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Long Congregating Poems

Long Congregating Poems. Below are the most popular long Congregating by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Congregating poems by poem length and keyword.

Desperate Message To Kim Jong Un
Pardon any absent adulation, bequeathed capitulation, devoted dedication, indiscretion, blabbering peroration, improper salutation or any unintended vexation if this unknown earthling sent a nearly identical message. He over-looked a small number of errors and hoped...

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Categories: congregating, abuse, dark, emotions, evil, hate, war, world,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Fragments United In
Fragments United In Perfect Imperfection
And all the smeared colours unite into white

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Categories: congregating, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Addiction To Suffering Love
So, she said,
much to everyone's BusinessAsUsual

I run into your aversion
to unpatriarchal Principles of Reversion
whenever I deeply listen
to your dark passions first,
then redial,
[occasionally speak]
as if I trust what I can win/win hear
in PreVersed
unrehearsed response

To liberal GoldenRule...

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Categories: congregating, analogy, health, integrity, light, peace, power, social,
Form: Political Verse
Dirty Games
They have been playing a dirty game for years because they have nothing  of depth to share, they have been playing a dirty game for year, without conscience,  love or fear. They make...

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Categories: congregating, community, confidence, corruption, encouraging, endurance, environment, humanity,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Surely Something
imagine, wonder, ponder, think
  nebulous nothing is "surely something"
  more than absence, spontaneous spawning on the brink
  let's fantasise, let's dream awake
  utter the dubious name of nothing
  impostor corralled...

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© Ian Love  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: congregating, adventure, endurance, hope, philosophy, universe, uplifting,
Form: Verse

Premium Member High Class
I was an elementary school teacher, with dreaming eyes to the rosy future,
Like the emerald, cherry blossom season, arriving later rather than sooner.

As a creative teacher, I was so popular, as children were my pearled...

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Categories: congregating, career, fantasy, imagery, nature, planet, teacher, universe,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Digital Prints
Digital Prints

When lightening had blighted their perilous shadows at break neck speed

Vision and mystery succumbed sprightly beyond recognition scared and scarred

Obliterated in illiterate darkness they were easy prey for shadow’s projections

‘Tinkerbell’ had lost her way...

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Categories: congregating, adventure,
Form: Free verse
The Second Wave of the Pandemic Will Be Unleashed In a Few Months Time
The first wave of the pandemic was unleashed upon the American people and also other  nations as well.  According to one of my on-line conservative email sites, that I currently subscribe to. ...

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Categories: congregating, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Stargazer
On the sandy knoll he stands, a solitary, forlorn figure gazing at the sky. It’s a clear night, and hundreds of stars shimmer like fireflies pinned to the firmament. His eyes fix on one of...

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Categories: congregating, leaving, life, night, sad, sky, space, stars,
Form: Haibun
Beyond Doors Or Cursed
Rock paper scissors, 
Wizards of utopian flavored wizardry, exquisitely triumphs in every gamble beyond these doors, 
Flawless tangled reversed reflections, remain forever forbidden to thoughtless mentors, 
A cursed emotional seesaw bleeds and wrestles each end...

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© Quincy Mac  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: congregating, allegory, dream, meaningful, metaphor, senses, wisdom,
Form: Epic
Memorial Service 10:00 Am October 21st 2020
Memorial service ~10:00 A.M. October 21st, 2020...
at Cherry Hill, New Jersey Unitarian Fellowship

Boyce Brandon Harris cremains
(approximately one fourth entire contents)
offered, interred, and eulogized
within ‘Tristan’s Pollinator Garden,'
which constitutes minute arboretum
bore witness to immediate family of said...

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Categories: congregating, absence, angel, cry, dad, death, forgiveness, memorial,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Winter Sleep
My grandfather
Worked hard all his life
And died
When I was 

I remember him 
Sitting in the dark
By the kitchen stove
On cold winter nights 
Rubbing his calloused hands
Over and over again
Not saying a word 
To anyone
Listening to...

