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Poems by Andreanna Escamilla

Andreanna Escamilla - LIFETIME Premium Member Andreanna Escamilla - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Andreanna Escamilla. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Andreanna Escamilla.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
11/04/2021 Bark 762 Free verse
11/04/2021 Copy 360 Free verse
11/04/2021 Truth 413 Free verse
11/04/2021 The Glass House Sonnet 440 Sonnet
07/06/2020 Check 448 Free verse
06/17/2020 Ghosts 373 Free verse
05/29/2020 Seasons 589 Blank verse
05/28/2020 Scattered Light 668 Rhyme
05/13/2020 Earth 452 Couplet
05/08/2020 Falling Stars 373 Couplet
05/07/2020 Yesterday 562 Free verse
05/06/2020 The Shell Collector 391 Free verse
05/06/2020 Unhinged 756 Rhyme
05/06/2020 Muted Love 806 Rhyme
05/06/2020 Laguna Dreams 590 Free verse
05/06/2020 Sole of My Soul 466 Free verse
05/02/2020 Thugetry 465 Rhyme
05/01/2020 Church 414 Prose
06/28/2017 Whisper 1421 Prose
06/28/2017 Begging For Change 707 Prose Poetry
06/22/2017 Timeless 734 Epyllion
06/22/2017 White Noise 716 Prose
06/22/2017 Reanimation Damnation 720 Epyllion
06/13/2017 Beware the Dawn of Bitter Light 770 Couplet
06/06/2017 Precipice 801 Free verse
06/06/2017 Eos - Call of the Dawn 1396 Free verse


Quote Left “Who is arrogant enough to quote themselves?” This quote has been written and quoted by me. If you’re not laughing we can’t be friends. Quote Right
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I have been writing since the age of twelve. That was many thousands of moons ago. I have always been in love with words. They have the power to build up or destroy. Words can adore or disgust. Even the way a single word is used can provide different meaning with different tone. Words are the most power weapon each of us has. We can use them for good or evil. You can make them your liberator or allow them to remain silent. I like to think of poetry like an ocean, sometimes it's clear and blue, beautiful and serene, or dark and violent. You just have to figure out which way you want to row your boat and let your pen flow.

Truth be told I haven't a clue about the specifics of poetry. I have never taken a poetry class. I do not have a writing degree. Nor do I claim to be anything more than a self-expressionist. This is something I started as a child for therapy. It was a way for me to talk about my feelings and let them out without truly having to talk about them. I could make a poem as cryptic as I wanted where only I knew what it meant. That was powerful for me, and liberating.

Some may call this poetry, or a fake attempt at what I may think is poetry. To me they are pieces of my heart & soul, experiences, and sometimes just a tangent thought inspired by a song, lyric, or a single word. Whatever you want to call my words, I hope you enjoy them. Thank you for stopping by.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry