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Poems by Mark Elam

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Below are poems written by United States poet Mark Elam. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Mark Elam.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
10/14/2020 The Parting 553 Free verse
10/04/2020 Glory 365 Rhyme
10/04/2020 Pan 338 Rubaiyat
10/04/2020 Sodomites 284 Rhyme
10/04/2020 Transcendence 492 Rubaiyat
02/24/2019 Gargoyle 694 Limerick
02/11/2019 Tunnel 360 Free verse
02/09/2019 Finding God 845 Sestina
02/01/2019 Land of Misfits 478 Pantoum
01/26/2019 Hatred 548 Sonnet
01/12/2019 Oxygen 411 Rhyme
12/13/2018 Possum 531 Limerick
12/13/2018 Reindeer 517 Limerick
12/07/2018 Ghosts 414 Sonnet
12/01/2018 Hoodie 705 Rhyme
11/30/2018 Wise Shepherds 411 Limerick
11/26/2018 Atheist 578 Free verse
11/25/2018 Woyuonihan 534 Rubaiyat
11/22/2018 First Raindrop 404 Rhyme
11/17/2018 Time For Dessert 996 Limerick
11/14/2018 Truffles 468 Limerick
11/10/2018 Cheese 596 Rhyme
11/09/2018 Onion 461 Sonnet
11/08/2018 Stained Glass 355 Rhyme
11/08/2018 Red Umbrella 384 Rhyme
11/05/2018 Phoenix 360 Free verse
11/02/2018 Oak Hill 401 Haiku
10/31/2018 Noseglasses 1112 Sestina
10/31/2018 Sunshine 342 Villanelle
10/31/2018 Arlington 457 Sonnet
10/31/2018 Religion 516 Sonnet
10/31/2018 Anchor 562 Pantoum
10/31/2018 Pebbles 621 Sonnet
10/31/2018 The Cut 482 Heroic Couplet
10/31/2018 Truth 333 Blank verse
10/30/2018 Laodicea 365 Pantoum
10/30/2018 Monster 708 Heroic Couplet

Book: Reflection on the Important Things