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Best Short Poems

Best Short Poems and Short Poetry. Read the best short poems on the web. These are the top short poems on PoetrySoup. Links to famous short poems as well. See the short poem categories listed below.

Pink and perfect mystery 
to which I ply my finger, 
she ripens so exquisitely
the longer that I linger

and fluff the modest blossom
with my gentle loving hand,
teasing, ever pleasing
so that now I understand

how beautiful the flower
that yields without duress,
blooming now so fully
in the warmth of my caress....

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Categories: love,

Premium Member In Strangler's Wood - Tanka Version
At a dead man’s throat lies the rain drenched woolen scarf that stifled his screams. Cold Winds howl through decayed trees - witnesses in the shadows.

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Categories: autumn, mystery, rain,

Premium Member Haiku - Celestial Seduction
lights weave through snowflakes teasing and twirling about distant stars dancing a brilliant display wearing only hand-me-downs the moon steals the show
~FJ Thomas 01/01/2020...

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© Fj Thomas  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: moon, night, snow, stars,

Premium Member The Poetess
She feels the wind of summer’s soft caress

and listens to the magic in its sound.

How perceptive is the poetess

who senses nature’s beauty all around.

She finds a place to write in tranquil hours.

Then from her thoughts bloom words like pretty flowers.

Written June 18, 2018
Submitted June 17, 2022 
for Line Gauthier's Bite Size Poem No.47 Poetry Contest...

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Categories: poetess,

Premium Member Snowflake
A fragile winter butterfly
Flutters from the sky
So soft and yet her heart
Is cold and made of ice
But if I warm it
She will melt and die


Author:  Elaine George...

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Categories: nature,

Premium Member In This Place
I am the weed
In a crack in the pavement
Dismantling concrete
Crumbling foundations
In this man made world
Rooted in the earth
Despite the city
I am the seed


Composed for Line Gauthier's
Zen Poetry Contest...

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Categories: city, nature,

Premium Member Autumn's Season
Autumn brushes her hair slowly Letting the glorious colors flow gently to the earth below. Showing off vibrant colors in contrast to summer's green dress. Out doing the starkness, of winter's white coat. Autumn compares the mutable shades of spring to her fall Giving a sigh ,end of another season. She packs her brush as frost touches her tips.

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Categories: nature,

Premium Member Love Is Free
a puppet dances

   to its own merry tune

    no strings attached

[Inspired by Jan Allison’s 
      poem “Love is Bind”]...

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Categories: freedom, love,

Premium Member - Haiku X 62 - Deep Wounded -
deep wounds that leave scars
    one moment much more must flow -
    shadows from the soul

    her tears in silence
    the strong arms that held her up -
    in the thoughts and deeds

    please do not grieve more
    and afterwards remember -
    pearls of morning’s dew

    05.08.2015 A-L Andresen :)
    Copyright © All Rights Reserved...

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Categories: cry, hurt,

Her Silent Seams
her words,

 now naked.


letting them       e
                     e       v
                      v     o

and run into
                 silent seams...

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Categories: words,

Premium Member If stars were Gold
In your absence I float in psychedelic ink to design a labyrinth with rainbow roses drenched in turquoise tears and metaphors. But, if stars were gold, and I am love, you'll be the poetic garden that feeds my soul. Maybe, someday, I'll be more than just a faltering feather~will you then, remind me, how to sing again, steal the light behind the jade moon?

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Categories: emotions,

Premium Member Secret of the Mortician
The Secret of the Mortician

Dead, but I got eyes
Prepares my body at the morgue
Opens the chest
Drains the blood from its nudity
Admires my body before it decays

After The process of embalming
His hands run all over
I'm still dead
He's satisfied

The next day 
Writes an outstanding obituary 
I sit on display


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© Skat A   Create an image from this poem.
Categories: corruption, dark, death, funeral,

Premium Member Sand Castle De Mal
~Sand Castle De Mal~

Beauty sails along the shores of life
Out there broken dreams form above sand dunes
Silent, God listens to the triumph of his creation

3 line verse...

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© Skat A   Create an image from this poem.
Categories: beautiful, beauty, deep, dream,

Premium Member Heavenly Herald
dainty daffodil your golden trumpet fanfares the dawning of spring

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Categories: nature, spring,

Premium Member Shadow of Death
My shadow flirts with the sun
As I caress the darkness
We are one and separate
As my shadow smiles
Anxiety suffocates me
The shadow will soon fade
I shall die
One happy, one not...

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Categories: angst, destiny, introspection, pain,

Premium Member Magical Moonlight
at midnight
as moonlight shadows
dance on the inky blue ocean
and watch as they sparkle and shimmer like tiny stars,
pirouetting gracefully like prima ballerinas with the ocean as their stage 

Writing Challenge 1, September 2019 - Eight Line Form
Sponsor, Dear Heart - Wiishkobi Ode
Checked with PS Syllable counter 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21...

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Categories: moon, ocean,

Premium Member A Balloon
a balloon
canary yellow
the sun on her leash

AP: 1st place, Honorable Mention 2020, Honorable Mention 2020

Submitted on June 26, 2020 for contest STRAND COMPLETELY NEW POETRY (1) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND  -  HONORABLE MENTION

POTD  -  June 26, 2020...

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Categories: child, color, imagination, sun,

Premium Member A Tempest of Tears
reflective puddles
of rained regrets and sins

I offer my humility
the only gift I can give.

Susan Ashley 
September 2, 2018

~ First Place ~
Premiere Contest: Pithy Pants 
Sponsor: Maureen McGreavy...

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Categories: appreciation, beauty, introspection, spiritual,

Premium Member Chaplinesque
I am a silent movie,
a corny melodrama
played in black and white
with an observable flicker.
A little tramp
accompanied by ragtime piano.

You are pure A-list 
Dolby digital
THX, IMAX laser, 
Oscar winner
3D blockbuster.

And yet you love

Written 26 Apr 2020...

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© John Watt  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: film, love,

Premium Member Star Riders
The end, so close yet so far
We're riding our shooting star
Our life, the blink of an eye
A flash, that lights up the sky
It's sad so few will see
Our brilliant entirety
But for, those few that do
Imagine the dazzling view.

In life, blazing a trail,
At the end, a star with a tale.

    Daniel Turner

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Categories: celebration, encouraging, life,

Premium Member Emergent
And yes, she will rise and conquer

She is queen of her own destiny

Her spirit is indomitable 

Her eyes aflame with passion 

Her warrior heart beats to its own drum

She will not just survive-
(let the world take note)

but thrive

*Dedicated to all warrior princesses, wherever they may be found

** Poetry on photo art mine...

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© Tom Woody  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: beauty, celebration,

Premium Member Lilac Longing
When rooted promises shift through dusts of seasonal change,
from a kyanite blue breeze to whirling wisps of lilac longing.
Memories live on, as nothing of value is ever lost. ...

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Categories: imagery,

Premium Member A Ripple In Time
A new borns cry
Tearful last good bye

Swaying waves of golden prairie grass
Shifting desert dunes - an hour glass

An acorn dropping among forest leaves
To mighty oak - a lifetime of dreams

The changing moon - to full again
Each morn' the sun - new skies begin

Eagles soar high - our hearts go there
These ripples in time - we all share

©Donna Jones...

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Categories: introspection,

Premium Member Winter
thick blanket of snow snuggling the flowerbeds with a winter wrap

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Categories: snow, winter,

Premium Member Scintillating Snowflakes
Wintry white wisps wondrously whirl Soft sparkling snowflakes silently swirl Coolly carpeting countrysides carefully Dazzling diamonds dancing delightfully Submitted Contest forms A contest Sponsored by Broken Wings 28th December 2014

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Categories: winter,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things