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Poems by Giggles The Poet Brenda Keough

Giggles The Poet Brenda Keough - LIFETIME Premium Member Giggles The Poet Brenda Keough - Premium MemberPremium Member   Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by Canada poet Giggles The Poet Brenda Keough. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Giggles The Poet Brenda Keough.

Read Poems by Giggles The Poet Brenda Keough

Best Giggles The Poet Brenda Keough Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
10/16/2020 The Sleeping Mind 406 Rhyme
10/14/2020 Virus 344 Lyric
09/18/2019 Crimes of Love 345 Free verse
09/02/2019 A Forgotten Angel 1421 Free verse
06/16/2019 Tick Tock 319 Free verse
06/16/2019 Free Pass To Brain Training 573 Free verse
05/15/2019 State of Chaos 603 Free verse
04/06/2019 My Life 536 Free verse
03/29/2019 Welcome Home 466 Free verse
12/12/2018 Seeds of Growth 734 Free verse
12/02/2018 Broken Hope 442 Free verse
08/11/2018 Thank You, Lord 1271 Free verse
07/04/2018 Your Why 576 Free verse
05/08/2018 My Temple 392 Free verse
05/06/2018 Strangers Care 577 Free verse
05/06/2018 Transformation 689 Free verse
05/05/2018 The Healing Mind 535 Free verse
05/04/2018 Alone 673 Free verse
04/25/2018 Sweet Dreams 767 Free verse
04/21/2018 Awareness 663 Free verse
04/20/2018 Face of Pain - 1241 Free verse
04/19/2018 Survivors and Warriors 634 Couplet
04/18/2018 We Are Pure Light and Energy 1159 Free verse
04/17/2018 My Daily Prayer 517 Free verse
04/17/2018 Time To Grow 594 Free verse
04/15/2018 Faith 396 Free verse
04/15/2018 Champions 634 Couplet
04/15/2018 Courage 721 Free verse
04/13/2018 Alone and Growing 497 Free verse
04/13/2018 I Have Moved Mountains 490 Free verse
04/13/2018 As I Bloom Like a Rose 756 Free verse
04/11/2018 I Thank You, Lord 723 Couplet
04/10/2018 Educate Or Eradicate 707 Couplet
04/10/2018 Our Paradigms 472 Couplet
04/10/2018 You Raised Me Higher 639 Couplet
04/10/2018 My Thirty-Year Cross 606 Free verse
04/10/2018 Medical Madness 1254 Quintain (English)


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Hello, courageous soul, welcome to Giggles the Poet’s EMPOWERMEN - WHERE YOU CAN CHALLENGE YOUR THINKING....DO YOU TRULY KNOW YOURSELF?

God gave me a mission to complete, I am here to wake up the MIND, and SHAKE UP THE WORLD, to help others become MENALLY courageous and autonomous, to give them a voice while rebuilding their mind, one beautiful word at a time. Change begins within and having been in darkness for so long, I am living proof that we can rise again.... God kept me alive for a reason...and I show his other angels their reasons... 

Believe in your mission and make your mark, my angels.... there is more to be done... 

I'm a Counsellor, Empowerment Coach-Mind Management Brain Training.  God made me a Poet, and I grew from adversity and destruction.  I've faced death many times, now death will have to wait.  And what happened in my world, I don't want to have happen in yours, NOT ON MY WATCH!

I use Sound Therapy, Frequency music and other modalities to reprogram/repair/repurpose the mind.  God gave us a great powerhouse and not many know how to THINK ABOUT the mind runs on AUTOPILOT without us even knowing it.

In the 21st century, information is king. There are more books, apps, courses, and media being published than ever before. Information technology is expanding at breakneck speed. And along with it comes increasingly higher expectations for the ones steering the ship: us.

But here’s the challenge: for most of us, school taught us what to learn and not how to learn. The result? Our brain’s raw processing power has been severely limited. We’re not thinking, remembering, and focusing anywhere near our real potential. And those of us who do, have a tremendous advantage in this emerging new world.

Learning how to learn with daily training, exercises and mind shifts.  I've bought some of the greatest programs from Nero-gym, and Mindvalley as well as equipped with a library of learning resources, Self-Development Training, mind maps, and Courses that help you grow in ways you’ve never had the chance to in school, at home, or anywhere else. 

Frequency music and Sound Therapy are the music that science has proven will rebuild, reprogram and strengthen neural pathways in the brain.  A new way of Human Evolution in the making that will help you as you progress in your new brain training. 

Programs that will help you detoxify your mind and body of NEGATIVE LIMITING BELIEFS AND THOUGHTS.  REMOVE THE INTERNAL LABELS other’s put on you and replace them with labels you can justify and be proud to place on yourself. 

It cost me thousands of dollars to break free from pain and destruction, being stuck, lost and feeling displaced.  And that was the price I was willing to pay, because there was only one other choice…DIE.  God prevented me from dying twice, due to the ignorance of what was done to me medically. is a story I don’t need to repeat.  ?? and God makes sure I don’t, by speaking poems with so many different perspectives on life situations.

And I’ve come a long road since the day of my birth fighting to overcome the LABELS and MISTAKES that were all that I knew.  I fought to overcome myself, because I believed through each poem God spoke, in the face of my losses, THERE WAS MORE…...and I’m no longer a prisoner to pain, or ignorance.  And I finally chart my own course, without question, or asking permission.

We are PROGRAMMED TO BE NEGATIVE.  And until you can see something that will help you shift that just a little, it will remain so.  Unfortunately, nobody can do it angel, but you.  Believe God has you here for more reasons….and he does.

And as a client you get access to those for far less than I paid.  To share these programs would be my way of giving back to those that are looking to redefine themselves and their world.  For those that BELIEVE THERE IS MORE…BELIEVE THEY CAN DO, BE AND CREATE MORE.  And you can…


Not many believe in themselves, really, when push comes to shove, we start out doing something with excitement, then days later, we talk ourselves out of going further, not because we can't learn, but because of our programming.  How we were taught to learn, and how we were taught to progress within a little box. 

But, we never really progress.  Our minds keep us prisoners....and we don't even know it.  We hear that little voice saying, DO IT TOMORROW, or THIS IS TOO TOUGH, or, I'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO, I'M NOT SMART ENOUGH....and on it goes...and we are held captive in ways we can't even see.  

But, when you decide to be BRAVE enough.  When you decide that the excitement in the beginning is something you always want to feel, then you'll go further, my angel.  With help, because it's hard to do it on your own.  You can't FIX PROBLEMS IN THE BRAIN, WITH THE SAME BRAIN THAT CREATED THEM. 

When you get into training, like anything, you will learn how to PUSH PAST THAT INNER VOICE....because it will always be there, because that is all you know.  And you will learn to push pass that inner critic, that voice will always interrupt you when you try to move out of your comfort box…that is what it’s programmed to do, for now…until you learn to reprogram your inner dialogue, change your inner dictionary and release all the old programming.  WHO SAID YOU COULDN’T?  I say you CAN…. ?? ?? And you are not alone….

And you need someone who has pushed past that MENTAL BARRIER, those voices and naysayers, to help you do the same, someone who is there, not just as a trainer, but as a friend, who will continually see more than you can, will help you overcome the challenges that arise, and keep you on track, even when you say, I don’t….?  ?? ??

My angels, until you can see for yourself and BELIEVE it will happen.  ?? and when you change your brain, you change the way you see/feel/respond and do things...and you have the ability to prove that, helping those around you do the same.

Awareness is the key to unlocking your great powerhouse.  It won't be easy, nothing worthwhile ever is, but it will be worth it.... You will meet with resistance not only from yourself, but those around you, daily, but the training you do daily, for less than 1 hour, will help you remove those LIMITING BELIEFS, replacing them with more EMPOWERING BELIEFS.  It comes from a VISION that you BUILD in YOUR MIND.

Your friends, family, it's not that they don't want you to succeed, they do, but, they too are in the same boat.... with the same programmed mind from previous generational beliefs, and that is all they know.  Doing the same thing, thinking the same LIMITING BELIEFS, following the herd.  And that is all they truly know.  YOU HAVE THE POWER, GOD GAVE YOU TO BE THE CHANGE THE WORLD NEEDS TO SEE.  

If you wanted to run a marathon, you would have to start training with those that have done it.  Learn the ways that they got there.  It won’t happen without daily COMMITTMENT, and REPITITION.  And the more you train, the better you become, both physically, and mentally.  But, you can’t do one without the other.  Many trainers in various areas of sports, has their team VISUALIZE, before they do anything, and visualization is the key to the outcome.  When you see something in your mind’s eye, the neural pathways of your brain get stronger and connect stronger. 

?I know stuck.  When you feel stuck, it's so hard to get unstuck.  Because those programmed LIMITING BELIEFS WON'T ALLOW YOU TO SEE MORE, BE MORE AND DO MORE.  They keep you in the safety net of FAMILARITY.  You are so familiar with doing, thinking, responding, that it takes no thought, or sight to do what you’ve always done. 

When you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.  That is Murphy’s Law!

 You could be in a different world when you open your mind, and in less than 6 months...a REBIRTH begins.  People have defied the odds by breaking through barriers when others said they couldn’t or wouldn’t.  Because they believed in some part of themselves, beneath the voices and programming, there was something more.  They probably couldn’t see it fully, but their vision grew as they pushed passed the resistance within.

School of MIND LIFE is something far more demanding in that it helps you CREATE the one God originally put here on earth.  Have faith in yourself, because believe me, God does, that is why you are still breathing. 

