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Poems by Nola Perez

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Below are poems written by United States poet Nola Perez. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Nola Perez.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
10/25/2016 The First Time Ever 1118 Blank verse
10/24/2016 Making Taffy With Margaret 613 Free verse
10/18/2016 She Picks Up the Laundry 1029 Idyll (Idyl)
10/14/2016 Chameleon 552 Free verse
06/24/2016 The Best Day Ever 585 Free verse
05/06/2016 Tous Le Changements 718 Elegy
05/05/2016 Bird By Bird 647 Free verse
05/05/2016 Mediation 990 Ballad
04/16/2016 Hospital Hiatus 531 Blank verse
04/08/2016 Leaves, Wind 716 Free verse
04/07/2016 Making Moussaka For Neil 566 Blank verse
03/25/2016 Signs 630 Haiku
03/25/2016 Blue 479 Blank verse
03/21/2016 Ode To Flower Growing In a Crack In the Wall 1329 Blank verse
02/27/2016 Topaz Eyes 552 Blank verse
02/11/2016 All You Have To Be Is Beautiful 575 Blank verse
01/27/2016 My Grandmother's Ruby Ring 545 Blank verse
01/11/2016 Discrepancies 600 Free verse
11/18/2015 Normandie Redux 512 Enclosed Rhyme
11/17/2015 Staying Dead 515 Free verse
10/29/2015 Fall About Color 736 Free verse
10/19/2015 Timing 1061 Blank verse
09/22/2015 In the Parking Lot 928 Haiku
09/09/2015 Dirge For Antiquity 555 Bio
07/27/2015 Jesus At the Walmart 1004 Blank verse
07/27/2015 Sea Grape For Michael 1419 Blank verse
06/23/2015 Night Rain 1369 Haiku
05/11/2015 James Cagney In the Laurel Oak 776 Burlesque
04/15/2015 What To Remember Instead of Casablanca 704 Elegiac Lyric
04/05/2015 Not the Cruellest Month 1358 Elegy
01/09/2015 Yappy Hour 1229 Burlesque
01/06/2015 Staying Awhile 886 Blank verse
11/17/2014 The War Zone of My Life 1193 Ballad
11/10/2014 Flyover 693 Ballad
11/01/2014 The Ocean, Ours 1048 Bio
10/08/2014 Getting Old 1098 Burlesque
09/11/2014 Light Sleep 587 Free verse
07/31/2014 Solitary Spell 729 Haiku
07/31/2014 Sampling Summer 1050 Haiku
07/31/2014 Growing Skyward 764 Haiku
07/31/2014 Weed Growing In Parking Lot Crack 1033 Haiku
07/27/2014 Mazel Tov 936 Dramatic Verse
07/10/2014 The Best Day Ever 720 Blank verse
07/09/2014 For the Solitary Flower Blooming In a Crack 1404 Haiku
07/01/2014 Going Back To Bed 840 Burlesque
06/18/2014 Watching Clouds 988 Alliteration
06/13/2014 8th Street Elergy 786 Haiku
06/10/2014 The Case For P 963 Alliteration
06/10/2014 Tall Talk 856 Haiku
06/08/2014 Their Simple Beauty 1007 Blank verse
06/02/2014 Lament 814 Haiku
05/29/2014 Time 913 Epitaph
05/27/2014 Island Girl In the Big City 1158 Bio
05/18/2014 Going Home With the One You Came In With 781 Free verse
05/15/2014 The Doors 757 Dramatic Monologue
05/08/2014 My Name, My Name 941 Rhyme
04/16/2014 First Marrieds 627 Rhyme
04/11/2014 Obit For Beau 622 Rhyme
04/03/2014 Progeny 520 Rhyme
04/02/2014 Bible Story 779 Enclosed Rhyme
03/18/2014 Dirge For a Dark Day 828 Burlesque
03/14/2014 The Easter of the Bare Tree 744 Rhyme
03/13/2014 If It Had Not Been For Poetry 540 Bio
03/12/2014 So Much In Love It Hurts 1170 Carpe Diem
03/09/2014 Infatuation 941 Rhyme
03/06/2014 Sunday Shopping 593 Rhyme
03/02/2014 Pas Encore 801 Haiku
03/01/2014 Ides of March 1026 Haiku
02/19/2014 The Tall Country 730 Free verse
02/17/2014 Flower Hour 1241 Haiku
02/08/2014 On Not Lamenting Your Lover 599 Bio
02/04/2014 Fans 659 Free verse
02/04/2014 The Face On the Salle De Bain Floor 664 Rhyme
02/03/2014 When Vinnie Died 860 Dramatic Monologue
02/02/2014 7th Day Advent 601 Rhyme
02/01/2014 What Is Seen Through a Winter Screen 723 Blank verse
01/29/2014 Why Keep Gloves In the Car 737 Rhyme
01/29/2014 Tendresse 802 Haiku
01/27/2014 How We Enter Paradise 902 Ballad
01/25/2014 Cat Nap 671 Rhyme
11/28/2013 Ibis 101 907 Rhyme
11/28/2013 Old, Is It 792 Rhyme
09/12/2013 Eulogy For Frank 1787 Dramatic Monologue
09/11/2013 What To Do Instead of Making Coffee First Thing In the Morning 1575 Rhyme
08/28/2013 History 679 Bio
08/25/2013 At Brooks' Balance 718 Blank verse
08/25/2013 Life Repeats 764 Blank verse
08/08/2013 For Neil, Our Acknowledged Leader 1627 Ballad
08/08/2013 She Signed Up 661 Bio
08/06/2013 Husband of the Figs 905 Burlesque
07/24/2013 Totems 654 Blank verse
07/24/2013 Arranging Flowers 1304 Elegy
07/24/2013 Regressions 590 Bio
07/24/2013 Dock of the Bay 644 Ballad
07/20/2013 Brenda, of the Snowcapped Beauty 710 Bio
07/20/2013 For the Fishhouse 715 Rhyme
07/19/2013 Alpha Dreams 724 Free verse
07/17/2013 A Farewell To Wind 803 Free verse
07/17/2013 Early Morning, Screen Porch 723 Ballad
07/13/2013 Happy Hour 990 Ballad

Book: Reflection on the Important Things