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Long Imagery Poems

Long Imagery Poems. Below are the most popular long Imagery by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Imagery poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Echoes of a Shady Past
An icy chill descends on 13 Beaver Veil Cottage as sisters Ester and Ellie walk gingerly up the steps on this wet and windy night.
This once charming pied-a-terre was now in a final phase denouement.

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Categories: art, birth, character, courage, dark, imagery, imagination,
Form: Prose

Premium Member Echoes Of A Shady Past Part Two
n icy chill descends on 13 Beaver Veil Cottage as sisters Ester and Ellie walk gingerly up the steps on this wet and windy night.
This once charming pied-a-terre was now in a final phase denouement.

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Categories: character, dark, death, emotions, gothic, imagery, imagination,
Form: Prose
Premium Member An Bee Cailleach
“Éagmais croí a dhíscaoileadh ar gach eagla.
Faoi dhíon taobh istigh de na blianta seo.
Fanacht i bhfianaise, a dhíscaoileadh ar gach eagla.
Ós rud é go ndearnadh tú a chaitheamh.
Briseadh an tost seo”

"An Bee Cailleach"

She lives to...

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Categories: fantasy, imagery, joy, life, love, magic, symbolism,
Form: Free verse
Self Reflections

These are poems about mirrors, images, self-image, reflections, impressions and self-reflection. 

Self Reflection
by Michael R. Burch 

for anyone struggling with self-image

She has a comely form
and a smile that brightens her dorm ...
but she's grossly...

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Categories: identity, image, imagery, metaphor, mirror, self, symbolism,
Form: Rhyme
by Michael R. Burch

Toss this poem aside
to the filigreed and the wild tide
of sunset.

Strike my name,
and still it is all the same.
The onset

of night is in the despairing skies;
each hut shuts its bright bewildered eyes.

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Categories: imagery, extended metaphor, fantasy, happiness, hope, hyperbole, i
Form: Pastoral

Ancient Haiku
These are translations of some of the oldest Japanese waka, which evolved into tanka, renga and haiku. 

While you decline to cry,
high on the mountainside
a single stalk of plumegrass wilts.
—O no Yasumaro (circa 711), translation...

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Categories: culture, imagery, inspiration, international, metaphor, nature, poetry,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The True Mother
“The True Mother”

What part of a heart
in another could one trust
when betrayal comes
like a silver bullet, words and deeds
sharp piercing to burrow 
bleed out Life’s dreams 
rust crumbles to dust

Virulent apathy spreads 
Betrayal’s destruction 

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Categories: betrayal, imagery, love, mother daughter, psychological, symbolism,
Form: Free verse
Whats Behind the Curtain
I used to dream of a dark hall. Dim. Empty with thick cheap navy curtains. 
The breeze. It felt hot and old. It shivered in the curtains that lined the walls on both sides.
The breeze....

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Categories: anxiety, dark, dream, imagery, symbolism,
Form: Free verse
Poems About Poems Iv
Poems about Poems IV

The Toast
by Michael R. Burch

For longings warmed by tepid suns
(brief lusts that animated clay),
for passions wilted at the bud
and skies grown desolate and gray,
for stars that fell from tinseled heights
and mountains bleak...

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Categories: imagery, allegory, allusion, appreciation, art, poems, poetry, poets,
Form: Rhyme
Haiku Translations of the Oriental Masters
Grasses wilt:
the braking locomotive
grinds to a halt
—Yamaguchi Seishi, translation by Michael R. Burch

Oh, fallen camellias,
if I were you,
I'd leap into the torrent!
—Takaha Shugyo, translation by Michael R. Burch

The first soft snow:
leaves of the awed jonquil

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Categories: animal, beauty, imagery, nature, philosophy, world,
Form: Haiku
Pablo Neruda Translation: Every Day You Play
Every Day You Play
by Pablo Neruda
loose translation by Michael R. Burch

Every day you play with Infinity’s rays.
Exquisite visitor, you arrive with the flowers and the water.
You are vastly more than this immaculate head I clasp...

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Categories: imagery, aubade, beauty, dog, for her, fruit, happiness,
Form: Free verse
Zen Death Haiku Ii
Today, catching sight of the mallards
crying over Lake Iware:
Must I too vanish into the clouds?
—Prince Otsu translation by Michael R. Burch  

This world—
to what may we compare it?
To autumn fields
lying darkening at dusk
illuminated by...

