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Long Graduate Poems

Long Graduate Poems. Below are the most popular long Graduate by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Graduate poems by poem length and keyword.

The Tea Party
"Go on forth young graduates,

And show us who you are

You're now our future leaders

We know you will go far"

And so commencement ended

Pictures done and people changed

Now, off to private parties

All orderly pre-arranged

But four young girls...

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Categories: america, future, graduate, graduation, life, sad, society,
Form: Epic

Premium Member Chapter 97 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Family Times and Projects
Date: December  2042

Early afternoon, Damian was 
Busy in his den planning the trip 
To Trinidad. He called CJ first 
To confirm his commitment to
The project. "Hey brother you
Still on for that trip we spoke

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Categories: graduate, absence, allusion, earth day,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Polypathic Political Scientists
I have had a highly redundant,
one might even choose polypathic,
graduate studies experience
spanning my adult life to date.

This began with a semester of Philosophy.
Just enough to learn I wanted something more experiential,
a more communitarian environment of...

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Categories: graduate, beauty, culture, health, political, religion, trust, truth,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Merov's Ghost and Other Shots Across My Bow
Merov’s Ghost (1) and Other Shots Across My Bow!

In mid-November of Fourteen, I published my first web verse here, (2)
the earliest spanned sixty years, composed for Senior English class
one night in Nineteen Sixty-One. Assigned just...

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Categories: graduate, blessing, life, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Perennial Problems
I suppose you might have missed out on Paul Feyerabend's,
and especially Thomas Kuhn's Problem of Incommensurabiity.

Oh, not at all.
I have not looked at science or culture
or language
or even your attempts at communication
quite the same since...

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Categories: graduate, culture, history, humor, philosophy, religion, science,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Remember When
Remember when you were very young,                             ...

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Categories: graduate, fun, games, life, love, remember, today, youth,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Back Door Side Door Front Door : Which Door Might a Confucian Take
Back Door Side Door Front Door : Which door might a Confucian take
..................for René ETIEMBLE (Jan. 26, 1909 – Jan. 7, 2002)*

In homage - dedicated to the Chair Professor of Comparative Literature the prestigious...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: graduate, books, eulogy, french, poems, son, tribute,
Form: Elegy
Premium Member Week 3 - Brian's Poet of Note - 'Richard Wilbur Part 1'
Imitation! Creative Compliment, Lacking in Originality, or Plagiarism? 

This week takes me back to college days. I was taking a graduate course (as a Physics major)   in 'Modern Poets' at the University of...

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Categories: graduate, love, poetry, poets, , Lullaby,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Brace For Impact
We were off,                                ...

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Categories: graduate, car, kid, red, snow, vacation, weather, winter,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Preface
Greetings to those who would willingly seek admission to theater of the absurd. Zoltan Goliath and Otis Trench are masters of the avant-garde genre silent musicals for the imaginary stage, an art form sui generis....

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Categories: graduate, allegory, literature,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
April 9th, 2024 would be ninety fifth birthday poem for dearly departed papa
April 9th, 2024 would be ninety fifth birthday poem for dearly departed papa

The following words crafted soon after the soul of me daddy set adrift into the empyrean realm joining the rank and file of...

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Categories: graduate, absence, age, anniversary, april, bereavement, death, father,
Form: Rhyme
Where were you
Where were you when the wind starts to blow? Where you when you I created the show, where were you when my hands were stiff, where were you when I got stuck in the ditch?


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Categories: graduate, career, community, confidence, desire, emotions, endurance, friendship,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Translation of Eric Mottram's Twentythird Legal By T Wignesan
Translation of Eric Mottram’s Twentythird Legal by T. Wignesan

Le vingt-troisième légal

pendant la guerre le peuple devient obéissent de nouveau
plein du respect (et) de la confiance les enfants naïfs dans la foi
la gouvernance nécessaire  ...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: graduate, america, anti bullying, anxiety, military, war,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Odyssey
Here, I am...
Sitting on the relaxing throne of my age,
Reminiscing what I went through in life.
A mere spectator I have now become,
Observing in silence the works of men,
Having no worries
Of carrier advancement,
Of acceptance,
Of recognition...

My only...

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Categories: graduate,
Form: Bio
Two Lovers Xi - Carefully Chosen Words
He is looking at her a bit sanctimoniously
He is about to mansplain again

"Am I spooking you?" he asks grinning
"I'm not trying to propose, Cutie.
God no. Could you imagine?
I just think it's possible, you know?
I'm just...

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© Nad Simon  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: graduate, discrimination, lost love, love, relationship, romance, romantic
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Chapter 24 -- Dolly Damian Friends and Family Part Ii
The fifth floor was decorated 
With fancy art work. Molly 
Rang the bell. After a few
Minutes an attractive older
Woman answered the door.
She threw the door wide Open 
After she saw them 
with Damian. "Hello Hello...

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Categories: graduate, confidence, family, feelings, friend, friendship, growing up,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Fairy
Come look come see,                               ...

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Categories: graduate, crazy, dream, humor, sister, tree,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Unforgettable Places - Acts
I have so many places/acts dear to my heart
I’m just dying to share some with you
Not to boast, I but honor them, all played a part,
I'm sure helped to bring me in your view!

Tell me...

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Categories: graduate, appreciation, blessing, family, life, love,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member What's Love Got To Do With It
I started out life as Anna Mae Bullock,                           ...

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Categories: graduate, child, cry, hurt, music, song, woman, world,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member A Party In the Snow
2020 has been a year of blue,                            ...

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Categories: graduate, blue, christmas, cry, fun, new years day,
Form: Rhyme
Children Are Why We Need Higher Taxes
Steven is a retired teacher disturbed by the problems he sees in education. Schools weren’t perfect when he was teaching but they were better than they are today. He has ideas for improvements. 

Some of...

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Categories: graduate, child, education, school, , 9th grade,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Pirates Without Ships
Beware of pirates without a ship
like rebels without a transportive WinWin cooperative cause,
like ego-politicians without sacred ecological-economic portfolios.

One of the ways we communicate cooperative values
and choose not to communicate disvalues
is by how and where and...

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Categories: graduate, addiction, anti bullying, courage, depression, green, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member We Are Pure Light and Energy
the biggest obstacle you face today, is not what's outside your door, but what's inside your mind......can you challenge yourself to challenge yourself?  You've fought with life and everyone else all your life......this will...

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Categories: birth, graduate, humanity, love, science, strength, trust,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Chapter 38 -- Damian Delilah Mallory and Polly: the Master Plan Ii
One year Passed Damian Junior 
Was 15 months old. Damian 
Graduated from West Virginia 
University institute of Technology 
With honors and an
Associate of Applied Science 
Degree. His whole family 
Attended the graduation and
Congratulated him with...

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Categories: allusion, appreciation, business, emotions, father son, graduate,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Failures of Integrity
I feel like a high school civics class dropout.

So much confuses me,
to this day, you see,
about democratic constitutional legal equity,
which feels like it should have WinWin original empowerment intent,
about public and private rights, unbent
protected against...

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Categories: graduate, community, culture, health, humor, money, philosophy, racism,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things