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Categories: congregating, lifeold, work, winter, me, old, winter, work,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Sundays Without Should
Remember the Sabbath
to keep it holy 
free of Shoulds.

A should-free cathedral
of intimate athleticism

Exhausts this sabbath light
at long last
widely dawning deeply stronger
and resiliently handsome
dark as night

In virtuously enlightening response
to Saturnight's weekly exorcism

Yet another weekday week
weak slow-groan...

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Categories: congregating, earth day, happiness, health, heaven, humor, integrity,
Form: Free verse
My Dear Family
I'm ready to step into my role
to discuss
and observe
to teach
and to learn

to be part of a group
capable of piecing together

to lead by example
breaking down the absurd walls
laws have built

we all are unique sentient beings
mirroring one...

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Categories: congregating, beauty, blessing,
Form: Free verse
Thistle Be Nettlesome To Weed
Thistle Be Nettlesome To Weed...

Who (on a lark) doth
     spur my distant soul
     fully bellowed ahoy
quickly hastening
     ye to catfish

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Categories: congregating, 9th grade, anniversary, confusion, dark, education, farewell,
Form: Free verse
Children of the Night
In paradox with the living world,
Day breaks at dusk,
Reminiscences of the preceding night,
Lost to substance abuse induced amnesia,
Breakfast is served,
Flunitrazepam, ethanol and cannabis,
A balanced diet of solid, liquid and gas,
Like a decaying carcass,
The remnant of...

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Categories: congregating, city, culture, life, night, drug,
Form: Prose Poetry
Birds At Sea
Adrift upon the ocean  
bob a bunch of resting birds.
What is it that they call themselves?
A flock or school or herd?

Could it be this feathered colony  
is a band or horde at best

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Categories: congregating, bird, children, nature,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Good Vibrations
Morning dew lets
drip essential
waters, the active
ripples drop,
landing, working
with the melting
ponds, to release
surface tension 
The callings of
chirping birds,
pleasantries to ears
everywhere, fervent
life, the eager
promise of things to
The good morning sun
evaporates people's
resentment, feelings
over three months of
abandonment, making

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Categories: congregating, art, birth, nature,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Childhood Beach Outing
Dug deep down inside
and pulled out the memory file
about being a child
with my family for
a rare outing at Jones Beach,
we were all there with
my Moms picnic basket,
just in case we got hungry,
we'd eat one of...

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Categories: congregating, beach, childhood,
Form: Light Verse
Is Bleaker Better
Clouds of despair engulf me in a thorny shroud
As encircling flames flicker from their blackened edges
Rising up against grand columns of pent up agression
Their sharpened roots borne of my pores and soul.

These forceful gales of...

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Categories: congregating, angst, depression,
Form: Free verse
The Power of Prayer
This big ship lugs only one that's me
it deluded it's anchor barren lost at sea
I was swept unaware of its lease of life
she was cast by a mariner's survival knife
there was no-one to heed my...

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Categories: congregating, faith, imagination, sea,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member Alone
Black Birds 
In the dead of night
Stealthy midnight chatter
outside my window pane
No singing to my ears 
Just constant rain
Thunder crackling
The children have left
Just the plots 
And leaves scurrying
 the wind swirling
Upwards almost 
Telling me look...

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Categories: congregating, conflict, crazy, dark, death, grief,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Peace and Happiness At Last
The tumultuous whirlwinds had now ceased
The roaring, nettlesome sounds have dried away
The tide is now silent
The clatters and jangles,
now dead, they are.
Far and wide, the drumming sounds, ululations...
For the happiness, peace and calamity, found again

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Categories: congregating, peace, peace, peace, sun, , cute,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Dear Father God
Dear Father God,
please heal the earth, give us peace, aid us in our daily duties.
I ask for the world, not just for myself or my country, or even this continent.

Dear Father God,
take the pandemic away;...

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Categories: congregating, religion, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
The Calling
I was compelled by a strong desire to be a nurse when I was a child. My parents and grandparents told me what nurses do and how they helped people. I was totally beguiled. 


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Categories: congregating, career,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things