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Poems by Keith Dovoric

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Below are poems written by United States poet Keith Dovoric . If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Keith Dovoric .

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Best Keith Dovoric Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
08/15/2024 The Only Ride That’s Free 280 Epic
03/19/2024 Sailin’ Away 165 Alexandrine
03/18/2024 Other Voice in My Head 190 Lyric
02/22/2024 At the Gates 144 Lyric
02/22/2024 Purity 256 Elegy
12/28/2023 Protected 242 Lyric
12/07/2023 Only Child 263 Lyric
12/07/2023 Right 137 Lyric
12/01/2023 Clarity 156 Political Verse
11/30/2023 Heart of Hearts 249 Lyric
11/28/2023 It's a Hard Road, and My Wheels Are Breaking Down 395 Ballad
11/25/2023 Attention of the Center 183 Verse
11/22/2023 The Becoming 156 Lyric
11/22/2023 I Guess It's Smart 154 Lyric
11/15/2023 Simplified 183 Lyric
09/21/2023 Real As Me 193 Rhyme
09/12/2023 Sunset Town 247 Lyric
09/04/2023 Pikersville 494 Ballad
08/22/2023 Threads 299 Lyric
08/02/2023 Beginning of the End 259 Epic
04/07/2023 Sheer Fall 427 Rhyme
03/30/2023 Kafkaeqsue 615 Lyric
03/30/2023 Uriel Jackson 380 Ode
01/26/2023 Worthy of God 329 Lyric
12/22/2022 Dionysus 465 Verse
12/08/2022 Good Luck, Charlie 256 Lyric
11/23/2022 The Siren's Song 411 Verse
11/22/2022 Think Like a Man 253 Lyric
11/17/2022 White Noise Blues 724 Verse
11/16/2022 Nobody's Acolyte 250 Lyric
11/10/2022 The Lie of Freedom 309 Verse
10/24/2022 Family Man 257 Lyric
08/24/2022 Off the Grid 420 Light Verse
08/11/2022 Jokes On Yourself 532 Lyric
07/11/2022 No Ideology 665 Political Verse
07/08/2022 This Is a Funeral 715 Lyric
07/04/2022 I'll Be On My Guard 772 Lyric
06/08/2022 The Camping Saga 588 Lyric
06/04/2022 Leper In Need 438 Verse
05/27/2022 A Little Bridge 355 Lyric
05/20/2022 Life of Choices 480 Lyric
04/29/2022 You'll Never Be Loved Again 431 Ballad
04/29/2022 Cogito 314 Lyric
04/29/2022 Powerless and Proud 277 Verse
04/29/2022 Thinking In Cliches Is Itself a Cliche 465 Lyric
04/27/2022 Son-In-Law Blues 746 Lyric
04/14/2022 Blade Runner Blues 315 Rhyme
04/08/2022 Dragonslayer 597 Bio
04/02/2022 Ragtime For Nobility 258 Verse
04/02/2022 Easy Chair 294 Political Verse
02/04/2022 Factory Called America 285 Political Verse
02/04/2022 I'm Jealous of Myself 273 Lyric
01/26/2022 Cheap 307 Verse
01/21/2022 Picture of the Kids 408 Lyric
01/11/2022 Hard 447 Lyric
12/31/2021 Electrified Fence 596 Lyric
12/23/2021 Near Or Far 511 Verse
12/22/2021 Quittin' Time 342 Political Verse
11/17/2021 Goodness Hasn't Come This Way In Years 439 Verse
11/12/2021 Setback Blues 573 Rhyme
10/22/2021 Another Angry Young Man Goes Ignored By His Imaginary Public 301 Light Verse
10/20/2021 Trumpet 358 Lyric
10/18/2021 Your Love Repays My Debts 232 Imagism
10/08/2021 Explain It Away 377 Rhyme
10/07/2021 The Heat 252 Lyric
10/07/2021 Solitary Missions 349 Epic
10/06/2021 Don't Stop Beating Yourself Up 388 Light Verse
10/06/2021 Civilization 289 Lyric
10/06/2021 A City 321 Political Verse
09/25/2021 Thick N Thin 307 Lyric
09/15/2021 Your Love Kills 298 Lyric
07/21/2021 Meditation 584 Pastoral
06/18/2021 Option of Sanity 368 Lyric
06/10/2021 Sweeter Song 262 Lyric
06/04/2021 I-N-S-O-M-N-I-A 486 Lyric
06/03/2021 By Air Or By Sea 329 Lyric
06/03/2021 Appointment For Love 1071 Light Verse
06/03/2021 China Syndrome 496 Elegy
06/03/2021 Save My Soul Again 369 Lyric
06/03/2021 Great Big Piece 302 Verse
04/23/2021 Burn Those Books 528 Lyric
04/23/2021 At Last We Are Finally Strangers 422 Lyric
03/11/2021 Throw It On the Bonfire 356 Lyric
11/24/2020 Dance For Survival 474 Verse
11/23/2020 Demolished By Love 477 Verse
11/20/2020 The Ugly In It 425 Verse
11/11/2020 Prime Lens 424 Lyric
11/05/2020 With Gods and Kings 433 Political Verse
10/21/2020 Mob 394 Political Verse
10/21/2020 Bring Us Closer 282 Lyric
10/11/2020 Out of the Woods 315 Lyric
09/25/2020 The Passion 288 Verse
09/12/2020 Vaccinate My Mind 253 Verse
08/18/2020 Faith Raining Back 356 Verse
08/10/2020 Kyra Wants Back In 392 Verse
07/31/2020 Close To the Bone 415 Lyric
07/31/2020 Gimme Strength 388 Lyric
07/22/2020 Fair Game 637 Political Verse
07/15/2020 Never Get It Back 171 Lyric
07/14/2020 Plow of Compassion 334 Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry