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Long Gender Poems

Long Gender Poems. Below are the most popular long Gender by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Gender poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Starting With Beginnings
Let's start at the beginning
of your ecotherapeutic day.

I'm talking today with Fr. Time,
Earth's only fully self-ordained ecotherapist,
and recently published author of
"Journals of MotherEarth."

We have no corporate sponsorships to report,
although we are for sale
especially if you're...

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Categories: gender, health, humanity, humor, integrity, perspective,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Earthy Empathy
You've heard that self-unfulfilling prophecy?
"I love humanity--
it's just people I can't stand."

I love healthy humanity--
it's just uppity and/or snooty people I can't stand

I love cooperative humanity--
it's just overly-competitive individuals I can't stand.

Not so distant from,

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Categories: gender, caregiving, gospel, health, humor, integrity, peace, political,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Red and Green Christians
Let's start with a fundamental flaw of fundamentalist Christianity,
a literary flaw within literal non-interpretation of historical creation
and sacred development.

This is true of radical jihadist Muslims as well,
although we both know you think you're more special...

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Categories: gender, addiction, bible, hate, health, love, peace, philosophy,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Gaia Out Speaks
Queen Gaia
of Earth's Shabbat
is here to speak today.

she can only sign,
and the only way she can see
is through our DNA/RNA fractally-balancing syntax,
so she has asked if she could respond to your questions
as she understands them

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Categories: earth, gender, god, health, humor, love, nature,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Flash Mob Application
I'd like to apply for a permit
for a protest march
on the Washington Mall.

Lovely idea.
But, we're only issuing Mall permits
for Song and Dance Events.

I think this might be a violation of my Rights
to Free Speech.

I see...

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Categories: gender, america, culture, health, humanity, humor, integrity, music,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Custody of 2020 Eyes
Monks and nuns,
ascetics and miscellaneous humble proletariat folks,
were taught custody of the eyes,
to show respect for those older
and/or wiser
and/or more supremely royal,
and/or in other positions of merited or inherited authority,
to avoid appearing too curious
too available

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Categories: games, gender, health, poverty, psychological, racism, slavery,
Form: Political Verse
I Promise
To my dearest,
On this day you turn thirteen, officially a teenager! This meaning you are on the very first stage of discovering yourself, your music tastes, your food preferences, your style of clothing and even...

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Categories: gender, beautiful, growth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Who's Crazy Now
I have an outside RightBrain dominant thalamus
to watch and listen to,
to feel confluent and resonant with,
to love,
as parent with child,
yet this is more of a mutual-mentoring of
notsad-notsad sustainable bliss
within our normally limited nutritional sensory environment.


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Categories: gender, body, dream, health, humor, identity, psychological, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Games We Play
Yang, dear.

Yes, my lovely Yin.

Why do you map Game Theory
onto EcoFeminist Political Theory?
It comes across as either just confusing
or, even worse,
vaguely sexist.

How sexist?

Well you seem to associate competitive ZeroSum WinLose
with strong aggressive patriarchal effectiveness
for defending...

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Categories: birth, games, gender, health, history, humor,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Christian Evangelical-Charismatic Republicans
I grew up with rural Michigan white red-neck evangelical root systems.
These did not always feed my multicultural self/other liberation of the GLBTQ subclimatic root system
for regeneratively healthy instincts,
yet I learned to survive within this fundamentalist-alien-straight...

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Categories: beauty, christian, gender, health, political, rights, trust,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Out For a Spin
I take a four-fold spin
through Bill Plotkin's wheel
of bilateral identities,
iconic developmental faces,
ironic personalities.

FIRST comes Eastern-born
dawn of human infancy,
Innocent Sage infants
so WiseElder
in our LeftBrain emergent
wrinkling unfolding 
sacred RightBrain ways.

Searching for care giving eyes
to be sure we...

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Categories: gender, health, humor, integrity, nature, peace, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member In This Taoist's View
Could we be doing our best
to invest in Earth's cooperative health markets?
While you sell our most competitive killing machines
to our Saudi Arabian cousins.

Referencing this touchstone as an ecopolitical WinWin,
unlike Parisian multicultural investments in climate health,

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Categories: gender, destiny, earth, fear, hate, health, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member What Daddy Demands
EarthMama Invites

Without RightDaddy Dominance,
Left EcoMama
and Her still innocent suppressed Children,
share no opposing WinLose
internalized voices,
just anxious and angry
and fearful feelings
about LoseLose
ego and Earth

Because all RightBrain feeling voices
and chemistries
are outside Sacred NatureSpirit
Patriarchal/Matriarchal Voices
secular and sacred...