No matter what your circumstances today, in six months, a year from now, it will be different, because you will be different, you won’t have the same mindset, life skills that will be irreplaceable.  Tools and skills, instead of labels, crutches, excuses and pills. 


God has you here to fulfill YOUR DREAMS, my angels.... take charge of your mind and you will complete your mission.  And others will follow.  Leave this life without regrets, because what you don’t clear up in this world, will be repeated until you do, in other lives to come. 

WHAT IS YOUR WHY?  Are you happy with you?  Where you are?  Are you happy doing what you're doing? Are you being held back because of how you think?  What others said, or tell you to think?  By what others Did? Are you a VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCE, OR A WILLING VICTIM?  Do you know the thoughts that run through your head?  

You can change your life by what you say.... and when you energize yourself You RAISE YOUR VIBRATIONS......which are paramount to your future, to what comes into your world.  Each word you think, or speak has a different vibration, and when you learn about your energy fields, you will be surprised at the chaos words can bring your way.  Everything in life has a vibration and being in tune with the universe is how you will make your dreams come true, or not. 

You can feel your vibrations by rubbing your hands together, then hold them facing each other, move them in and out…that is your vibration and you can make it that much stronger and bigger, sending it out each day to help you enforce the changes you need coming back at you.

The "why me words, crutches and excuses,” flow out of your mind... you energize your body and mind to ACT differently, until it becomes AUTOMATIC.   Learn how to breath properly, and you can change your State of Mind in 90 seconds bringing yourself back into balance and calm as the anxiety, doubts, fears all fade away.

So many people seem to be afraid of change or maybe afraid of their own mind thinking that they can't or won't change.  And that is the THINKING about THINKING PART you need to catch.  Write out the overwhelm and it will leave your mind in less chaos, less anxiety.  Writing out what is in your mind will show you a pattern of thinking, and that is where change begins.

?YOU HAVE A BRAIN, YOU ARE NOT YOUR BRAIN Your behaviour isn’t your character, it's programmed, behavior, thinking, that is so habitually familiar, it's scary to think you are the only one in control.  It's easy to blame the past, or others, and it's easier to blame yourself. 

Maybe that is all you've done all your life, because that is all you knew how to do.  Nobody from yesterday told you there was something more to you, within you.... A GOD GIVEN POWERHOUSE CALLED YOUR BRAIN.  That now, only you can control, or change.  OR NOT.  Life gives you choices, and that, my angel, makes things easy, or not.  Or it just keeps the patterns going and growing for the next generation to pass on to their children.  

?There was a saying, SILENCE IS GOLDEN?  But, that isn't true.  Silence is what we take daily in a capsule, or drink, that keeps the patterns and problems, crimes and habits above the surface.  ?That takes the pain away, but only for awhile.  SILENCE serves no purpose when we have a VOICE.  And God gave us a voice for a reason.  

?We came into this world alone, and that is how we shall leave, it's the IN-BETWEEN that matters the most, because the in-between belongs solely to you.  And nobody told you the truth of that.  

Change the questions you ask yourself.  Ask, HOWWHAT IF…and you will see the answers.  Once you learn, you cannot unlearn.  Once you see something, it cannot be unseen.  But, you can change how you see what you see. ????  You can change your physiology in 20 seconds, just by jumping up and down for a few minutes like a kid, it might look nuts, but it feels great!!! ????

You can smile through the depression, activating different chemicals in your brain, you’ll change the state of depression, by learning, not by taking drugs to silence your beautiful mind.  YOU CAN CHOOSE EMOTIONS, FEELINGS, and choose how long they are there. 

Did you know that, you can make yourself feel miserable, ? just by listening to certain music that evokes a subconscious memory, or you can make yourself happy ?? just by listening to music that evokes a happy thought?  Your subconscious has anything you want, and it will believe anything you tell it.  It doesn’t know the truth from a lie.  And it’s the subconscious that you’ll retrain and reprogram with more skills that won’t take you down.

You are the CREATOR and CAPTAIN OF YOUR SHIP.  Don’t let this world keep you in their box.  REBUID YOUR MIND AND TAKE COMMAND OF THE DIRECTION OF YOUR DESTINY ????


?School of life never ends, my angels, there will always be challenges and you need to be one step ahead to make it through those tests.  They will come, weather you like it or not.... ARE YOU READY? Or you can continue to take a pill, and drink and continue the mind maze.

What will be your story? What will be your LEGACY?  What is your TRUTH?

Create ALTERNATIVE reactions, responses, and thinking.  Create a new DICTIONARY.  By changing your INTERNAL DICTIONARY.




FEAR - Forget everything and run (NOT)














Then my angels, life is truly in your hands.  Your FATE and DESTINY, belong only to you.  

Wishing you all a great life and mind journey ??


Love and hugs 
Giggles the Poet 

Giggles Counselling & Consulting

www.gigglespoet.comAwareness and Inspiration

Advice and Healing links to free stuff ??






Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry