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Albatross Poems - Poems about Albatross

Albatross Poems - Examples of all types of poems about albatross to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for albatross.
Premium Member Albatross Nigel approaching U S'
Beware of the albatross, under radar he flies.' If he gets To a neck hold? I say' kiss your 'foi gras' goodbye.! Forget about co-ahesion, play it cool with your hand.' Now you're clear of the wilderness,...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, education,
Form: Rhyme
Albatross Shore
Breath the brine in waves and wind Sheer trips that vigil and vile Brave who conquer and will Break the wave thousand times. They wish to steel in steady They command snake to crawl Heave the spirit in obscure decend Pave the...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, feelings, freedom, rights,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Albatross Feather in Jeopardy
Written: April 18, 2024 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another atrocity: letting stone or lime tears slick. A majestic sight—an albatross-nurturing...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, analogy, appreciation, bird,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Death of the Albatross
Today I witnessed another crime, that brings tears to granite or lime. I saw the albatross feeding their young, on midway island from what they had strung. The birds had picked from land and sea, whatever...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, anger, animal, bird, death,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Song of The Albatross No 13: AABB
Edge what remains their last hope, be enshrined, be the breeding atolls summoned to mind. Albatross are one of the bird's largest. These goliath's wingspans are the longest, which makes them less of a landlubber when they take more to...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, allusion, analogy, appreciation, bird,
Form: Crown of Sonnets

Premium Member The Laysan Albatross
We are mislabeled as sea birds and should be called big birds, like that yellow one but we're not yellow. We never land on land for a year or longer, and we been told that we have known...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, allusion, analogy, bird, education,
Form: Personification
Premium Member Birds
seaguls in the sea ~low expectatations to reach~ easy life to live eagles above clouds ~small eyes with a big vision~ ...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, adventure, beach, bird, creation,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Albatross
A bird with a shadow as big as a bus Archaic the sailors that in him will trust Always at sea coming in from the stern Arrogant seafarers will need to learn Ancient beliefs all have basis in fact As...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, bird,
Form: Pleiades
Premium Member Albatross
Astounding high fliers Ace gliders and divers Artful, very skillful Amazing large wing spans Ashore only to breed Awesome and majestic A great bird of the sea. 09.09.23...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, bird,
Form: Pleiades
Premium Member Albatross
A hit tune off 'Rumours' Artists are Fleetwood Mac Amazing musicans! Also a sea bird with An enormous wing span Airborne beauty in flight Alternate name - Gooney...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, bird, music,
Form: Pleiades
Premium Member Albatross
Written: September 08, 2023 Pleiades Poetry Contest ...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, analogy, appreciation, bird,
Form: Pleiades
Premium Member Albatross
Accepting the zeitgeist Adapting to challenges Avoiding all dangers Amusing with the mate Attending the young ones Aspiring to fly far… Ah! What an existence!...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, bird, nature,
Form: Pleiades
Premium Member Albatross
lost in the freedom ~up there in the endless sky~ feathered giant flies ...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, beauty, bird, confidence, creation,
Form: Haiku
Elegy for the Northern Royal Albatross
They called you Grandma - matriarch of Taiaroa Head. Your husband of seventeen years, Blue-Green, ...Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, bird, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member String of Haiku
THE CROW crows constantly caw cacophony of sound bites Impassioned birdlife THE SEAGULL seagull invasion It's every bird for himself aggression with wings THE ALBATROSS albatross gliding thermal uplift and bird soars fine sight to behold....Read the rest...
Categories: albatross, nature,
Form: Haiku

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry