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Long Engagement Poems

Long Engagement Poems. Below are the most popular long Engagement by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Engagement poems by poem length and keyword.

Poems of Recanted Bachelorhood
Poems of Recanted Bachelorhood

by Michael R. Burch

& disarming,
but mostly ALARMING
since my resolve


by Michael R. Burch

Beth, my sweet,
fresh as a daisy,
when I’m with you
my heart beats like crazy
& my future gets hazy ...


What Goes Around, Comes

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Categories: desire, engagement, first love, girl, love, marriage,
Form: Verse

If I Falter
If I Falter
by Michael R. Burch

for Beth

If I regret
fire in the sunset
exploding on the horizon,
then let me regret loving you.

If I forget
even for a moment
that you are the only one,
then let me forget that the...

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Categories: desire, engagement, fire, for her, friendship love,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Trump's Intake Interview
you've reached the EcoTherapist Cooperative.
How can we help you
without bringing harm to Others?

That's a question I've never thought about.
I'm calling for the National Republican Party.
We would like to hire an EcoTherapist
for a consultation
during the 2020...

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Categories: engagement, america, caregiving, earth day, health, humor, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Bone Idol
[First posted in 3 parts. Intended novel: time never allowed]

This,  Sir, is the prologue from before our tale begins
About the day our father did succumb to mortal sins
And left behind a man who would...

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Categories: engagement, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Song of Amergin: Translation
The Song of Amergin: Modern English Translations

The Song of Amergin
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

I am the sea breeze
I am the ocean wave
I am the surf's thunder
I am the stag of the seven tines
I am...

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Categories: engagement, ireland, myth, mythology, song, storm, visionary, war,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Animal 'Quackers' - Comments and Response From Poemhunter
** ORIGINAL MESSAGE ******************** 
Lora Colon –

Okay, Long Tooth. You have some explaining to do. Really. I'm not sure what you are trying to say in this poem.

I 'sort of' get the...

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Categories: appreciation, engagement, humor,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Teatalk
Do you share my concern that your happiness and healthy life are too ephemeral,

No! Why? Do you know something I should know?

Not likely.
Just wondering,
awed by your capacity,
your relentlessly positive energy for life,
despite the odds of...

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Categories: engagement, culture, earth, health, history, love, political,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Bartender Tales Ii: Changes
Kerris  spoke to Damian the junior 
Bartender on the phone.  "Yeah, it's 
8 o'clock now.  I'll be there  at 9 to
Open.  Meet me there at that time."
He smiled happily thinking...

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Categories: beautiful, blue, engagement, friend, friendship, heart, life,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Engaging the Family Laundry
Perhaps infertile
unwashed memories
of elder v younger,
Goliath v David,
crusades v communion
critical, yet part of chronic, events
speak extended family disengagement truth
to powerful dirty laundry engagement failures.

That disclaimer said,
I have two incomplete conversations
in mind and heart
and what I...

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Categories: engagement, culture, destiny, games, health, integrity, peace, religion,
Form: Political Verse
I’m A “Street Fighter” 
You see the “Wings” CHUN 
You don’t want “NUN”-CHUCK
Check my IP MAN
my Impulse 
I’m the “1ONE” Fearless 
Jackie’s First Strike “Unleashed”
In a...

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Categories: engagement, art, courage, deep,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Plane Crashes Fate Takes Over
It was Christmas Eve and I was at the airport,
Not a soul in sight, almost deserted, it was 10.00 pm,
Only two hours before Christmas day,
Perhaps if I got on a plane, I would see Santa...

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Categories: engagement, love,
Form: Free verse
Love Poems I
LOVE POEMS I by Michael R. Burch

These are love poems by Michael R. Burch: original poems and translations about passion, desire, lust, sex, a first date and dating, a first crush, a first girlfriend and...

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Categories: engagement, friendship love, inspirational love, lost love, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sacred Spacemaking
Dear Neighbors,
community co-investors,
sharing an outdoor green riverside Commons
and an indoor
historical CommonSpace

Both, and all, sacred
to panentheistic me
and probably more mundanely secular
to monoculturing LeftBrain dominant
verbally rationalistic

And yet, co-relational lives of thought
and feeling always matter
to cooperative
effective communication resilience

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Categories: engagement, community, culture, health, integrity, power, relationship,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
The Providentiality of Farming In Giantvillism - Page 1
The Providentiality of Farming in Giantvillism 

Eccentric people with their characteristics and ways must move forward to a more defined place.
The climate enriches the Earth and science is formed for the vegetation to bloom.
By being...

