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Long Child abuse Poems

Long Child abuse Poems. Below are the most popular long Child abuse by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Child abuse poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Pencils In September
I smell like pencils in September.
After they’ve been brought to that…to the machine hanging on the closet wall where our coats, our boots, our bags, and nonsense lived.

You stared me in the eyes, since the...

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Categories: 3rd grade, america, betrayal, child, child abuse,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Summer

has Summer 

The world 
has lost 



all those other 
small dreams 

seen as toys
small and 

casually tossed aside, 
disposable play,

pure shining lights
smiling eyes once so bright, 
switched off,


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Categories: abuse, child abuse,
Form: Epic
You Never Listened
You Never Listened
by Michael R. Burch
You never listened,
though each night the rain
wove its patterns again
and trembled and glistened...
You were not watching,
though each night the stars
shone, brightening the tears
in her eyes palely fetching...

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Categories: child abuse, baby, birth, children, extended metaphor, feelings, soulmate,
Form: Sonnet
What Good Are Our Tears
What Good Are Our Tears?
by Michael R. Burch

What good are our tears?
They will not spare the dying their anguish.
What good is our concern
to a child sick of living, waiting to perish?

What good, the warm benevolence...

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Categories: child, child abuse, children, death, poverty, sick,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member PTSD and Identity Fraud
My stalker arrived ripping our flag crawling over veterans memorial plaques aiming through an assault rifle from across the street her anniversary of the murder meant to end my life 20 years later in shambles...

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Categories: child abuse, america, anxiety, blessing, family, memorial,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member LA Sewers
When I was a child in Los Angeles, you could size up groups approaching by watching their movements.

I remember this gang of older kids approaching me, watching them carefully while looking down to see if...

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Categories: abuse, child, child abuse, childhood, children, culture,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Backhand

You have turned me
inside out, cut open
like a tennis ball
I used to beat backhand
along with the racket
hard against the garage wall

To make sense of it all
as a child, the grief stolen
all too swiftly and replaced...

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Categories: child abuse, mother daughter, strength,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Depths

"The Depths"

From the depths

are the voices
of other 

In that other place,
the monsters violate, 
they take and take
bloody all, what they want

the dreams of women
are torched, murdered, 
next to them, 
the sweet dreams of lives...

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Categories: child abuse, children, humanity, women,
Form: Narrative
The Children of Gaza Lyrics: I
"The Children of Gaza" Lyrics: I

These lyrics were written by Michael R. Burch and were adapted in places to the music by Michael R. Burch with input from composer Eduard de Boer.

World premiere, April 22,2017,...

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Categories: child, child abuse, childhood, mother, mother son,
Form: Lyric
Inxs of Poison From Iron Maiden Scorpion Mamma and Ac Dc Charged Aries Papa
Inxs of poison from iron maiden scorpion mamma and ac/dc charged aries papa

Although gainfully unemployed 
(fate now finds me receiving 
social security disability – 
for approximately 
the last baker's dozen years -
the yeast divine intercession...

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Categories: child abuse, 12th grade, abuse, anger, anxiety, atheist, bullying,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Mirror
The Mirror

When I look in the mirror I don’t see me, I see who I used to be.  A little lost girl that was so abused and so misused, so ashamed of who she...

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Categories: change, child abuse, endurance, family, growing up,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Part 2 You Have To Whistle
Neither Tray or I take any guff from adults, especially adults in authority; it’s a result of having had the belt when you are young, thus learning you cannot trust your care-givers or anyone else.

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Categories: child abuse, giving, i love you, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cooing Birds Announce It's Time
a mere fledgling of twelve, with dreamy eyes,                                                   ...

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Categories: child abuse, inspirational, motivation,
Form: Free verse
Part of my soul severed by their ruthless oppression, demoralization and exploitation of a frightened and abandoned child.

Part of me drowning in detrimental sorrow as a 10 yr. old coerced by the evilness on the...

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Categories: abuse, anti bullying, child abuse, childhood, for
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The History of a Wasted Mind
“The History of a Wasted Mind”


What goes through the mind of a recidivist
Fist full of hate and hurt marking time
Fist full of history, got down with the dirt
The History of a Wasted Child
The History...

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Categories: abuse, child abuse, war,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Burning Truth Steps Forward
Something that stuns me from revelations awakening 
All good people of the world see you Isis 
clearly diamond cut your scale tips heavy 
with the wealth that's stolen from foreign lands 
to build weapons of...

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Categories: abortion, addiction, allusion, betrayal, child abuse, creation,
Form: Verse
Premium Member The Wall
Winnie, wild-eyed, went insane
and sang “Happy Birthday” in the rain, 
while she washed away her bloody pain.

Now all day long she sings that song,
she sings it loud, she sings it strong,
walled in where she does...

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© Eric Cohen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: birthday, character, child, child abuse, loneliness, lonely,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Discomforted By Integrity
I wonder how many parents of students
suffer from studying and teaching white nationalism
against tides of multiculturing change.

And I wonder what our school boards
and state departments of bored children and family thinkers and doers
feel about child...

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Categories: child abuse, health, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Connected To Last Entry

   ...while true feminists say that they are feminists because they care for the well-being of women, the modern feminist group, True/Active Feminism does exactly the opposite. They use the form of "dis-pair"...

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Categories: child abuse, art,
Form: Other
Premium Member The Lewis Trap
“The Lewis Trap”

Well, of course he's misanthropic
He’s a Misanthropic Man
The Devil’s in the details
Buried deep under the covers
Of bedtime stories, slithers ‘neath loose sand

A Liddell bit of cake
A Liddell bit of julip
Sweets for a sweet...

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Categories: abuse, addiction, child abuse, imagery, judgement, psychological,
Form: Free verse
The Children of Gaza Lyrics: Ii
"The Children of Gaza" Lyrics: II

These lyrics were written by Michael R. Burch and were adapted in places to the music by Michael R. Burch with input from composer Eduard de Boer.

World premiere, April 22,2017,...

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Categories: child, child abuse, childhood, children, mother son,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Heavens's Poker Game
In the beginning after God had finished creating this land.    
Satan boldly challenged the heavens for the absolute control of man.
Gods’ architectural blueprint stretched for ages across the sky 
He watered the...

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Categories: child abuse, bible, christian, conflict, emotions, encouraging, god, satire,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Forgotten Angel

Who was she?  They wondered
No one knew her name
Where did she live?  They wondered
No one ever saw her playing
How old was she?  They wondered
Did she have any friends?
What happened? ...

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Categories: angel, anger, betrayal, child abuse, courage, grave,
Form: Free verse

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Categories: absence, abuse, addiction, anger, child abuse, deep,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Vanilla Killer - trigger warning
Another shift ends. I'm dead on my feet.
Too shagged to even eat.
The word leads (inevitably) to you...
I slipped the timesheets from work today.
Another incident occurred...
Sweetie, please be there, and say you care.
I loved working alongside...

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Categories: child abuse, murder,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Book: Shattered Sighs