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Bartender Tales Ii: Changes

Kerris spoke to Damian the junior Bartender on the phone. "Yeah, it's 8 o'clock now. I'll be there at 9 to Open. Meet me there at that time." He smiled happily thinking about His wife Lanikah. "Alright, later Man." Hakim hung the phone up. Kerris left at 8:30pm. He opened Fahrenheit Lounge every night at 9. It's been in business ten years now. During that time things had Changed. Mike Baker passed away. Cancer had eaten him. Hakim Made sure he had the funeral of a King all regalia included. Black and gold casket, burgundy Herst and a two day funeral for Those who weren't able to be there For the first date. He and Lanikah Were married the year before, June 5, 2017. Fahrenheit had an Up stairs dinning and dancing room Now. TVs were mounted in certain Locations two up stairs four down stairs. Wall to Wall carpeting. Lanikah opened the place before he got There. Hakim pulled into the parking lot And quickly stepped from his new Red Ferrari, strolled into the Lounge. At 6' 4" 260 pounds of muscle bound he was an imposing Figure. Greeting familiar faces, "Hi baby." Lanikah's musical voice Traveled to his hungry ears. They shared a kiss. Ferdinand Cools said, " so you two are Married huh?" "Yes" Lanikah replied With a wide grin. She looked up at him and he looked Down to her and said, "you are my Better heart attack." And she happily replied "You are the sun in my world." An expensive emerald Engagement ring had shown on her finger Along with an emerald encrusted gold Wedding band. Hakim had the same. Behind the bar Damian served sex On the beach to a young woman He carded her. She was of legal age. "GOOD DEAL!" Hakim commended him. "Jaret called to say that he'd be Arriving in 3 days" Lanikah told Him. " He divorced his wife moved To Hawaii Married his second Lover his first son's mother." Hakim Told Jaret's story while he motioned Them both towards the parking lot To admire his new Ferrari. He Didn't wait for their compliments. "That's my LEAN MEAN LIGHTNING MACHINE!." Hakim bellowed with Attitude. As he draped them both With his long arms. Lanikah saw the car a Thousand times. But he liked to Show off. Cools paid him Compliments. "You have good taste." Ferdinand Cools stated scratching his 50 year old Graying temple. "Well," Hakim Said "I'm Kerris Hakim Attorney at Law, Bartender trade by night." The next few days passed like Lightning. Jaret Jason entered the premises at 10:30pm. Kerris gave a loud Holler. "Aaaah, J.J my man!! How in the hell have You been!!?" They bro hugged for about A minute. Finally they parted. "I'm damn HAPPY to be here!" Jaret exclaimed Stretching his arms out to show his Intensity. "Damn happy! I'm keeping by The Holiday Inn. I drove a rental car Over here." He took a deep breath While he reclined into the cushioned Booth. Nikah heard the familiar voice And came to join the party. She screamed With excitement when she saw him. "Oh baby! It's been a few years!" She Embraced him tightly as he stood. Her Long dark hair in a bun became undone. Flowing pass her shoulders. She then Twisted it back into a bun as Jaret Watched thinking how gorgeous she was. He then turned his attention back to Hakim. The Lounge was becoming crowded as People ordered Harvey wall bangers, Vodkas and Bacardi. Bacardi rum Punch was the cocktail of the night. Kerris began, "Now let me tell you about the Stories I've heard recently while serving drinks at FAHRENHEIT." Hakim passed his fingers over his mustache Smoothing it. "A man's wife committed suicide because her Dog died. She couldn't live without that dog." He cleared his throat. Jaret squinted in the Soft light, eagerly awaiting the next tale. "One patron told me of his romantic interlude With a MERMAID!!" Kerris was animated. Raising his eyebrows. Nikah interrupted, "Time check 2 o'clock." She Whispered "Cash draw prepared and accounted for 3,000 count. In the safe." It was to be Deposited the next morning. She bent and kissed Him. He gave her a knowing wink. She then sprang into business back at the bar. "Now where was i" Hakim continued caressing his goatee. Jaret Reminded him. "The man with the mermaid Must have been hallucinating." "Oh yes Must have been." Hakim commented. "Oh yeah 108 year old identical twin Sisters found in a deathly embrace. They'd been dead for 2 days before their Family checked on them. "Another instance a man's 3 year old son Had a heart attack when he discovered His puppy was lost." Hakim told one more Tale as he jumped to his feet to lock The lounge down. " A wife divorced her Husband for not paying the light bill. For ten Years they'd been living in darkness." Hakim locked the front gate first. Then He engaged both bolt locks on the door. All the patrons had long since left the bar. The place was dark. As Maximus the Bouncer turned the Last lights off. They each said their goodbyes. Kerris shut the gate to the back entrance. "Later my brother." Hakim Said to Jaret as they Bro hugged. "Well, alright then! I'll come back Again when I'm visiting other friends." They Shared one last hug. Then J.J sped off into The cool dark night. The Ferrari was parked Steps away. It wasn't long before Mr. And Mrs. Hakim returned to their posh Cozy surroundings they've enjoyed since getting Married. The second floor duplex afforded them 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. They both fell into Bed. He in flannel boxers and she in a silk night Gown. "What a day!" They simultaneously agreed. "Good night my love." Kerris uttered. "Good night. See you in the morning, baby." She said THE CONCLUSION!!!!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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