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Categories: bullying, caregiving, gender, health, integrity, love, violence,
Form: Political Verse
Precious Priceless Progeny
Precious priceless progeny 

     Hands down the most dramatic change ever needed to make the most profound impact awoke from helping beget the first offspring. An internal paradigm shift reshuffled priorities...

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Categories: gender, absence, adventure, angst, anniversary, beautiful, celebration, creation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Doctors of Industrious Divinity
Dear Bishop Michael Cote, Doctor of Divinity
through pre-historic untold ages
through reborn renaissance stages
through industriously energetic praises
through enlightenment phases
through empowerment dysphasia

Some of us lesser health care practitioners,
good faith social workers,
parents and grandparents,
uncles and aunts,
and ecofeminist inter-religious...

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Categories: gender, christian, green, health, nature, passion, power, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Abnormaloriginals
Setting aside richly incorporated through homeless economies,
we have three political ways
to compare a population's internal status:
a. Aboriginal populations,
b. Immigrants--sometimes appearing as multiculturing creolic waves,
c. EmPowered Natives.

Natives are aboriginals
unless a more self-centered wave of supremacist immigrants

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Categories: gender, betrayal, christian, health, humanity, humor, immigration, love,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Badboy Monotheists
Where do we think all this economic and politically empowering
organically luscious imagination
and ecologically exegetical orthopraxis

George Lakoff speaks of strictly straight stern paternalistic God the Universalist Fathers,
vertically Winning over an otherwise Loser, yet highly competitive, ecopolitical...

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Categories: gender, games, health, integrity, math, peace, political, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Manic Depressive Climates
Depression is like dying
without hope this process will end well,
without remediation
at least not for my closely held ego-identity,
and despair 
this turning inward
creates a cocoon by avoiding outward.

Focal awareness of ego mortality, 
immanent and emanant,
turns inward,

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Categories: gender, beauty, culture, depression, health, mental illness, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Global Bankers and Me
" Good evening gentlemen, at last we meet.
I am so honored to bask in the presence of your company.
Meeting all of you global bankers has always been my fantasy,
so seeing you all before me now...

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Categories: gender, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Come post presidential election 2024
Come post presidential election 2024... 

heil to the Wharton chief firebrand -
more worrisome than an ovarian cyst
every race, religion, nationality, 
gender, creed, et cetera with impunity dissed
brigand able, eager, ready and willing
to punch contenders throwing...

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Categories: gender, 11th grade, 12th grade, america, angst, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member This Transit Regeneration
My TransITion began there
right there
in my woodland playground,
when I first knew
something right feels wrong to others.

I was blind to curve-balls
hurled at me.
Being "It" is not why I grow
this TransIt mind and body!

Or, is it?

Could I...

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Categories: gender, angst, birth, bullying, culture, destiny, earth, environment,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member -mama Linda-
You know some verse and poems are Fiction this is a True story that happen to me today...
…Well, it’s 9:28 am…
On today August 16, 2019
I was on break twixt my job, of driving school children.

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Categories: gender, adventure, analogy, friendship, humanity, spoken word, surreal,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Revolutions In Resistance
Before we had the LeftBrain eclipse word,
circa 1200s on back through space and time,
we had great sacred transformational co-arisings,
re-alignment as BlackHole icons
of ancient eco-alignments,
Yang solar resilience 
with Yin lunar resistance.

Before we had dualistic separation,
from sunlight's...

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Categories: deep, earth, gender, health, history, math, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Coma Conversation: I Am In Your Computer
  I journeyed long upon the way, e-mailed through your router
  hello "Henry", good to greet, I am in your computer
  I am between him and her, so I am gender neuter


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© Ian Love  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: gender, computer, creation, hello, imagination, philosophy, science, universe,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Better Climate Questions
It has been said
There is no bad question
asked with cooperative integrity.

While those asked with competing disintegrity,
are not really questions at all.

That said,
conceded as asked and answered,
Some questions remain
more ecologically and economically,
politically and personally,
publicly and intimately,

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Categories: earth, games, gender, health, integrity, nature, science,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things