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Categories: death, imagery, life, nature, symbolism, visionary, world,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The Remaining - Prologue: Terra Firma and the Bitumen
“The Remaining”

PROLOGUE:  “Terra Firma and The Bitumen”

"The slow descent into Hell
Had led Her mind to escape to Heaven
Her firmament was Her Mind
Her body just a Shell"

Heaven for Her existed in The Dream
She called Her...

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Categories: angel, daughter, god, heaven, imagery, jesus, mother,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ante Bellum

BEIGEBest served where it can’t be seen
On Stirling Silver platters
With redruM narcotics
Delivered by sharp Blood-Red
Well-mannered talons
Strutting in sleek wet rolling tight-skirted
Long French Silk Stockinged legs all the way down to 
Lethal Six Inch stilettos...

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Categories: america, bible, corruption, imagery, war,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Swoon Hypothesis - Part 2
"The Swoon Hypothesis" - Part 2

Arimathea stands next to you and I on the deck, soon we are back in Nazareth, you press into my palm, 
“A very rare Dubunni coin” you say - on...

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Categories: imagery, jesus, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Rainy Days, and the Old Red Barn
“Allen saw it first 
Charlie then later
Allen chased the black raven
Charlie lived his dreams”.

Steady rain had been falling for two straight days
In dimming, muted light.

Striding out from the middle of a weeded field
The two men...

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Categories: adventure, bird, dream, horror, imagery, magic, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Kept Woman
delves deeply into my dream;

vibrations fondle anticipation
foreplay wakes wide-eyed 
swells of liquid libido quake the rendezvous edge -
a primordial being in his prime
a masculine ego quest for affaire d’amour;
her night-loving body 
c h a...

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Categories: allegory, betrayal, fate, imagery, love, lust, sensual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Veiled
"Lizzie Borden took an axe,
gave her mother forty whacks,
when she saw what she had done,
gave her father forty-one,
she washed herself from a watered pail,
she claimed their lies and vicious tales,
she pled not guilty and moaned...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allusion, analogy, evil, father daughter, imagery, murder,
Form: Narrative
I hanker and pine for wood burning stove weather
I hanker and pine for wood burning stove weather

I haint no spring chicken,
("Buk buk buk buk ba-gawk!")
but in Summer re: 
long in tooth sexagenarian 
nostalgic for the following imagery 
evoked yesterday with very little effort

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Categories: imagery, age, allegory, appreciation, celebration, confusion, halloween, natural
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Driving Alone Through the Sand Hills of Nebraska
My love is light (a fairy kiss?)          
               Like the pressure of...

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Categories: imagery, lost love,
Form: Blank verse
Poems About Poets I
Poems about Poets I

The Wonder Boys
by Michael R. Burch

for Leslie Mellichamp

The stars were always there, too-bright cliches:
scintillant truths the jaded world outgrew
as baffled poets winged keyed kites—amazed,
in dream of shocks that suddenly came true ...


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Categories: imagery, inspiration, muse, poems, poetry, poets, romantic, writing,
Form: Verse
Premium Member CREATIVTY- PERCEPTION-tenet 1x4






This short  eBook encompasses my experiences of the creative in both art and poetry in particular.The content of each of the four...

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Categories: imagery, education, poetry,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Juozas Miltinis Learning Years In Paris
It was September 
Of one thousand 
Nine hundred seven
The end of summer
With apples lying thickly
Under the apple trees
And the smell of Autumn
Covering the grass
Filled with ripe yellow
And orange squash
He was born in a little
Wooden house...

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Categories: imagery, art, destiny, french, history,
Form: Bio
Premium Member MY Collaboration with Actor, Singer: Ricky Nelson in the Mid Winter of ''80: PART I
MY Collaboration with Ricky Nelson in the Last Days of 1980

The eventful news of that day about what was found on board that crashed plane, won't replace that particular memory of Mr. Rick Nelson's hearty...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: appreciation, celebrity, girlfriend, imagery, lost, peace, wife,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Kidnapped By Aliens
They had kept me imprisoned there for three full days,
In that sparse, solitary room, of scarce sunshine rays.

Having good food to eat, had never been a problem; 
They brought hot meals, but the problem was...

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Categories: adventure, earth, fantasy, imagery, space, stars,
Form: Couplet

Book: Reflection on the Important Things