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Categories: engagement, adventure, art, best friend, birth, language, leadership,
Form: Narrative
The Mountain Goat
The noise aboard the motor boat reminds me that I was not alone
The high perspiration smell from the young couple sitting beside me
caused me to remember the green wood’s in Virginia and the squirrels
chasing each...

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Categories: engagement, angel, courage, creation, friendship, leadership, love, missing,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Chapter 36 -- Damian Delilah Mallory and Polly
Molly had just awoke from a
Nap when Damian rang her bell
Carrying Damian Junior. "Hey
Damian." She had to be calm for 
The Baby's sake. He placed
DJ in a small bassinet that he
Brought with him.  Then...

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Categories: engagement, angst, confidence, deep, future, happiness, heart,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member When We Need Companionship
Insufficient knowledge for fully comprehensive consciousness
is also
more than sufficient ignorance
of our individual and collective participation
in comprehensive disease, despair, degeneration, decay,
anger and fearful partisanship,
climatic cultural change
in both Interior and Exterior Landscapes.

So which do we continue to...

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Categories: engagement, culture, health, love, peace, political, trust, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Blue Tolerating Red Intolerance
To Ecological Greens
concerned about tolerating
monotheistic Red intolerance
of unstraight
panentheistic EarthDays
and dualdark wiki-nights
potentially bicameral
neurosystemic cooperative regenerations
of win/win resonant
robust images

Any nonbinary person
all growed up
in a homophobic
male anthrosupremacist monoculture
must not fail to see
to hear
to smell
to feel

Will have trouble...

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Categories: engagement, blue, earth day, green, health, peace, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Sacred Regeneration
In Regenerative Design,
dialectical cooperative contrasts
need not also mean
suspiciously diabolical 
competitive win/lose opposition
to our own internal RightWing
kinda venomously professional
commodified LeftBrain dominant encultured
prejudiced inside privileged
ego-supremacist voices.

In Regenerative Communication,
sometimes questions
are expressed as peace-intended
hypothetical Truth Statements,
awaiting sacred polycultural transubstantiation

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Categories: engagement, health, integrity, music, passion, peace, power, relationship,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member I Got Ya Back
1. If Jesus was physically here alive, today (He is WHAT???)
What do you, what do you think He'll SAY!!!
Well now, many of you self-righteous and holier than thou saints and Christians;
Seems like there's something your...

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Categories: analogy, appreciation, best friend, confidence, engagement, humanity,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member L'Overture

Lest we forget
Words often mouthed
For the dead of bloody war
Forgot not those great ones
Whose battles were on the home front
Seeking only equality of voice

Ray Charles to you was a singer
Backwards and long ago he was...

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Categories: engagement, black african american, encouraging, freedom, french, history,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Regenerate Intelligence
I often fail to notice
nuanced distinctions
between ethics of punishment,
retribution, on right hand
and boycott,
shunning revenge, on my left;

Between reigning down further abuse
and more quietly raining temporary neglect,
political distancing.

Punishment is a tool
for privileged narcissists,
win/lose competitors,
for fake-righteously...

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Categories: engagement, earth, extended metaphor, health, heart, integrity, political,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Rightbrain Victim Questions
What if we live in and out
among and yet autonomously
with and sometimes against
LeftBrain dominant enculturation?

predation with ego-logical economic secular outcomes
too often predicting compromised long-term health
in exchange for conserving an evolutionary win/lose model
serving industriously degenerating corporate...

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Categories: engagement, community, health, history, integrity, peace, philosophy, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Dearly Departing Christians
Many of you live
humbly and heartily
patriotically and industriously
nutritiously and faithfully
in Western and Southern States,

United in this time of shrinking reservoirs,
dying rivers,
hurricaned coastal residents

Displaced by floods,
invasive mold,
voracious rot and rats,

Barren top soil,
failing electrical networks,
inhumane heat,
decimated forests


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Categories: engagement, america, christian, culture, environment, health, integrity, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Pope Francine's Transfiguration
If Laudato Si'
were written by Pope Francine
and not me
replacing Pope Francis's
root anthrosupremacist choices
with similar
but more nuanced
and multiculturally inclusive choices,
cooperatively healthy premises
might further enlighten
to resolutely empower
a rather more transubstantially engaging
creolizing catholic haute cuisine.

#110.  The LeftBrain...

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Categories: engagement, creation, earth, health, humanity, humor, integrity, meaningful,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Shattered Sighs