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Categories: quality, color, daffodils, family, good morning, home,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Psychotripic Theory of Everything
Compassion co-arises nondually 

Today I want to talk about possibilities
for integral polycultural dynamics,
which are systemic relationships,
between LeftBrain deductive ego-mind,
RightBrain inductive eco-body,
and a boundary between these bicameral landscapes,
which we call unconsciousness.

The feasibility
and health value
of recognizing this...

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Categories: quality, community, political, psychological, science, spiritual, western,
Form: Free verse
Veronica Franco Translations
Veronica Franco translations

Veronica Franco (1546-1591) was a Venetian courtesan who wrote literary-quality poetry and prose.

Capitolo 19: A Courtesan's Love Lyric (I) 
by Veronica Franco
loose translation by Michael R. Burch

"I resolved to make a virtue of...

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Categories: quality, desire, french, joy, love, lust, poetess, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Riding Time's Political Flow
We might do well
to worry less
about including the grizzly bear population
in our DNA/RNA cooperatively encultured Golden Rule,
after all,
we already would kill and eat them,
if hungry enough,
as they would like to treat us.

We could do well

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Categories: quality, beauty, culture, nature, philosophy, political, psychological, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member The Power of Gods Armor - the Hourglass Style
~ The Power Of God's Armor  ~
( Hourglass  )

Oh Lord! help me in daily walk
In your Holy name, let me talk
Thru life guide me so less I fall
Each day I want to hear...

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Categories: quality, christian, faith, hope, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Summer Reforesting School
what did you most appreciate
learning at school this summer?

Probably in Community ReForesting.
You know, the EcoTherapy Class
I took
instead of eating lunch,
using "lunch" loosely
as synonymous with edible,
or at least tangentially related to edibility.

Oh yes, that one.
What stands...

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Categories: quality, culture, education, health, history, humor, integrity, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Enlightening Systems
"Overcoming misleading [economic and political] metaphors
that are physically [naturally, ecosystemically, phylogenically] in [and of] 
your [ecological-organic embodied] brain
is never easy."
            George Lakoff, The Political...

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Categories: quality, blessing, humor, math, mentor, metaphor, religion, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Power of Gods Armor - the Hourglass Style
~  The Power Of God's Armor     ~
 ( The Hourglass / Prayer Style  )


Oh Lord! help me in daily walk
In your Holy name, let me talk
Thru life guide...

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Categories: quality, christian, faith, hope, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Romeo and Juliet: the Remix
Three voices required,
and two students:
Yang as Fr. Time
YinYin as Sr. Gaia

In a college classroom with Win-Win Game Theory written on whiteboard.

Today we are going to role play 
a Win-Win enculturation game.

We will define enculturation...

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Categories: quality, absence, allegory, destiny, games, humor, love, myth,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Merov's Ghost and Other Shots Across My Bow
Merov’s Ghost (1) and Other Shots Across My Bow!

In mid-November of Fourteen, I published my first web verse here, (2)
the earliest spanned sixty years, composed for Senior English class
one night in Nineteen Sixty-One. Assigned just...

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Categories: quality, blessing, life, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Bharathidasan's Pulikku Nay Enta Mulai, Translated By T Wignesan
Bharathidasan’s “Pulikku nay enta muulai” (To the Tiger, the Dog knows no safe dwelling!) translated by T. Wignesan 

Bharathidasan (1891-1964) was a self-proclaimed disciple of the eminent Brahmin poet: Cuppiramania Bharathiyar (cf. two poems of...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: quality, anti bullying, patriotic, political, racism, , literature,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Of Winks and Wings - Part 1
I have a little story to tell you ... it's absolutely true, of course, at least as far as I'm concerned, but you can take it as you wish - as a tale, a fact,...

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Categories: quality, autumn, life, lost love, nature, soulmate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Used To Go To This Bar
Red light, the neon beer sign on the distant wall reflects off the long expanse of polished bar top, overpowering the quiet brown wood. It’s after lunch, only a few people in to stir the...

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Categories: quality, addiction, beauty, drink, religion, society, solitude,
Form: Prose
Premium Member A Small Bouquet of My Word Groupings
you were an infant
i would sing a song i created for you

'there's a baby in my arms
there's a baby in the mirror
but honey 
there's not really two
the child in the mirror
is only 
an image 

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Categories: quality, appreciation, celebration, childhood, daughter, encouraging, faith, inspiration,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Advent of Healthier Economics
It's not so much
our cultural value conditioning
that presents a transitional communication problem
about changes of climate
within our Interior
and without
our Exterior

It's more about discontinuous,
internally incommensurable,
cultural values
norms enjoined throughout Earth's fully domesticated human race
toward humane evolution's progress,
whether this...

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Categories: quality, adventure, birth, bullying, hate, health, life, true
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Life Beloving Dualdark Night

Some days and nights
I am terrorized by death,
cold silo ache-echoing fear,
claustrophobic breathless dark
barking inevitable factness and finality
of my decomposing mortality,
and posthumous demise,
probably post-humorous as well,
should we discover any essential difference.

What good is death
if it cannot...

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Categories: quality, death, depression, humor, identity, life, love, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member One Thing That Love Is
Everything here is true
Just as stated
because it's already happened
or - it has yet to occur - 
but it's very soon to occur
and I have such strong feeling
that the future will be as I see it

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Categories: quality, dog, love, memory, sad,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Climatic Collaboratory
I don't recall whose inspired idea it wasn't
to invite the math professor
into our Therapeutic Collaborative Laboratory.

I do recall when I first heard her speak
of cooperative polynomial qualities
for improving ego/eco-therapeutic communications.

She was, of course,
in the back...

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Categories: quality, culture, earth, education, environment, health, humor, math,
Form: Political Verse
A Perfect World From a To Z
A perfect world
From A-Z…

Actually addicted attitude apologetic they assume while I'm angst in my room
Bold not blameless but blame shooting out like bullets
Critics just quit it, calculated moves, claim to have your back until you...

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Categories: quality, addiction, adventure, beauty, perspective,
Form: ABC

Book: Reflection on the Important Things