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Long Enchanting Poems

Long Enchanting Poems. Below are the most popular long Enchanting by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Enchanting poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Earthy Empathy
You've heard that self-unfulfilling prophecy?
"I love humanity--
it's just people I can't stand."

I love healthy humanity--
it's just uppity and/or snooty people I can't stand

I love cooperative humanity--
it's just overly-competitive individuals I can't stand.

Not so distant from,

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Categories: enchanting, caregiving, gospel, health, humor, integrity, peace, political,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Feeling Better
and ego body-systems,
patriotic systems
and feminist systems
mutually improve,
grow more robust,
resonant when WinWin relationships
between diversely paradigmatic elements
within said system
and between unsaid systems
grow more healthy wealth together
well-greased co-operative channels
and web-structures
WinWin overwhelming WinLose
competing smaller self-centered investments.

Capital small-self promotion tends...

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Categories: enchanting, earth, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Finally Saved Part 1 - Translation From Rabindranath Tagore
This is a translation from a Poem (Title - Niskriti) by Rabindranath Tagore, Nobel-Laureate philosopher poet (1861 - 1941) from India. The story successfully depicts the status of women in a patriarchal society of nineteenth...

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Categories: enchanting, father daughter, love, marriage, women,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sunday Morning Joggers
Goodness, I nearly lost my balance on the spiral seashells and broken sea stone chipping matrix.
My quaint obsession with marine life and that skyline paradox blossoming so tantalisingly,  might be a source of some...

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Categories: enchanting, age, art, birth, devotion, feelings, heart, irony,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Skin of Terror
Skin of Terror
- Daniel Henry Rodgers

(The stage lights come up slowly on Michael's face, which is crisscrossed with wrinkles from his fuming anxiety. He peers out into the gloominess at the wheel and tightly clutches...

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Categories: enchanting, horror, mental health, mental illness, psychological,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Randomlings 1-34
Randomling 1:  Matthew Macfadyen

I believe I'm in love with Matthew Macfadyen
He inspires in me a terribly bad yen
But as poetry goes
His name 'spires woes
Cause nothing rhymes with "Macfadyen”.

Randomling 2: Birthday Wishes
For my birthday,...

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Categories: enchanting, cat, deep, depression, dog, emotions, funny, love,
Form: Verse
Premium Member God's Return Ticket
God's Return Ticket

Did you ever wonder about the Almighty’s criteria or selection process for reincarnation of souls back on Earth? Just think some famous politician, movie star, sports figure,criminal, dictator, and so on could use...

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Categories: enchanting, beauty, creation, earth, emotions, god, heaven, judgement,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Words From the Heart - a Collaboration With Frederic Parker
These words of love I give to you, my dear
to have comfort in the stillness of time
and meld two souls to keep love's wishes near
when the length of the years and age will climb
I will...

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Categories: enchanting, beauty, emotions, love, passion, romantic, sensual, soulmate,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member Celena, Brave Celena- Part 1
From Judges 11.
Pronunciation: Seh-LAY-nah

His brothers cast the young man out, the child of an harlot;
He fled away to distant Tob before they found an outlet
For anger, more than what they'd done, to fully disinherit
And drive...

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Categories: enchanting, assonance, bible, christian, dance, goodbye,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Juozas Miltinis Learning Years In Paris
It was September 
Of one thousand 
Nine hundred seven
The end of summer
With apples lying thickly
Under the apple trees
And the smell of Autumn
Covering the grass
Filled with ripe yellow
And orange squash
He was born in a little
Wooden house...

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Categories: enchanting, art, destiny, french, history,
Form: Bio
Dandling Up and Down Upon the Lap of the Wind Part Number Three Rescued
Yes, love is no more or less reliable the more you check on this. Just like the frigid days of winter make their way for the pleasures that lay in awe of Spring I'm finding....

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© James Long  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: enchanting, 11th grade, 12th grade, 1st grade, 4th
Form: Bio
The Untold Story of a Sitar 3

The Untold story of a Sitar Part 3 Concluded

A soothing musical note
Was coming out and floating 
In the air 
In that White coated 
Old auditorium  
Of a different era
Which was so alive before...

