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Hate Poems | Examples of Hate Poetry

Hate Poems - Examples of all types of hate poetry to share and read. This list of hate poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples of hate poetry. This list of works about hate is an excellent resource for examples on how to write hate poems.
Premium Member Take Control
I fear people have lost their way; now, hatred and lies rule the day; our morels faded over time. Purchasing political will; cult leaders are prepared to kill, perpetuating fear through crime. They claim that they believe in God, but that declaration...Read the rest...
Categories: hate, america, angst, anti bullying,
Form: Verse

Premium Member Humanity
Lost to idealism's corrupted values greed purchased evils old stubborn men changes are on the way Kamala will drop the bombs now ...Read the rest...
Categories: hate, allah, child abuse, evil,
Form: Free verse
The Girl Who Vanished
Deep beneath the old oak tree Past the backyard swing I oversee A land so baron, where nothing grows The land I can feel, it somehow knows What's been buried there by one so cold May his conscience plague him...Read the rest...
Categories: daughter, death, fear, hate,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member MAGA's Ayn Rand-ish
All at once it dawned on me that Trump’s MAGA philosophy is very Ayn Rand-ish (without all her sharp edges) ...Read the rest...
Categories: hate, money, philosophy, society,
Form: Couplet
Knight In Shining Bull----
Heart of night And shining armor Rusted underneath I will not let you vanquish me Again Creating the dangers against Which you feign defend...Read the rest...
Categories: boy, dark, fantasy, hate,
Form: Rhyme

The knife is against your throat and I don't think I'd regret it Stop picking at my skin Pull your teeth out of my neck Leave me somewhere between life and death Pain and emotionless Good to know I...Read the rest...
Categories: anger, hate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member We’ve Lost Our Way
It seems somewhere along the way we’ve lost our sight and gone astray. The left turned left, the right turned right, and in between there is no light. ...Read the rest...
Categories: conflict, hate, political,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Evil Has a Childhood
toss anger, he said into the bin of waste waste not mankind’s love with abuse and bite the bullet skies high the eagle flies why not the steeple less with feathers flocked why not the pews on threadbare knees that knock and palms close touch of...Read the rest...
Categories: anger, hate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Father-Daughter Dance
I once made a stranger bleed out from his eyes After transcribing his skeleton, and then reading His scratched-up bones back to him. I was thirteen when it happened, English class When I first realized how a...Read the rest...
Categories: absence, age, anger, hate,
Form: Free verse
I still remember vividly, that Wednesday summer heat, you and me. Evenings intertwined by destiny's sweet design, but now it's all washed clean . Rain's washed over, every feeling that remained, you're just a faded memory...Read the rest...
Categories: hate, break up, confusion, depression,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Narrow Roads
When the roads are grand yet your mind still will not pass the toll was too expensive it required a conscience with some empathy ignorance and evil hold hands when they dance to de humanize partners in crimes oh my! rape the pinatas are...Read the rest...
Categories: character, hate, silence, war,
Form: Free verse
In a world full of love Why do I feel hate Everytime I look down the field I see a closed gate In this peaceful world there's people Full of good n bad Fighting a useless war everywhere Over something they never...Read the rest...
Categories: hate, anxiety, blessing, conflict, depression,
Form: Rhyme
You have betrayed me for the last time You No longer get to know whether I'm fine Done with the lies Done with the hate Go away two-faced people I have enough on my plate No...Read the rest...
Categories: anger, emotions, feelings, hate,
Form: Rhyme
I said no today. It scared me. What will they think of me now? I didn't bend, nor break, I stood my ground. What will they think of me now? ...Read the rest...
Categories: hate, anxiety, conflict, courage, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wounded Knee
The red sun cut across the sky like a dull knife where the tears would fall at Wounded Knee Creek on December 29th, 1890, close to 400 Lakota Sioux were resting peacefully on the Pine Hill Reservation in...Read the rest...
Categories: evil, hate, heartbreak,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Specific Types of Hate Poems

Read wonderful hate poetry on the following sub-topics: boyfriend, friends, funny, girlfriend, her, him, life, love, myself, rhyme, roses are red, self, school, world, you, yourself and more.

Definition | What is Hate in Poetry?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things