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Categories: enchanting, music, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Greenpower Dreams
Last night I dreamed.

I dream--

sometimes too athletically,
fertile regeneratively,
viral, positive and negatively 
and in-between sub-climax performing 
some wins and some perpetual losses 
more ambiguously back and forth, up and down, in and out,
and not nearly sensual...

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Categories: enchanting, culture, education, health, integrity, peace, religion, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Library of Trust and Hope
The Library of Trust and Hope
The Bank of Trust and Hope

(Cant decide on title, so feel free to pick or suggest one)

She was all but four years of age
Birthdays were such magical moments
The cake was...

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Categories: enchanting, analogy, garden, growth, happiness, philosophy, trust,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Therapeutic Work and Play
You mentioned you work with a therapist.  

Has she encouraged you to incorporate centering exercises
and holistic thinking and feeling experiences
healing interior and exterior nondualistic climate events
in your everyday thinking/feeling mutually non-violent practice?

Has she encouraged...

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Categories: enchanting, caregiving, deep, earth, education, green, health, love,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Light Enchantments
Starting way back
with sixteen hundred Scientific Revolutions
in math and physics
biology and ecology
climate chemistry and analogical theology
began transubstantiating dialects
Deductive/Seductive outside
Reductive/Retributive inside
nature of ZeroSoul selves
travelers on a ZeroZen MotherEarth Land
Great time-chain of enchanted/disenchanted Becoming.

Science brought home the...

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Categories: enchanting, earth, green, health, history, math, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Desert Rose
I was driving to Utah, because I had gotten a promotion;
And chose the scenic route, so as to put things in motion.

I had been traveling from Los Angeles, to Salt Lake City;
And the scenery along...

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Categories: enchanting, beauty, faith, fantasy, inspiration, lost, purple, rose,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member The Present and Future Madame President
On a magnificent morning, in the fragrant month of July,
I was heading to a new job, amidst the golden butterflies.

For I had been hired by Nasa's, Langley Research Center,
To work on new projects, and to...

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Categories: enchanting, adventure, fantasy, friendship love, imagery, political, time,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Hidden Treasures

 *        *    *       *           *   ...

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Categories: enchanting, art,
Form: Shape
Fixated Freefall
Falling away,
Away from your embrace
Day by day,
Washing away my face
In the mirror before me...
I ran the race with determination and fury...
I took the correction that God had in mind for me all along...but yet, I...

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Categories: enchanting, corruption, courage, , Lullaby,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Bard of Ancient Smyrna
After enjoying a pleasant walk, I then spent an hour at a park,
And I relished the dulcet sounds, of cheery airborne skylarks.

The blooms were so lovely, all sultry in the fervid sunshine,
And the hummingbirds were...

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Categories: enchanting, adventure, age, fantasy, history, imagery, poetry, time,
Form: Couplet
Robinson Crusoe
I killed my friend,
I never wanted,
Do not see me cruel,
I did it for love.
We both ran naked
Under this influential shower.
No one uncoupled his lips
Against this faint madness,
We were indebted,
Either had to earn the prize.

It was...

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Categories: enchanting, bereavement, betrayal,
Form: Imagism
Femme Fatale
Femme Fatale By A Wishing Well 
  (In The Wastelands Of War)

Warm as breath on placid skin,
Soft as gentle summer rains,
Loud as natures angry clouds
That gather in ambushed lanes,
To confer with the wounded boys

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Categories: enchanting, war,
Form: Rhyme
If My Heart Was a Backpack
On the outskirts of the city
a young woman walked
gazing at art and viewing it lovingly.

Inside her bright red backpack
that carried the contents of her life
was a painting. 

The painting was years old
and at one point...

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Categories: enchanting, feelings, i miss you, loneliness, lost love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Freed From My Shackles - Translation From Tagore
This is a poem (Original Title “Mukti” in Bengali, which means “Freedom”) by India's Nobel-laureate poet, Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941) - a poet, writer, playwright, composer, social reformer and painter. He was a man...

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Categories: enchanting, freedom, women,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs